Update Table based on a lookup table

  • I have 2 tables as following. i am trying to do the following update to the 2nd table (Address)

    1) Check if there are any records in the address table with 'Addtype' value = 'To' and all four address columns are null (Example ID=9)

    2) If exists then use table 1 to find a from address ID, copy all the four address columns for from_ID and update those values to the to_ID

    what is the best way to do it?


    following are temp tables with table structures and sample data

    CREATE TABLE #List (From_ID int , To_ID int)

    insert into #List values(1,7)

    insert into #List values (3,9)

    select * From #List

    CREATE TABLE #Addredss (ID INT , Address1 varchar (50), Address2 varchar(50), city varchar(50), stateAdd varchar (50), AddType varchar (10))

    insert into #Addredss (ID,AddType) values (1,'From')

    insert into #Addredss values(7,'test1','test1','city1','state1','To')

    insert into #Addredss values (3,'test2','test2','city2','state2','From')

    insert into #Addredss (ID,AddType) values (9,'To')

    insert into #Addredss values (2,'test3','test3','city3','state3','To')

    select * from #Addredss

    drop table #List

    drop table #Addredss


    Any help is appreciated .



  • Great job posting ddl and sample data!!!

    This should accomplish what you are after.

    update a

    set Address1 = a2.Address1,

    Address2 = a2.Address2,

    city = a2.city,

    stateAdd = a2.stateAdd

    from #List l

    join #Addredss a on a.ID = l.To_ID

    join #Addredss a2 on a2.ID = l.From_ID

    where a.AddType = 'To'

    and a.Address1 is null

    and a.Address2 is null

    and a.city is null

    and a.stateAdd is null

    select * from #Addredss


    Missed the condition for the AddType to be "to"


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  • This is a pretty simple way to do it:

    update b

    set Address1 = a.Address1,

    Address2 = a.Address2,

    city = a.city,

    stateAdd = a.stateAdd


    (select * From #List join #Addredss on From_ID = ID) a


    (select * From #Addredss

    where AddType = 'To' and Address1 is null and Address2 is null and city is null and stateAdd is null) b

    on a.To_ID = b.ID

    You are basically creating to tables here: one that joins #List and #Addredss on the From_ID value, the other that gives you those in the #Addredss that don't have the values. You then update the second table using the data provided from the first table (address information for the From_ID.

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  • Awesome! both solutions work good. thank you very much guys.


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