Saving Circular and Rectangular path in geography data type

  • Hi all,

    I have an interface (google map) where i allow my users to define an area. Google map provides rectangle, line, circle and polygon to define a path or area. I have provided all the four options for my users to define the area. When my users use polygon or line, i get the relevant points and able to save the data as geography data type as well.

    SET @g1 = geography::STGeomFromText('LINESTRING(Points that i get from google)', 4326);

    SET @g1 = geography::STGeomFromText('POLYGON(points that i get from google)', 4326);

    For Circular path define, all i get is one point and radius. Similarly for rectangle. i get the adjacent points alone. Is there a way to convert these points to Geography data type.

    Thanks & Regards


  • Hi

    For the circle you could create a buffer from the centrepoint for the radius:

    SET @g1 = Geography::Point(Lat, Lon, SRID).STBuffer(radius)

    For the rectangle you could try the following. I'm assuming that you are getting a lower left and upper right.

    Be aware that this method may not give you entirely correct results as you are working with coordinates on a sphere

    SET @g1 = Geography::STGeomFromWKB(

    Geometry::STGeomFromText('LINESRING (Points that you get from google)',0).STEnvelope().STAsBinary()


    Unfortunately I can't test this for you at the moment

  • Hi,


    Circular stuff worked but not the rectangle, but for now, i think we are ok with the circular working.

    Thanks & Regards


  • You're welcome

    If you post an example of the coordinates you get for a rectangle I can have a look at it for you

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