How to update order status based on detail information

  • I have 2 tables ( orderheader and ordershipmentdetail). The order can be closed when all products and their requested quantities are received.

    A product in a specific order can be shipped partially( for example, the customer orders 10 bulbs, first shipment sends out 6 bulbs, the second shipment 4 bulbs totally the requested quantity of 10).

    This is sample data where the expected result is to set status=20 on headerid=4 because all its shipments are fulfilled. The other headers will have status=10.

    Can you suggest how I can find the set of headerids that have all requested shipments fulfilled?

    Thank you!

    -- status 10 means open

    -- status 20 means closed

    create table #header

    ( headerid int,

    status int)

    -- status 1 means Requested

    -- status 2 means Received

    create table #details

    (detailid int,

    headerid int,

    product int,

    QuantityRequested int,

    QuantityReceived int,

    status int)

    insert into #header

    values (1,null),




    insert into #details

    values (10, 1, 1000, 100,50,2),

    (11, 1, 1000, 100,25,2),

    (12, 1, 1100, 8,8,2),

    (13, 2, 5000, 100,25,2),

    (14, 2, 5000, 100,75,2),

    (15, 3, 6000, 12,null,1),

    (16, 4, 7000, 12,6,2),

    (17, 4, 7000, 12,6,2),

    (18, 4, 8000, 15,5,2),

    (19, 4, 8000, 15,5,2),

    (20, 4, 8000, 15,5,2),

    (21, 4, 9000, 3,3,2)

    select * from #header

    select * from #details

    select headerid, QuantityRequested, sum(QuantityReceived) as QuantityReceived

    ,product, status

    from #details d

    group by headerid,QuantityRequested, product, status

    drop table #details

    drop table #header

  • This is a little tricky, because you are putting the same data across multiple rows (quantity requested is in each row for the particular headerid and product). Because of this, you need a two steps process: 1) get the quantity received by headerid and product (without summing the quantity requested in each row) and 2) get the quantity received in total. Here is the query I put together using the data you provided. While trying to make the update look a little less complicated, I used a CTE (Common Table Expression,

    WITH q



    select d.headerid, product, QuantityRequested, sum(QuantityReceived) as QuantityReceived

    from #details d

    join #header h on d.headerid = h.headerid

    group by d.headerid, product, QuantityRequested


    update h

    set status = 20



    select headerid, SUM(QuantityRequested) QuantityRequested, SUM(QuantityReceived) QuantityReceived

    from q

    group by headerid

    ) a

    join #header h on a.headerid = h.headerid

    where QuantityReceived = QuantityRequested

    The CTE does the first sum (by headerid and product) and then the second gives us the total quantity requested to the customer. We make sure that total quantity received equals the total quantity requested.


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  • Thank you! That worked. Now my question is what if on the QuantityRequested is not stored on multiple rows? ( say it is stored only on 1 row, the other partial shipments of the product contain NULL in their rows? So we then can sum the Quantity requested ( putting 0 where it is null).

    Will this simplify your query?

  • The best option would be to normalize your database. Have one table that has the general order information (total items ordered, etc.) and have another table that contains the shipment information (without total items ordered).

    Check out this article for 1st Normal Form (1NF) and 2nd Normal Form (2NF):

    For SQL Tips, check out my blog:[/url]
    You can also follow my twitter account to get daily updates: @BLantz2455

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