Automating Backup Monitoring Error

  • Hi All,

    I have created an stored procedure which uses thebelow select statement :

    select getdate(),'Old or No Backup At All For the database ' + s.dbname + ' no backup for' ,s.[Days since Backup]

    from (SELECT as [DBName],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(10),MAX(datediff(d, getdate(), u.backup_finish_date))),101)) as [Days since Backup]

    FROM SYS.DATABASES t left outer JOIN msdb.dbo.BACKUPSET u

    ON = u.database_name

    group by t.Name) as s

    where s.dbname <> 'tempdb'

    Now, I have a batch job which calls this procedure and the output of this select statement is sent to output.log file.

    When I Open this file, I get the result :


    "2013-04-09 18:55:00.293 Old or No Backup At All For the database AdventureWorks2008 no backup for"

    And the expected result should be

    "2013-04-09 18:55:00.293 Old or No Backup At All For the database AdventureWorks2008 no backup for 25(This is the Days difference between getdate and last backup of DB)"

    So the value after for is missing in theoutput file. Although, the value is perfectly displayed in SSMS..

    Can someone please suggest if there is something that I am missing in this script?

  • rollercoaster43 (4/9/2013)

    Hi All,

    I have created an stored procedure which uses thebelow select statement :

    select getdate(),'Old or No Backup At All For the database ' + s.dbname + ' no backup for' ,s.[Days since Backup]

    from (SELECT as [DBName],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(10),MAX(datediff(d, getdate(), u.backup_finish_date))),101)) as [Days since Backup]

    FROM SYS.DATABASES t left outer JOIN msdb.dbo.BACKUPSET u

    ON = u.database_name

    group by t.Name) as s

    where s.dbname <> 'tempdb'

    Now, I have a batch job which calls this procedure and the output of this select statement is sent to output.log file.

    When I Open this file, I get the result :


    "2013-04-09 18:55:00.293 Old or No Backup At All For the database AdventureWorks2008 no backup for"

    And the expected result should be

    "2013-04-09 18:55:00.293 Old or No Backup At All For the database AdventureWorks2008 no backup for 25(This is the Days difference between getdate and last backup of DB)"

    So the value after for is missing in theoutput file. Although, the value is perfectly displayed in SSMS..

    Can someone please suggest if there is something that I am missing in this script?

    suggestion, check your code and mine for the changes:

    select getdate(),'Old or No Backup At All For the database ' + s.dbname + ' no backup for ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),s.[Days since Backup] ) + ' days'

    from (SELECT as [DBName],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(10),MAX(datediff(d, getdate(), u.backup_finish_date))),101)) as [Days since Backup]

    FROM SYS.DATABASES t left outer JOIN msdb.dbo.BACKUPSET u

    ON = u.database_name

    group by t.Name) as s

    where s.dbname <> 'tempdb'

  • Hi

    Thanks a Ton for pointing out the COnversion Miss..!! It helped a lot!!!!

  • you're welcome, good luck!

  • I need one small clarification if you can assist.

    In the datediff function, the second date will always be an earlier date than the first in my case (i.e getdate()). This will always result in a negative value.

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(10),MAX(datediff(dd, getdate(),u.backup_finish_date))),101))

    So this negative value gives me the correct no of days, but it prevents my output to a flat file since it considers '-' as a special character and does not include it in the o/p. Any String after '-' is truncated.

    My batch file goes this way

    sqlcmd -E -S <Servername> -i bkupChks.sql >> result.log.

    Now, the result log truncates the values after the '-' which is needed to be displayed.

    Moreover, I am unable to compare the value of convert(int,s.[Days since Backup])> (Some number) since the value returned is negative 🙁

    Any suggestions?

  • Perfect case for a CASE!

    btw nice post subject, I'm going to use your code myself!

    edit: you could probably move the case clause elsewhere to take care of the comparison, for example, do the case on the results of your coalesc, produce another subquery, etc, but hopefully you can tweak the below and get what you want.

    select getdate(),'Old or No Backup At All For the database ' + s.dbname + ' no backup for ' +

    CASE WHEN s.[Days since Backup] < 0

    THEN CONVERT(VARCHAR(10),-1 * s.[Days since Backup] ) + ' days'

    ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), s.[Days since Backup] ) + ' days'


    from (SELECT as [DBName],

    (COALESCE(Convert(varchar(10),MAX(datediff(d, getdate(), u.backup_finish_date))),101)) as [Days since Backup]

    FROM SYS.DATABASES t left outer JOIN msdb.dbo.BACKUPSET u

    ON = u.database_name

    group by t.Name) as s

    where s.dbname <> 'tempdb'


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