Select in scalar function - what am I doing wrong?

  • Hi

    I'm trying to create the function below

    CREATE FUNCTION checkLock (@van_id varchar , @nextdel DATETIME)

    RETURNS varchar



    declare @locked as varchar = '0'

    declare @count as int

    select @van_id + replace(convert(varchar(11), @nextdel, 113), ' ' ,'') datekey from replicationLock

    set @count = @@rowcount

    if (@count = 0)


    set @locked = '0'




    set @locked = '1'


    return @locked


    I just keep getting the error

    Msg 444, Level 16, State 2, Procedure checkLock, Line 8

    Select statements included within a function cannot return data to a client.

    Problem is I'm not very knowledgable about sql server functions etc and I've been at this yesterday afternoon and all morning and can not see where I am going wrong or find any solution on the net. I won't bother explaining what my function does as its about as straight forward as it gets. I want to use this function inside an update statement being called from a c# app.

    How can I get the row count of the query without using a select? or am I missing something here ?

    Any help would be greatly appreciated here as its really holding me up. Thanks.

  • Replace

    select @van_id + replace(convert(varchar(11), @nextdel, 113), ' ' ,'') datekey from replicationLock

    set @count = @@rowcount

    with :

    SELECT @count = COUNT(@van_id + replace(convert(varchar(11), @nextdel, 113), ' ' ,'')) from replicationLock


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    Society has varying and conflicting interests; what is called objectivity is the disguise of one of these interests - that of neutrality. But neutrality is a fiction in an unneutral world. There are victims, there are executioners, and there are bystanders... and the 'objectivity' of the bystander calls for inaction while other heads fall.
    Howard Zinn

  • select @van_id + replace(convert(varchar(11), @nextdel, 113), ' ' ,'') datekey from replicationLock

    The above line is returning data to the client, which is causing the error


    SELECT @count = COUNT(@van_id + replace(convert(varchar(11), @nextdel, 113), ' ' ,'')) from replicationLock

    Edit - Abu quick off the draw.

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