Column Name change

  • Hi All,

    I have created a few tables with foreign keys and primary keys. Now i am supposed to change the column name of a table. But when i am doing in tfs it throws an error: i ried dropping the foreign key constraints and altering the column name still dint work. can anyone please help.


  • Please provide ddl and the error message you are getting.

    Jason...AKA CirqueDeSQLeil
    I have given a name to my pain...MCM SQL Server, MVP
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  • when i try the syntax exec sp_rename 'table.columnnameold', 'columnnamenew' it executes in ssms

    but in tfs it throws an error: VwA has no reference object or have an ambigous reference

  • In TFS you shouldnt need to use the SP_rename you should just be able to alter the column name in the relevant underlying projects.

    Are you using a DB project in VS or do you have SSMS hooked upto TFS?

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