data for Min/Max rows

  • Hi All,

    Please can someone tell me how to select min/max rows in a single query similar to the one below.

    Select custfirst, custlast,










    from custmer where

    custid in (select max(orderdate) as last_orderdate from orders group by custid, orderdate order by orderdate DESC) OR

    custid in (select min(orderdate) as first_orderdate from orders group by custid, orderdate)

    Thanks in advance

  • Does the OrderId column follow an ascending pattern? What I mean is, can we assume that, for each customer,

    Min(OrderId) is the first order


    Max(OrderId) is the most recent order


    Also, if a customer has only one order, would you like to see it repeated as both first and last?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • OrderID is auto gen number but can use orderdate for this purpose.

    If there is one order placed, then I want both min/max to contain the same long with rest of the data belongs to min/max rows

  • popq79 34287 (12/31/2012)

    OrderID is auto gen number but can use orderdate for this purpose.

    If there is one order placed, then I want both min/max to contain the same long with rest of the data belongs to min/max rows

    OK, this is a bit ugly (and untested) but should get you on the right track:

    with FOrders

    as (

    select CustId

    ,Ro = Row_Number() over (

    partition by CustId order by OrderDate asc


    ,FirstOrderId = OrderId

    ,FirstOrderDate = OrderDate



    as (

    select CustId

    ,Ro = Row_Number() over (

    partition by CustId order by OrderDate desc


    ,LastOrderId = OrderId

    ,LastOrderDate = OrderDate


    select c.CustId






    from Customer c

    left join FOrders on c.CustId = FOrders.CustId

    left join LOrders on c.CustId = LOrders.CustId

    where ( = 1

    or is null


    and ( = 1

    or is null


    --Edit fixed row_number() clauses

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • Won't something like this work also?

    CREATE TABLE #Customer

    (CustID VARCHAR(10)

    ,OrderDate DATETIME)

    INSERT INTO #Customer

    SELECT 'A', '2012-01-31' UNION ALL SELECT 'A', '2012-03-31' UNION ALL SELECT 'A', '2012-05-15'

    UNION ALL SELECT 'B', '2012-03-31' UNION ALL SELECT 'B', '2012-05-31' UNION ALL SELECT 'B', '2012-07-15'

    SELECT CustID, OrderDate -- Include other fields you want returned here

    FROM (

    SELECT CustID, OrderDate -- Include other fields you need here

    ,a=MIN(OrderDate) OVER (PARTITION BY CustID)

    ,b=MAX(OrderDate) OVER (PARTITION BY CustID)

    FROM #Customer) a

    WHERE a = OrderDate OR b = OrderDate

    DROP TABLE #Customer

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