• Hi All,

    I have 4 simple SSIS packages that run successfully on my machine locally.

    I had restored the database from my local database to the server and changed the connection strings in the package to point to the new destination. The package executes successfully at times and fails at times with the below error:

    Error: SSIS Error Code DTS_E_CANNOTACQUIRECONNECTIONFROMCONNECTIONMANAGER. The AcquireConnection method call to the connection manager "Dest_ServerName\Database" failed with error code 0xC0202009. There may be error messages posted before this with more information on why the AcquireConnection method call failed.

    Could any one please help on this?


  • Do you log failed and successful logins in the errorlog of the destination server? If you do, that should give you an idea of why you're not getting the connection. If there are no records in the log of a connection having been attempted, it'll be because the connection string is wrong or there were problems on the network or something like that.


  • Thanks for your reply.

    When I test the connection in the connection manager to the destination server, the connection is successful. Say if I run the package 5 times, 3 times the package runs successful. and 2 times it fails with the DTS_Cannotacquireconnfromconnectionmanager.

    A very Simple package with jus 2 trasnformations.The connection strings are working fine.


  • Well, clearly something isn't right. On the two times it fails, do you have anything in your errorlog? If you're not logging logins in your errorlog then you can run a Profiler trace to capture the same information.


  • Alright....Will check out...thanks

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