Space issuefor Mdf files...

  • Hi,

    We have a sql server 2005 server running on win 2003,

    Our data files are present on F-drive .

    For one of the Database due to space issue we add a another secondary file to another drive and placed

    Pryimary data file in-----restricted state( in F-driver)

    Secondary file added in D-drive-------autogrowth enable and placed in unrestriced state.

    As we have created the secondary file for that database .Now the data should go to secondary file once the primary file reached its max size.BUt we are geeting error as

    "primary filegroup is full" for that database and data is not going into seconadry file...

    Please suggest.

    Many thanks.

  • Hello,

    Make sure the second data file belongs to 'PRIMARY' filegroup.

    And then you can also try shrinking the 1st mdf file using the option 'Empty file by migrating data to other files in the same filegroup.


  • what is the the output of the

    Use YourDb


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