DMV to replace SP_WHO

  • I have been looking at the DMV's intended to replace SP_WHO and SP_WHO2. I have knocked up a query to get data from dm_exec_sessions and dm_exec_connections but dm_exec_requests only shows what is executing, and therefore the database id of what is executing, whilst SP_WHO and SP_WHO2 also show the dbname for sleeping connections.

    SELECT ses.session_id, ses.status, ses.login_name, ses.host_name

    , req.blocking_session_id, db_name(req.database_id)

    , req.command, ses.cpu_time, ses.reads, ses.last_request_end_time

    , ses.program_name

    FROM [sys].[dm_exec_sessions] ses

    JOIN [sys].[dm_exec_connections] con

    ON [ses].[session_id] = [con].[session_id]


    JOIN [sys].[dm_exec_requests] req

    ON [ses].[session_id] = [req].[session_id]

  • Forget sp_who & sp_who2

    You want sp_whoisactive


    It takes a minimal capacity for rational thought to see that the corporate 'free press' is a structurally irrational and biased, and extremely violent, system of elite propaganda.
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    Society has varying and conflicting interests; what is called objectivity is the disguise of one of these interests - that of neutrality. But neutrality is a fiction in an unneutral world. There are victims, there are executioners, and there are bystanders... and the 'objectivity' of the bystander calls for inaction while other heads fall.
    Howard Zinn

  • Have you see this utility proc MVP Adam Machanic produced for the community? Not only is it a replacement for sp_who but it's a great tool to learn more about the DMVs by inspecting the source code.

    There are no special teachers of virtue, because virtue is taught by the whole community.

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