SQL Mirroring error did not auto failover

  • Hi all

    Last night our principle instance alerted us to the fact some logs has not been sent over to the mirror. The errors were as follows:

    The mirroring connection to "TCP://XXX:5022" has timed out for database "XXX" after 10 seconds without a response. Check the service and network connections.

    Followed by a:

    Database mirroring is inactive for database 'xxx'. This is an informational message only. No user action is required.

    Later on this was automatically resolved and all but one database resumed mirroring. My question is where was the timeout, was this between the witness and the mirror or the principle and the mirror?

    Furthermore does anyone have any troubleshooting tips as to why it happened as there is nothing in the logs to speak of.


  • The default timeout is set to 10, you will want to test network connectivity though and adjust this before implementing mirroring.

    Can provide more detail about your mirroring setup?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Hi Perry

    I am thinking now that we perform SAN backups around that time and perhaps the network was flooded.

    What kind of details would you like?


  • Isn't the mirroring endpoint (TCP://XXX:5022) the server name?

    Should tell you which timed out. If there was no failover I'd expect it to be the mirror though.

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