Is there a way to automate the manually inserted data i ssis pls le me know

  • I hav inserted some records manually into the target table but we dont want that we want to automate the insertion of data how can i do that in ssis 2008 pls help me in this

  • Where is your data coming from?

    Once we know that we can say if SSIS will perform the tasks needed to import the data for you.

  • We are getting it from the sql database

  • Then yes, SSIS will be able to read data from 1 database then insert it into another database.

  • I will tell you what v hav done it so u can get clear idea what i'm trying to ask

    v hav pulled some records frm different source tables by joining them

    and v hav to add some records manually to the target table based on the granularity level lik depending on region, country, city, state etc for the same records in the target table v r providing some condition and v r inserting it to target table.

    this v want to automate it how to do tat?

    i hope i hav not confused u:-)

  • If you know the logic and the joins and have the SQL statements to do all the work, you just need to use the data flow tasks and supply the task with the SQL statement which generates the data then link it to the destination table.

  • k thanks a lot for ur suggestion

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