ssis daily package for zip file

  • How i can create a package to download file from website which is in zipped format then i have to load that file after unzipp to the table?. I have a website where every day new file come they just change the file name by changing the date in filename(like for today file name will be "center_2012_05_09.csv.gz" and tomorrow it will be "center_2012_06_09.csv.gz").I have to create a package which first should load the file in some folder then it should unzip that file and it should load that .csv(unzip) file to my table.How we can do that in ssis?.

  • Does the website have a webservice that you can use to download the file?

    Or an FTP server?

    If you need to download it over http:

    Downloading a file over HTTP the SSIS way

    You can use expressions to deal with the changing filename.

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  • it interest me to read a lot on your post. cool..

    simple and friendly person.
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  • yes,it has webservice.

  • Can you use the webservice to get the file?

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    MCSE Business Intelligence - Microsoft Data Platform MVP

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