query AD in SSIS

  • I would like to use SSIS get data from AD to a SQL table.

    I setup the ado.net conneciton manager and in the source connection, I tried to use command like below:

    SELECT title, displayname FROM 'LDAP://my-server' WHERE objectCategory='User'

    I keep getting the error,

    Errormessage: ADsDSOObject failed with no error message available.

    If I add a specific another criterior to pull a specific user :

    and employeeid='HR2002222' it will pull the only record and without any error,

    what could be wrong, thanks.

  • I ran into a problem where the LDAP query would only return 1000 rows and then error out. There's an AD setting to increase that but I had to break my query up with criteria that brought back less than 1000 rows at a time and execute it as many times as I had to in order to get all the rows.


    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • I think you are right, if I give a criterior that limits it to a small dataset, there is no error.

    How do you make the query to pull only a small number of rows and does it multiple times in this case?


  • Any other recommendations to pull more than 1000 rows.

    I guess maybe change AD server setting from 1000 to more is not a recommended one?


  • Changing the settings would be great. My experience is that the AD sysadmins don't usually like to do that.

    In my case, I used a filter on a column in our AD called 'department' like so:


    WHERE objectClass = ''User'' and department = ''0*''

    So I had 10 queries, each picking out department numbers that started with the numbers 0-9. It worked in my case because everyone I cared to retrieve had a department number as a part of their AD entry. Also note that the pattern mathing syntax is different from the normal tsql 'like' syntax.

    And then again, I might be wrong ...
    David Webb

  • Using connection managers etc like that just didn't work for us so I successfully use a script source task to read AD data using Imports System.DirectoryServices

    and along these lines:


    Dim dEntry As New DirectoryEntry("LDAP://OU=User Accounts,DC=mydomain,DC=mine,DC=LOCAL", "domainaccount", "password", AuthenticationTypes.Secure)

    Dim dSearcher As New DirectorySearcher(dEntry)

    Dim dResult As SearchResult

    dSearcher.Filter = "(&(objectCategory=user)(!(userAccountControl:1.2.840.113556.1.4.803:=2)))"

    dSearcher.PageSize = 5

    dSearcher.SearchScope = SearchScope.Subtree

    dSearcher.ReferralChasing = ReferralChasingOption.All

    For Each dResult In dSearcher.FindAll()

    dUser = New DirectoryEntry(dResult.Path)


    If (dUser.Properties.Contains("proxyAddresses")) Then

    addresses = dUser.Properties("proxyAddresses").Value

    For Each address In addresses

    If (address.Contains("X400:")) Then

    x400 = address

    End If

    If (address.Contains("SMTP:")) Then

    smtp = address

    End If


    End If


    telno = GetValue(dUser.Properties("telephoneNumber").Value)

    Catch ex1 As NullReferenceException

    telno = ""

    End Try

    --------- etc etc

    Catch ex As Exception

    ---- etc etc



    End Try

    Investigate the active directory properties you are interested in - some are best described as object arrays rather than just data fields.

    We successfully process over 3000 records at a time using this method.

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