Insert into table from temp table

  • In my stored procedure, I create a temp table from table A. Then I modify data on the temp table. I wan to insert the data from temp table to table A again but I don't want to specify column names like " Insert into tableA (column x, column y, column z) select columnx, columny, columnz from #temptable"

    I would like to do is "Insert into tableA select * from #temptable" but it does not allow me since tableA has idendity column.

    My main concern: In the future, if we add a new column to tableA then " Insert into tableA (column x, column y, column z) select columnx, columny, columnz from #temptable" will not insert the new column value in the newly inserted record.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks guys.

  • I would like to do is "Insert into tableA select * from #temptable" but it does not allow me since tableA has identity column

    When creating #temptable why do you include in #temptable the identity column from tableA ? Is it required by processing that you have not included in your posting ?

    It would assist those who wish to help you if you posted your tableA definition and the definition of #temptable.

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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  • kaushal_shah26 (8/19/2012)

    In my stored procedure, I create a temp table from table A. Then I modify data on the temp table. I wan to insert the data from temp table to table A again but I don't want to specify column names like " Insert into tableA (column x, column y, column z) select columnx, columny, columnz from #temptable"

    I would like to do is "Insert into tableA select * from #temptable" but it does not allow me since tableA has idendity column.

    My main concern: In the future, if we add a new column to tableA then " Insert into tableA (column x, column y, column z) select columnx, columny, columnz from #temptable" will not insert the new column value in the newly inserted record.

    If you really (really, really, really) want to avoid the future issue of a new column been added to table A you can always build a dynamic sql statement that includes ALL the columns (minus the indentity column) on-the-fly.

    Something like the query below should return the list of columns needed for your dynamic statement...

    select name from syscolumns where id=object_id('<table_name>') and name not = '<identity_column_name>'

    Pablo (Paul) Berzukov

    Author of Understanding Database Administration available at Amazon and other bookstores.

    Disclaimer: Advice is provided to the best of my knowledge but no implicit or explicit warranties are provided. Since the advisor explicitly encourages testing any and all suggestions on a test non-production environment advisor should not held liable or responsible for any actions taken based on the given advice.
  • kaushal_shah26 (8/19/2012)

    My main concern: In the future, if we add a new column to tableA then " Insert into tableA (column x, column y, column z) select columnx, columny, columnz from #temptable" will not insert the new column value in the newly inserted record.

    Any suggestions?

    Thanks guys.

    I would prefer changing the procedure , rather than making it dynamic ; I really am not sure why are you so worried about the new column addition. does it happen frequently in your framework and is it automated ?

    well, just check whether SELECT INTO works for you or not.

    select * into #temp from test

    [Note : In my opinion * is for testing purpose, not for development .]

    ~ demonfox
    Wondering what I would do next , when I am done with this one :ermm:

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