Stored Procedure with a loop or something?

  • I need to make a stored procedure that looks at table 1 and if there is a row set that has a status of P then I need to select some values from the table and insert the values into 3 other tables and change the status from table 1 to C and move to the next row in table 1 and do the same.

    I can successfully do it for the first row but cannot make it go to the next row until there are no more rows with a status of P. How can I make it keep looking through the table/rows and writing the data for every row until there are no more rows with a P status?



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  • You almost certainly don't need a loop (and it would probably be a very bad idea to do so). I suspect that something like this will do the trick:

    INSERT Table2

    SELECT [RequiredFields]

    FROM Table1

    WHERE Status = 'P'

    INSERT Table3

    SELECT [RequiredFields]

    FROM Table1

    WHERE Status = 'P'

    INSERT Table4

    SELECT [RequiredFields]

    FROM Table1

    WHERE Status = 'P'

    UPDATE Table1

    SET Status = 'C'

    WHERE Status = 'P'

    Depending on the size of your tables and the selectivity of the Status field it might be better to do a single select into a temp table and then write to the 3 output tables from there.

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