• Hi All,

    This problem has taken me almost five days and had given me lots of headache. But a very kind person help me to sort this out and i though to share it here if someone else encounters the same problem.

    The problem comes when pass the parameters value from asp.net application to the report.

    The format of the string in asp.net should be exactly the same as the parameter in out report.

    For example the parameter in my report is [DIMPBC Practices].[Out Put].&[P88003]

    And in my asp.net application i was passing the parameter as StrName ="P88003" and i was missing the [DIMPBC Practices].[Out Put].&[] bit.

    To avoid any confusion i am going to past the code which worked for me.

    ReportViewer1.ProcessingMode = Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ProcessingMode.Remote;

    ReportViewer1.ShowParameterPrompts = false;

    this.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportServerUrl =

    new System.Uri("http://perplus/reportserver");

    string strReport = "/PBCToolKitV3Reports/Report1";

    this.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.ReportPath = strReport;

    string strName = "[DIMPBC Practices].[Out Put].&[" +this.TextBox1.Text + "]";

    Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter p =

    new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter("DIMPBCPracticesOutPut", strName);

    this.ReportViewer1.ServerReport.SetParameters(new Microsoft.Reporting.WebForms.ReportParameter[] { p });


    Many Thanks