• Hi All,

    Sorry I'm late to the party, but just wanted to post something for anyone to comment on as another method of solving the problem using date diff and % and a seed date to avoid changing first day of week issues. Personally I'd drop the timestamp part which makes it determanistic when packaged as a function so you could use it in persisted computed columns etc.


    * Find the next "First Thursday of the month" after the input date


    * Mathematical solution avoiding external dependencies.


    * Darren Comeau - 7th Feb 2012.




    @inputDate DATETIME

    ,@workDate DATETIME

    ,@outputDate DATETIME

    SET @inputDate = COALESCE(@inputDate,CURRENT_TIMESTAMP) -- If no input date passed take today.

    SET @inputDate = DATEADD(day,DATEDIFF(day,'19000101',@inputDate),'19000101') -- remove any time component


    -- any Thursday date in time. Could design the function using @@DATEFIRST but perhaps this is more portable.

    @seedDate DATETIME

    --SET @seedDate = '19990520' -- Thursday 20th May, 1999.

    SET @seedDate = '20120320' -- Tuesday 20th March, 2012. -- would give first tuesday of the month


    @dowToday TINYINT

    ,@dowWorkDate TINYINT

    ,@monthForward TINYINT -- The value to add to this month

    -- What day is today, Thursday = 1, Wednesday = 7

    SET @dowToday = (((DATEDIFF(day,@seedDate,@inputDate))%7)+7)%7 + 1

    -- This will handle the seed date being in the future or past, the %7+7 handles negative datediff results from future dates

    -- uncomment for Debug

    --SELECT @dowToday AS [dow],DATEPART(day,@inputDate) AS [dom]

    -- Has there already been a thursday in this month?

    IF @dowToday > DATEPART(day,@inputDate)


    -- uncomment for Debug

    --SELECT 'First Thursday This month'

    SET @monthForward = 0




    -- uncomment for Debug

    --SELECT 'First Thursday Next month'

    SET @monthForward = 1


    SET @workDate = DATEADD(month,@monthForward,@inputDate)

    SET @dowWorkDate = (((DATEDIFF(day,@seedDate,@workDate))%7)+7)%7 + 1

    SELECT @outputDate = DATEADD(day

    ,(DATEPART(day,@workDate) +7 -@dowWorkDate)%7 -- add n days to the first day of the month to return the thursday.

    ,DATEADD(day,((DATEPART(day,@workDate)-1)*-1),@workDate) -- Get the first day of the month


    -- format the date dd/mm/yyyy

    SELECT CONVERT(CHAR(10),@outputDate,103) AS [NextFirstThursday]