What is the recommended size for a SQL Server 2008 R2 64 bit OS Partition?

  • I was tasked with providing specifications for new Database Servers (Memory, Disk Sizes and number, Memory, etc.)

    What is the recommended size for a server 2008 R2 B4 bit system partition?

    I'm having trouble finding best practices documents on the subject.

    I know that I will need space for the following:

    Page file (1.5x of RAM)

    Over 15% free space to defrag disk

    SQL Server and other applications installed on that drive

    Dump file (1x your physical RAM)

    log files

    Any thoughts would be appreciated.


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  • You would actually want your page file on another drive (for performance), although hopefully you'll have plenty of memory and limited paging.

    I wouldn't (at this stage) go with anything lower than 100GB for the system drive (and that's the low end, with more memory increase this in the event that you need dump files). There has been an awful lot of bloat in the way that Windows handles updates and the C:\Windows\Installer directory can grow huge. Even worse there's actually no way to safely clear things out as you can leave yourself in a position to not be able to install updates. Some SQL install files will also go on this drive as well (do not install SQL to this drive).

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • On one of the boxes I inherited I have 24 GB of RAM. That is a bit excessive.

    It currently has 140 GB of Disk space allocation from the SAN.

    This box is the designated the Production Reporting Server and the guy that spec'd it out is gone.

    I still have to spec out Dev & QA Reporting Servers.

    Then I need to spec out Dev/QA & Production Servers for a Data Warehouse. Any general thoughts?

    Years ago I tried installing SQL Server once and the guy who set it up only allocation about 14 GB for the Logical C: Drive.

    I could not install SQL Server because it ran out of space when extracting to C:\Temp.

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  • Honestly, no less than 100GB for Windows 2008/R2.

    You can get away with 40GB for Windows 2003, but hopefully you won't be running that.

    SAS drives are to inexpensive now that there's no reason to skimp on the size of the OS drive (if they are VMs then your storage admin should be persuaded that, yes indeed you do need enough capacity to run the OS without it crashing.

    Shamless self promotion - read my blog http://sirsql.net

  • As a minimum I would have 5 drives if your budget allows.

    -System drive 100GB

    -Page file drive (20GB?)

    -SQL Data drive

    -SQL Log drive

    -Tempdb drive

    You can get away with three by merging the page file with system and tempdb with SQLData.

    Page file drive size depends on how much RAM you have; providing you have plenty of RAM this can be limited to maybe 20GB.

    I wouldnt be looking at less than 32-64GB of ram these days given the current costs and this will limit the paging.

  • MysteryJimbo (1/16/2012)

    As a minimum I would have 5 drives if your budget allows.

    -System drive 100GB

    -Page file drive (20GB?)

    -SQL Data drive

    -SQL Log drive

    -Tempdb drive

    You can get away with three by merging the page file with system and tempdb with SQLData.

    Page file drive size depends on how much RAM you have; providing you have plenty of RAM this can be limited to maybe 20GB.

    I wouldnt be looking at less than 32-64GB of ram these days given the current costs and this will limit the paging.

    Well it's funny that you said that.

    I did not state how much memory that it had and I had a Developer and a Network Guy tell me that 24 GB would never be used by SQL Server.:rolleyes:

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  • Welsh Corgi (1/16/2012)

    MysteryJimbo (1/16/2012)

    As a minimum I would have 5 drives if your budget allows.

    -System drive 100GB

    -Page file drive (20GB?)

    -SQL Data drive

    -SQL Log drive

    -Tempdb drive

    You can get away with three by merging the page file with system and tempdb with SQLData.

    Page file drive size depends on how much RAM you have; providing you have plenty of RAM this can be limited to maybe 20GB.

    I wouldnt be looking at less than 32-64GB of ram these days given the current costs and this will limit the paging.

    Well it's funny that you said that.

    I did not state how much memory that it had and I had a Developer and a Network Guy tell me that 24 GB would never be used by SQL Server.:rolleyes:

    "They couldn't hit an elephant at this distance." -General John Sedgwick's Last Words

    CE - Microsoft

  • Tell him I've got servers using 240GB. SQL Server will use whatever it needs

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