Error 512: Subquery returned more than 1 value....

  • Hi everyone,

    Can anyone plz help me to solve this issue.

    In my SQL Server Enterprise Manager, when I right click and select the restore command, I get the following error message:

    Error 512: Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <=, >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    I'm totally baffled what this means...

    Thanx...and I appreciate whatever help I get.


  • If the you are equating one value from the outer query but the subquery returns more than one value in that case this type of error occurs.

  • I too have seen this error, with queries like

    select * from table1 t1 where = (select from table2 t2 ... where =

    The error occurs when the subquery returns more than result for any single occurrence of

    But ... it sounds as though you are getting the error within EM - after right-clicking on a database, selecting 'All Tasks' and then 'Restore Database'.  Is that correct?

    If you haven't even tried to resolve your issue, please don't expect the hard-working volunteers here to waste their time providing links to answers which you could easily have found yourself.

  • 2 things to try:

    1 - You can run a profiler trace while you perform this command.  This should allow you to see the SQL or stored procedure that is causing the error.  Then, determine what the subquery is accessing and clean up whatever tables are involved.  This would require you to modify tables in msdb, but it should work.

    2 - Use the "restore database" command from T-SQL instead of relying on the GUI in EM.  I learned a long time ago to "never trust your GUI".  You should find plenty of examples in SQL BOL to perform the restore in this way (using T-SQL).  You will need to know where the backup exists at on disk.  By default, it will be under "C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL\BACKUP" (replace C: with whatever drive SQL Server was installed in).

    Hope one of these helps!

  • Run the profiler as geh1 suggests to see the query that is causing the problem.

    It sounds like one of your 'Backup...' system tables on database MSDB might have a problem record on it or the indexes are corrupt. Have you had any probems with backups failing half way through? Perhaps rebuild the indexes on the tables called 'backup...' in MSDB.

    It would help if we knew what version of SQLServer you are running?



  • Did you solve this error ? I am getting this error too and i am working on it. please let me know if you found any solution please.

  • This error is generated by enterprise manager.

    When you click in restore, EM run this query

    declare @b-2 int;

    set @b-2 = (select backup_set_id

    from msdb..restorehistory o

    where o.restore_date = (select max(i.restore_date)

    from msdb..restorehistory i

    where i.destination_database_name = N'database_Name_here'));

    select min(backup_set_id)

    from msdb..backupset

    where type = 'L'

    and backup_set_id > @b-2

    and database_name = (select database_name

    from msdb..backupset

    where backup_set_id = @b-2)

    And when EM set @b-2, the second subquery obtain de maximun restore date of "database_Name_here" database. if you have several restores at the same date, hour (second and millisecond), the result of value it's a set of "backup_set_id" and not an unique value, therefore, EM launch the error 512.

    EM Run this query for all database in the server, for this, in several oportunities, EM launch this error.

    Sorry for my english.



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