• I suspect that one of your records in the User_Master table has the created_by set to the same value as the user_id.

    This sample works fine for me, but uncommenting the 1st value in the insert and commenting out the second causes your error.

    CREATE TABLE #User_Master (

    user_id INT

    , created_by INT)


    INSERT #User_Master


    --(1195, 1195)

    (1195, 1196)

    , (1234, 1195)

    , (5678, 1234)


    with child_user(user_id, created_by)

    as (

    Selectuser_id, created_by

    from #User_Master where user_id= 1195

    union all

    select ro.user_id, ro.created_by

    from #User_Master ro

    join child_user cv on cv.user_id = ro.Created_by



    user_id, created_by from child_user CV

    DROP TABLE #User_Master