Unable to Upload Files into FILESTREAM col

  • Hi,

    I have successfully created a table with a column of VARBINARY(MAX) data type and its FILESTREAM is set.

    I then linked it to an MS Access database through an ODBC connection and created a simple form based on it. I then tried uploading some documents (Word and text) into that column. Some files uploaded successfully with not problem but many failed and returned the following error returned:

    The text, ntext, or image pointer value conflicts with the column name specified. (#7125). Warning: Partial insert/updated. The insert/update of a text or image column(s) did not succeed. (#0)

    When I clicked on Help button, I go the following error:

    ODBC – update on a linked table <table> failed. (Error 3157)

    Using an ODBC connection, you tried to update data in an ODBC database; that update could not be completed.

    Possible causes:

    The update would have caused a rule violation.

    The ODBC database is read-only, or you do not have permission to update data in that database. Resolve the read-only condition.

    The ODBC database is on a network drive and the network is not connected.

    I tried it many times and I kept getting the same error for problematic files.

    SQL Server 2008

    MS Access 2007

  • Is there anything in common between the files that load and the files that fail?

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  • I too am having the same issue. I am able to link/embed .bmp, .docx and .jpg However, when I attempt to link/embed .pdf I get this error.

    Please help!

  • Is there anyone in the forum that is familiar with this issue?

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