SQL Agent not able to start on SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition

  • Dear All,

    I have SQL Server 2008 Developer Edition (64-bit) SP1 installed on a Windows Server 2008 R2 machine. For some reason, I can't get the SQL Agent service to start. When I go into the SQL Server Configuration Manager and select the properties of the Agent service and try to change the start mode from 'Disabled' to 'Manual', it comes back with the following error message after a few seconds:

    "WMI Provider Error

    The remote procedure call failed. [0x800706be]"

    Both SQL Server and SQL Agent service are set to log on as the same domain account, which we have on many other SQL servers and the SQL Server service itself is running under this account quite happily.

    I've had a look around generally at articles etc... but most of them refer to the Express Edition, which this is not. I've tried temporarily disabling the Windows Firewall, but it seems to make no difference.

    Does anyone have any ideas? This is a newly created server and the only SQL installation that has ever been on it is the one referred to above. There's nothing else SQL or otherwise that isn't working fine - just the Agent! Could it be a problem with a setting in the O/S?

    Any help would be much appreciated.


    Chris Stride

  • Chris Stride (2/25/2011)

    Dear All,

    I can't get the SQL Agent service to start. When I go into the SQL Server Configuration Manager and select the properties of the Agent service and try to change the start mode from 'Disabled' to 'Manual', it comes back with the following error message after a few seconds:

    "WMI Provider Error

    The remote procedure call failed. [0x800706be]"

    Is the problem that it cannot start or is the problem that the SQL Agent Service is disabled?

    Have you tried adding the Service Account to the local Admin group?

    see my post here:


    If you are receiving errors related to WMI, it could be that either it cannot communicate with WMI or it's corrupted. SQL Agent needs to talk to WMI to log event viewer events.

  • Thanks for your response MiguelSQL. Unfortunately adding the Service Account to the local admin group didn't work. Fails with the same error message.

    What I want to achieve is to be able to start the SQL Agent, however I need to be able to set it's Start Mode from 'Disabled' to either 'Manual' or 'Automatic' first. In trying to do that, I get error above.

  • Quick update: Rather bizarrely, I've just discovered, in desperation, that I CAN change the start up mode (and hence start) the SQL Agent via Services in the Control Panel.

    Given it wouldn't allow me to do this via the SQL Configuration Manager, which is where I usually do this kind of thing, I had assumed there was no way I would have been able to do this via the Control Panel and didn't try earlier! Although it doesn't solve the issue of the error message, at least I can get on with the agent work!

  • Thanks for posting that Chris. I just had that problem with the SQL 2008 32-bit Developer edition.

    It threw the same error when trying to un-disable it through SQL Server Configuration Manager, but once enabled through services.msc, it behaved normally again.

  • I am having a similar issue. I have SQL 2008 R2 enterprise edition. SQL Agent will not start. The service account is the same account that I am logging into the server with. It has admin rights on both the OS and SQL instance. When trying to start the agent I gett the following error in the SQL Agent log:

    2011-04-05 09:03:42 - ! [298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\SERVICE_ACCOUNT'. [SQLSTATE 28000]

    2011-04-05 09:03:42 - ! [000] Unable to connect to server 'HOST\INSTANCE'; SQLServerAgent cannot start

    2011-04-05 09:03:44 - ! [298] SQLServer Error: 18456, Login failed for user 'DOMAIN\SERVICE_ACCOUNT'. [SQLSTATE 28000]

    2011-04-05 09:03:44 - ! [382] Logon to server 'HOST\INSTANCE' failed (DisableAgentXPs)

    2011-04-05 09:03:45 - ? [098] SQLServerAgent terminated (normally)

    The service account is also the same for the SQL Server Instance which starts with no issues. Additionally, I have another instance of SQL on this box with the same configuration that does not have any issues.

  • Same problem here, but I was able to change the startup type and start the agent from the services console. Thanks. 🙂

  • I had the same experience on a Windows 2008 R2 box hosting a SQL 2008 R2 64-bit standard install.

    By changing the SQLAgent start mode through Windows Services had easily rectified this problem.

    Thanks for your advice

  • faced same issue @ morning, got it resolved through services.msc :-). But whats the reason behind dis stuff where configuration manager fails to start the services but services.msc does???

  • Thanks Chris, same issue, same resolution. Agent wouldn't start and threw this error whether I tried to change startup type via configuration manager or though management studio(failure not surprising as it was disabled. Through services no problems.

  • Check the event log. It may give additional information as to what is happening. SSCM handles things a bit differently than the services snap-in.

    Twitter: @SQLife
    Email: sqlsalt(at)outlook(dot)com

  • Hi Chris Stride , SQL ROb

    I have faced the same issue after installing the SQL Server 2008 R2 on Windows 2008 Server. I searched and struggled lot to find a remedy, finally reached your post.

    Changed the Start Up type by services.msc to "Automatic", then opened the SQL Configuration manager.

    Then, set the Logon User as a Local Service i.e (NT/Local Service). Once the changes done, the Start test becomes enabled.

    Started the SQL Server Agent and the Job's are running as scheduled.

    Thanks for the help....

    If anyone face the same problem, Just try the above steps. 🙂

    Thanks & Regards

    MJ Rajkumar
    (Man of Joy)
    Techno Geek 🙂

  • Thanks a ton Chris Stride!!

  • Same here..got solution just by starting sql server agent through services.msc 🙂

  • I was also facing the same issue. I changed LogOn As from "Network Service" to "Local System", and the problem got resolved.

    My Server's SQL server agent is running fine now.

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