• steve.casey (11/28/2010)

    Better, I think, to stick to returning an offset that is an integer, but one that is in minutes rather than hours.

    Good point.

    Here's the modified version (finally got around to this :rolleyes:) that simply changes the datepart of the DATEDIFF to "MINUTE" instead of "HOUR".


    And then you can easily convert the return value from minutes back to hours, but with the proper precision and scale:

    SELECT dbo.udf_GetGMTOffset() AS 'GMT Offset Minutes'

    ,CAST(CAST(dbo.udf_GetGMTOffset() AS numeric) / 60 AS numeric(4,2)) AS 'GMT Offset Hours'

    I hope this function makes working with time zone offsets easier for others.

    Thanks again Steve for all of your feedback - it's much appreciated! 🙂