UNSAFE SQL CLR Assemblies for Web Services

  • In our environment we have some UNSAFE SQL CLR assemblies executing web service calls. I have always been uneasy about the fact that these are UNSAFE assemblies, instead of EXTERNAL_ACCESS, but because of lack of time to investigate in depth (and the appropriate expertise), I had no choice but to let them be deployed as UNSAFE in the past.

    Now a developer brought to my attention the following link of another UNSAFE assembly for WCF services:


    My understanding is that WCF services are a more secure version of web services, encrypting sensitive info while it passes through the wire.

    Anyway, how can I go about ensuring that this assembly is deployed as EXTERNAL_ACCESS perm set and not UNSAFE?

    Can web service assemblies be deployed as EXTERNAL_ACCESS, or is UNSAFE the only way, and why?

    If anyone has any code samples to share and any advice about how this can be achieved, it would be appreciated.

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