Returning Data results of query in batches based on passed variable

  • I have a request to return 100 rows of data per batch based on a variable passed to the my query. How do I do this?

    Do I load my results to a temp table with an added id and make them use the id as their clause to pick the batch of data they need? This seems unneeded as I am sure there must be a better way to pass them the correct data. Any help would be appreciated.

  • if the requirement was known, then your underlying table must have been designed in the way you say.[a numeric / identity column]. if not, the easiest way to go about is what you have mentioned.

  • here's one way to do it, using row number to select the batches of numbers;

    declare @NumRows int

    declare @i int

    SET @NumRows = 10 --return 10 rows at a time

    SET @i = 3 --i want the 3rd resultset, 30-40



    row_number() OVER(ORDER BY name) AS RW,


    FROM sysobjects ) myAlias

    WHERE myAlias.RW BETWEEN (@NumRows * @i)

    AND ((@NumRows * @i)+ @NumRows)


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  • Yeah the rownumber worked great! I am going to be using this for multiple uses now.

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