Backup into shared folder failed - Cannot open backup device

  • I'm trying to make a backup from SQL Server into a shared folder. Although I am able to manually go to shared folder and create or modify files, but I realized NT Service\MSSQLSERVER doesn't have permission to access to it and it throw this exception:

    Cannot open backup device 'W:/something/backup' Operating system error 3

    I thought since I am able to manually go to shared folder and modify files, if I change SQL Server account from NT Service\MSSQLSERVER to Local System it should work fine. But what scares me and stops me to test it is that at the moment various softwares are working with SQL Server and I'm afraid something regretful going to happen if I change NT Service\MSSQLSERVER to Local System

    So, I thought maybe I can decide better what to do if I understand what happens when SQL Server uses NT Service\MSSQLSERVER or Local System account.

    Computer Enterprise Masoud Keshavarz
    I don't care about hell.
    If I go there I've played enough Diablo to know how to fight my way out.

  • NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER is a Virtual Accounts
    Changing this to Local System don't solve your problem and is a security risk, this is why virtual account was made.
    If this is a domain, MSSSQL running under NT SERVICE\MSSQLSERVER will authorize using computer account, so you just need add access to this share for computer account. If this is workgroup, you can use net use command in backup script eg: or make identical accounts (same username and password) on both computers and run MSSSQL on this account.

  • Thank you. Using Net Use solved the problem.
    Also here  is a good example with an easy step by step explanation.

    Computer Enterprise Masoud Keshavarz
    I don't care about hell.
    If I go there I've played enough Diablo to know how to fight my way out.

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