SQL loop never stops even if I define loop number

  • Hi,
    I have a temporary table, filled from an csv file, then this table values will be inserted in other table, so I am doing a loop of all temporary table rows and I insert/update other table, for the 4 rows it works perfectly,but my code didn't respect the number of rows and never stops, What should I do ?
    this is the temporary table rows :


    and my code:

      drop table #myTempTable
      Create table #myTempTable
      id int,
      CCode varchar(50),
      GLAc varchar(100),
      GLAm varchar(100)
      --Isert from csv file to #myTempTable
      INSERT #myTempTable
      FROM 'C:\Users\...\BAtest1.csv'
      ROWTERMINATOR = '\n'
      -- #myTempTable rows = 4 so @@rowcount = 4
      --Declare variables
      declare @sessionID int
      set @sessionID = 123
      declare @CompanyCode int
      set @CompanyCode = 3606
      declare @GLAccount int
      set @GLAccount = 3607
      declare @GLAmount int
      set @GLAmount = 3610
      declare @parentQuestion int
      set @parentQuestion = 3602
      declare @subSurveySessionID int
      set @subSurveySessionID = 21
      declare @userid int
      set @userid = 144
      declare @idTempTable int
      set @idTempTable = 1
      declare @answerId1 int
      declare @answerId2 int
      declare @answerId3 int
      set @answerId1 = 535
      set @answerId2 = @answerId1+1
      set @answerId3 = @answerId1+2  
      while (@@rowcount > 0)  
      -- insert new answers for subsurvey, I have 3 questions so I will have 3 answers rows to add by iteration (iteration = row number of #myTempTable)
      -- in the first iteration answerId1=535, answerId2=536. answerId3=537
      -- in the second iteration answerId1=538, answerId2=539. answerId3=540 same thing for third and fourth iteration
      SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers ON
      insert into [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers
      ([id],[sessionId],[questionId],[value],[AnswerdOn],[userId],[Visible],[SubSurveySessionId]) values
      (@answerId1, @sessionID, @CompanyCode, (select CCode from #myTempTable where id=@idTempTable), GETDATE(),@userID, null, @subSurveySessionID ) ,
      (@answerId2, @sessionID, @GLAccount, (select GLAc from #myTempTable where id=@idTempTable), GETDATE(),@userID, null, @subSurveySessionID),
      (@answerId3, @sessionID, @GLAmount,(select GLAm from #myTempTable where id=@idTempTable), GETDATE(),@userID, null, @subSurveySessionID)
      update [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers set value=value+CONVERT(varchar(10), @subSurveySessionID) +',' where sessionId=123 and questionId=3602 and SubSurveySessionId is null  
      SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers OFF  

      --insert new subSurveySession row
      SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].[SubSurveySessions] ON  

      insert into [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].[SubSurveySessions]
      ( [id],[lastQuestionId],[name],[questions],[answered],[mandatory] ,[mandatoryAnswered],[subSurveyId])values
      (@subSurveySessionID, @GLAmount,(select CCode from #myTempTable where id=@idTempTable)+'#'+(select GLAc from #myTempTable where id=@idTempTable),3,3,0,0, @parentQuestion)
      SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].[SubSurveySessions] OFF
      -- Then I increment the counter, example : after iteration 1 you will find new value for each row
      set @subSurveySessionID+=1 --@subSurveySessionID+=1will be = 22, 
      set @idTempTable+=1  -- @idTempTable = 2 (row 2 of the #myTempTable)
      set @answerId1 = @answerId3  --answerId1=538
      set @answerId2 = @answerId1+1 --answerId2=539
      set @answerId3 = @answerId1+2 --answerId3=540

    thanks for help

  • The reason your loop never stops is because @@rowcount is updated by the insert statements.

    However, your whole code example is not a good way to write SQL code. There is no need to insert 'values' into the tables, and do the separate update statement, or have a while loop at all.

  • alastair.beveridge - Wednesday, March 1, 2017 2:12 AM

    The reason your loop never stops is because @@rowcount is updated by the insert statements.

    However, your whole code example is not a good way to write SQL code. There is no need to insert 'values' into the tables, and do the separate update statement, or have a while loop at all.

    I don't follow you, Why there is no need to insert values inti my tables ?

  • Assigning a value to a variable sets @@ROWCOUNT to 1, so @@ROWCOUNT will always be 1 at the end of the loop and hence you'll be looping indefinitely.  I have to ask, though, why are you using a loop to do this at all?  Surely you can do this with one INSERT, UPDATE or MERGE statement?


  • John Mitchell-245523 - Wednesday, March 1, 2017 2:17 AM

    Assigning a value to a variable sets @@ROWCOUNT to 1, so @@ROWCOUNT will always be 1 at the end of the loop and hence you'll be looping indefinitely.  I have to ask, though, why are you using a loop to do this at all?  Surely you can do this with one INSERT, UPDATE or MERGE statement?


    Because I need to increment questionID  = @answerId1, @answerId2, @answerId3 and @subSurveySessionID for each iteration, 
    I also tried While (Select Count(*) From #myTempTable) > 0 same problem loop infinitly

  • You should be doing something along the line of

    insert into answers
    select appropriate fields
    from #myTempTable 

    (this is obviously a very simplistic example, you may need an unpivot statement or similar in there too).

    rather than using the 'values' clause in the inserts.

  • benkraiemchedlia - Wednesday, March 1, 2017 2:19 AM

    John Mitchell-245523 - Wednesday, March 1, 2017 2:17 AM

    Assigning a value to a variable sets @@ROWCOUNT to 1, so @@ROWCOUNT will always be 1 at the end of the loop and hence you'll be looping indefinitely.  I have to ask, though, why are you using a loop to do this at all?  Surely you can do this with one INSERT, UPDATE or MERGE statement?


    Because I need to increment questionID  = @answerId1, @answerId2, @answerId3 and @subSurveySessionID for each iteration, 

    Then use a numbers, or tally, table.  Do you really need to increment, though?  Your table has an identity property.  Use it, instead of turning it off for the duration of the insert.

    I also tried While (Select Count(*) From #myTempTable) > 0 same problem loop infinitly

    Of course.  You don't delete any of the rows from your temp table, so the count will always be greater than 0.


  • Here's how to do it without loops. Comment and uncomment as needed.
    I didn't know what to do with the update or it was actually needed.

    Create table #myTempTable
      id int,
      CCode varchar(50),
      GLAc varchar(100),
      GLAm varchar(100)

    ----Isert from csv file to #myTempTable
    --INSERT #myTempTable
    --FROM 'C:\Users\...\BAtest1.csv'
    INSERT INTO #myTempTable
    VALUES(1,'A', 'B', 'C'),
      (2,'E', 'F', 'G'),
      (3,'H', 'I', 'J'),
      (4,'K', 'L', 'M')

    -- #myTempTable rows = 4 so @@rowcount = 4

    --Declare variables

    declare @sessionID int = 123
    declare @CompanyCode int = 3606
    declare @GLAccount int = 3607
    declare @GLAmount int = 3610
    declare @parentQuestion int = 3602
    declare @subSurveySessionID int = 21
    declare @userid int = 144
    declare @idTempTable int = 1
    declare @answerId1 int = 535
    declare @answerId2 int = @answerId1+1
    declare @answerId3 int = @answerId1+2

      --SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers ON

      --insert into [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers
      --  [id],
      --  [sessionId],
      --  [questionId],
      --  [value],
      --  [AnswerdOn],
      --  [userId],
      --  [Visible],
      --  [SubSurveySessionId]
      SELECT ((ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.id)-1) / 3 * 3) + answerId + @answerId1,
       @subSurveySessionID + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.id)-1)
      FROM #myTempTable t
      CROSS APPLY (VALUES(0, CCode),
            (1, GLAc),
            (2, GLAm))x(answerId, Value)

      --update [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers set
      --  value = value + CONVERT(varchar(10), @subSurveySessionID) + ','
      --where sessionId = 123
      --and questionId = 3602
      --and SubSurveySessionId is null

      --SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].Answers OFF

      ----insert new subSurveySession row
      --SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].[SubSurveySessions] ON

      --insert into [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].[SubSurveySessions]
      --  [id],
      --  [lastQuestionId],
      --  [name],
      --  [questions],
      --  [answered],
      --  [mandatory] ,
      --  [mandatoryAnswered],
      --  [subSurveyId]
       @subSurveySessionID + (ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY t.id)-1),
       CCode + '#' + GLAc,
      from #myTempTable t

      --SET IDENTITY_INSERT [iQMPlatform_PwC_Demo].[dbo].[SubSurveySessions] OFF

    drop table #myTempTable

    Luis C.
    General Disclaimer:
    Are you seriously taking the advice and code from someone from the internet without testing it? Do you at least understand it? Or can it easily kill your server?

    How to post data/code on a forum to get the best help: Option 1 / Option 2

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