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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Contact someone who may be alone for feeling isolated

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Corporate Career Progression

I am an advocate of actively managing your career, as well as taking time to think about what is important to you. I say this because most companies where I've worked have not had much of a progression path. They might say developer I and developer II, but the requirements and skills needed are often very nebulous and poorly defined. As we approach the end of the year, I ask those of you that want to drive your career forward to think

Redgate has tried to do better. We had skills maps (reflections), and now we've moved beyond this to a progression framework. Ours is based on one from Songkicker. I don't know what the details of our framework are, but I did read through the framework, which I like.

If you look at the PDF, I was especially the Skills section, consisting of 7 skills: leadership, mentorship, technical skills, communication, emotional intelligence, delivery, and business knowledge. There are example behaviors after this, with differences between roles. A Software Developer (1) ought to ask for help during a standup (communication), or explain product team goals to a starter (business knowledge). This contrasts with a Software Developer (2) where the same items suggest delivering a presentation (communication) and ask a PM for clarification on a piece of work's priority (business knowledge).

While the review of many of these items will be subjective, there seems to be some guidance that helps someone understand the types of skills that they might need to gain or improve if they want to move to a new role. I also like the progression of roles isn't necessarily into management, which wasn't the case when I started my career. Often there weren't senior technical roles that paid what management did.

While you can't make your organization change their job titles or career paths, you might plant the bug in HR and management's ears that having some sort of skills list and examples of what is required for promotion. It can help them better choose the people that will help the company grow, and help you decide how you can grow with it.

Of course, if management chooses to reward and promote those they like, then you have learned something as well. You can play that game if you choose, or make plans to find a better organization by building the skills some other team might value.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Migrate the SSIS Catalog in Just a Few Clicks

Kunal Rathi from SQLServerCentral

This wizard migrates SSIS Catalog from one server to another in just a few clicks.

Monitoring Amazon RDS SQL Servers to Optimize Performance and Manage Costs

Additional Articles from Redgate

Israel Valverde explains the triple benefits of extending SQL Monitor to cover your SQL Server instances running on Amazon RDS, in terms of SQL Server performance optimization, controlling AWS-hosting costs, and in having a single, unified view of the health of all your SQL Servers, regardless of where they are hosted.


Additional Articles from

In this article we look at the SQL Server REPLACE function and show several examples of how this can be used to replace text values in strings.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQLSaturday is dead, long live DataSaturdays

spaghettidba from SpaghettiDBA

This is a very brief post to inform you that PASS has died, killed by the for-profit company behind it. That’s sad beyond words, but we, as a community,...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - ETL Antipattern: No Error Handling Logic

Tim Mitchell from Tim Mitchell

I usually avoid talking about technology in absolutes, but here’s one that I can share without reservation: On a long enough timeline, every single ETL process will eventually fail....


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Reset Query Plan Stats

If I want to only reset the query plan stats for a specific plan, which stored procedure would I use?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Christmas Fun 2020

Which Christmas character best exemplifies the year 2020?

Answer: The Grinch

Explanation: It has to be the Grinch, right? With the pandemic, the lockdowns, toilet paper/roll shortages, and the disruption to our world. Merry Christmas.  I hope you're healthy and happy.

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Development
insert data from Form into two different tables - I have a form with fields to fill : NAME_POSTE, NamePrinter, PathPrinter for example: NAME_POSTE: poste1 NamePrinter: name imp 1 PathPrinter: path 1 when adding these values, I want to insert it into two différents tables: CREATE TABLE Postes ( PK_POSTE int NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY ,NAME_POSTE varchar(20) NOT NULL ); CREATE TABLE Params_Poste ( […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Pulling stats for multiple columns out of a table efficiently - Dear Experts I have a table that accumulates daily stats, defined so: CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Stats2]        ([StatsDate] [datetime] PRIMARY KEY,        [TypeA_Calls] [int] NULL,        [TypeB_Calls] [int] NULL,        [TypeC_Calls] [int] NULL); I need a SELECT statement, or sequence of statements, which can pull out the earliest and latest date on which each stat is […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
SQL performance on couple queries are better on older compatibility - Hello, So i have a SQL server 2014, SP3, with 256 gigs of memory, 32 cores, windows 2012 R2 i faced this issue the other day, when the database was on Compatibility level 2014 (120), the query was performing poor, like it would never return. HOWEVER, when i switched it from from Compatibility level 2014 […]
SQL 2012 - General
How to use Cursor to Execute stored procedure where featurevalue is bigger than - How to use Cursor to Execute stored procedure where featurevalue is bigger than 0 ? I work on SQL server 2012 . I face issue I can't use cursor to execute stored procedure when feature value is bigger than 0 . I have stored procedure must execute with every line where feature value is bigger […]
How to get zplid that have zfeature key value on all rows? - Exactly I need zplid and codetypeid that have feature value on all rows . if I have Null on zfeature key on one row then I don't Need it . I need to get zplid that have features Not Null on all rows as zplid 9714 but 9823,5890 have Null so I don't Need it […]
How to delete Max PartDetailsId for Reapeated parts Based on CompanyId and PartI -   I work on SQL server 2012 . I face issue I can't delete max PartDetailsId from part details based on part ID and company id that related to main table parts . if Part ID repeated on partdetails then I get max PartDetailsId by companyid and partid as Part ID 1222 and 1901 and […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
SQL command returning - - Hi All, I run a online game, and sometimes a player will have neg stats. This is now causing neg score for neg stats. I would like to cap this at 0 if the stat is neg, but im not sure where I am going wrong. This is what I have so far. update #p […]
column has a single quotation causing error - Hello, while trying to insert records to a table making joins between several tables, its found that one column has such entry with a single quote (for e.g, Record'ng date is on Feb 2010 t0 -678659x). Can I either use quotename() function or do you suggest some escape function in order to load the data? […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Join 2 sum cases - Hi Guys, Can someone help me with the below.  I need to joins the below two so that I only have one column. I'm struggling how to get there. SUM(CASE RepairCodes.[Service] WHEN 'Y' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SERVICE ,SUM(CASE ServCode WHEN 'MST' THEN 1 WHEN 'S&M' THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) AS SERVICE […]
How to use the column name alias from a case statement to a join statement - Hello While trying to use the case alias column in the join statement, getting the invalid column error. Error msg: Invalid column name 'ST100'. SELECT TOP (1000) CASE WHEN [Sx].ac_No IN ( 'ARC' ,'GFT' ,'DHG' ,'STF' ,'FRX' ) THEN '45010' ELSE CD.Idea END AS [ST100] FROM CONSUL AS CD LEFT JOIN table2 AS [Sx] ON […]
Reporting Services
Error: Sub report could not be shown - Hi Guys, I am so stuck, and have been for several days now. I am running SQL Server 2014, 2014.0120.6372.01 I have a report which has many sub reports within, the sub reports are all the same report but I pass in a different parameter for each one. Sub Report 1 = Parameters!BusinessArea.Value(0) Sub Report […]
Reporting Services 2008/R2 Administration
SQL services stops not accepting connection - SQL 2008 R2 service pack1 SQL server not accepting connection error in event log A timeout (30000 milliseconds) was reached while waiting for a transaction response from the MSSQLSERVER service. error in sql server errorlog Using 'dbghelp.dll' version '4.0.5' **Dump thread - spid = 0, EC = 0x0000000000000000 * BEGIN STACK DUMP: * A fatal […]
Integration Services
SSIS ForEach Loop Container for XML Files with mixed content - Hello, (can't upload images into body, neither .png or .jpg, size is less then 1024KB) My goal is to read data from XML files into SQL table. The main issue is that those XML files have mixed content that is not supported through XML Source. To overcome this issue i used XML Task with XSLT […]
Anyone using Kingswaysoft ETL integration components? - We're using their SharePoint integration toolkit. We only have a few jobs and have it installed on a single prod server. I was told we could get trial licenses for testing as needed. I'm getting pushback now on getting a trial license so I can test the new version of their toolkit. They are suggesting […]
Article Discussions by Author
Download SQL Patch Info - Comments posted to this topic are about the item Download SQL Patch Info, which is is not currently available on the site.


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