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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Make a meal using a recipe or ingredient you’ve not tried before

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Delivering Patches Quickly

I love cars. In my life, I've owned and regularly driven well over 20 cars. If I count the ones I purchased for my kids and lightly drove, it's over 30. Just writing this paragraph gets me a little itchy about looking for another car. Actually, I'm looking lightly now, as I expect two kids to move on next year and handle their own expenses. So, next year I'm hoping to add another vehicle.

Recently I saw a note that there was an exploit against Tesla cars, which are rarely stolen, but there have been a few issues. This one was against the fobs that communicate with the car. Tesla is working on a patch, which is interesting. They've not only devised their cars, but also their fobs, to get firmware updates. Good, and bad, as this increases attack surface area.

Tesla can patch their cars in real time, and they do this fairly quickly. I have a 2012 BMW, and I have updated the firmware in it, but patches are rare, and most of them seem to be stuck in the "visit a dealer" paradigm. It seems many other makes of cars fall into the same paradigm, and aren't built for regular updates.

In some sense, this reminds me of the way many people deal with the their SQL Server databases. We put code out there, in tables, functions, procs, etc., and often we struggle to update that code quickly. This becomes especially true with applications that use our objects. I often find that changes seem to come slower and slower over time, much like the traditional way that your car is updated by a dealer only.

Ideally, we'd be able to more quickly update code when there are issues. This is especially true if you have procs or other code that could potentially have security issues. DevOps asks us to move towards this type of flow, making changes, and adjusting quickly. There are certainly still challenges with changing code and adapting applications, but if front end developers and database developers worth together, we can deploy code quicker.

Our customers don't care about our challenges we face with writing and deploying code. What they want are new features, functions, better performance, and meeting their needs. DevOps helps, but it's not easy. You have to automate things, deploy code sooner AND be willing to fix your code mistakes. You not only need testing, but testing that improves over time.

It is, however, worth the effort.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Creating SQL Agent Jobs to Run PowerShell

Frank Dolan from SQLServerCentral

In one of my articles, Calling Procs from PowerShell with Parameters, there was a question in the discussion about calling PowerShell (PoSh) from SQL Agent Jobs. I haven't done much of that, as most of my PowerShell is interactive scripts to make work easier when managing lots of servers. However, it was an interesting challenge, […]

Database DevOps for Pragmatists: A Datafaction Case Study

Additional Articles from Redgate

Ami Adler, a Software Development Manager at Datafaction explains how they used Redgate tools, and others, to introduce automation and testing into their Database DevOps processes and so achieved a faster and more reliable deployment process for their application.

Manage Power BI Dataset with PowerShell

Additional Articles from

Learn how to manage Power BI datasets with PowerShell with examples to give Developers and DBAs the flexibility have real time data stored in the Power BI service for reporting.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - EightKB is back! from The DBA Who Came In From The Cold

We’re back! The first EightKB back in July was a real blast. Five expert speakers delivered mind-melting content to over 1000 attendees! We were honestly blown away by how...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Virtual PASS Summit 2020 Wrap Up

kleegeek from Technobabble by Klee from @kleegeek

Whether you caught a single session, took a pre-con, or filled your schedule last week with multiple sessions, l’m going to review last week’s PASS Virtual Summit 2020 conference!


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The TUF File

What is a .tuf file in SQL Server?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Large Database Files

What is the largest a single database file can grow to in SQL Server 2019?

Answer: 16TB

Explanation: A data file has a maximum size of 16TB. Ref:

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
SQL Server Collations - So can anybody tell me if they have experienced issues when running a SQL instance level collation at Latin1_General_CI_AS when any of their databases on that instance run under SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS. Am I correct in saying the SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS is the 'old style' collation? The reason I ask is that we have been installing a new environment […]
Event Notifications - Can these be set up to monitor for changes to table data? - Hello, I'm new to using Event Notifications, but it is my understanding that they can be helpful for monitoring a variety of different events. Can these also be used to help audit changes to table data?  For example, if someone were to add a new record to a table, or update an existing one?
IndicatorsPool events causing memory pressure? - Hi, We are running a system on SQLServer 2017 Enterprise (RTM-CU22) with 839GB of memory. I think we appear to be experiencing some memory pressure as we seem to have plans dropping from the cache and I can see various clock-hands running (including CACHESTORE_OBJCP – EXTERNAL and CACHESTORE_SQLCP – EXTERNAL). When I check the Memory […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
running openquery with local database and server credentials - Hi guys, I have an application that can only call views:  The data it needs to access is from a stored procedure that uses temp tables so the only way to call the data is by using OPENQUERY CREATE VIEW [dbo].[myView] AS SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LocalServerName, 'EXEC LocalDatabaseName.dbo.mySproc') GO in OPENQUERY the Servername and Databasename […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
error while running Replication - Has anyone faced this error Agent message code 20037. The process could not bulk copy into table '"dbo" Source: Microsoft SQL Server Native Client 11.0 Number: Message: The system cannot find the file specified.
Development - SQL Server 2014
date Different - I have table with : if today is 25/11/2020, then i need to retrive ID 5 because nearst date to today WeekDate is: 1/12/2020 then when today date is: 10/12/2020  script must retrieve ID 6   i tried the below but it is not working,  please need help DATEDIFF(d, WeekDate, CONVERT(datetime, @CurrentDate, 103)) >= 0
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Points of consedering during "Transaction Processing" - Hello Everyone, Here I need suggestions while I am trying to do some transaction in sql. I am using  "Microsoft SQL Azure (RTM) - 12.0.2000.8 Oct 1 2020 18:48:35". I am getting data from On-premises data-sources using Azure Logic App (recurrence). The logic app insert the data in my some of tables lets suppose tableHR, […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Query SSISDB For Components - Evening All, I want to identify all SSIS packages deployed into SSISDB that contain a specific component. We have over 5000 pacakges deployed (and closer to 100,000 accross other servers) and I am looking to identify some packages that contain certain components -- one being the FTP task, and another some of the Azure Tasks. […]
Sql Server Specs Question - Hi, I have two different servers that I do a bulk insert on the exact same text file. One will take 3 hours to do a bulk insert on the file and the other one will take about 45 minutes. Is it due to the specs on the server itself or is there something I […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Primary Key/Foreign Key Same Field in 1:1 Relationship? - Hello~ DB Design question -- say I have a primary table, tCompanies, where the primary key is CompanyID. And I have another table, say tCompanyMetrics, where every field in that table has a one to one relationship with CompanyID. In tCompanyMetrics, do I need both a primary key field and a foreign key field?  Cannot […]
Run Azure Automation Runbook Against DB Hosted on an Azure VM - Hi - has anyone created a PowerShell runbook which connects to a database hosted on an Azure VM?  This is a new environment, so we allow internal traffic to flow freely, so i dont think it is a firewall issue.  If i add the port number to the server name i receive an error 0. […]
Azure Data Factory
Setting variable in Pipeline - Hi all, I’m wondering if someone can help us out here as we are going round in circles. In short we are trying to; 1.       Read a value from a SQL table via a stored procedure in a lookup task. 2.       We want to use that value to set a variable so we can use […]
Reporting Services
Variable Based on Variable in Paginated Report w/ Native Oracle Connection - I have an SSRS paginated report where users need the ability to pick and choose which variables they want the report run with. For example, the query looks something like: SELECT * FROM CUSTOMER WHERE 1=1 AND CUSTOMER_NUMBER = ? AND CUSTOMER_STATE = ? The users need the ability to plug in a CUSTOMER_NUMBER parameter […]
when use dbachecks, it has error: unable to find type [Pester.outputtypes] - hi there: When I type invoke-dbcCheck, it pops up error below: Unable to find type [Pester.otuputTypes] any help?   cheers   Hui
Job Postings
Operations Engineer with strong SQL skills based in Reno, remote (US) or Toronto - We are looking for an Operations Engineer with strong SQL skills, based in Reno, remote (US) or Toronto. This is an Operations-focused role at a SaaS company. We see this role sitting between Level 3 Support and development teams. More details here: Must have: solid SQL Server skills with prior experience working on live […]


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