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Data Modeling in a New World

The world is changing in some fundamental ways as we recognize and deal with some of the social changes that are occurring regularly. We have had new countries appear and old ones disappear in my lifetime. Borders are redrawn and political systems change. Many of those are just data changes that we can import from some recognized source.

There are other changes that might change the way we model our database schemas. One example is the concept of gender, which has changed from the simple male and female of my youth. I haven't thought much of this, and many of you might not have as well. No matter what your opinion of gender fluidity is, you should still understand how this might impact software and your database systems.

I was thinking about this while reading an article on designing forms for gender diversity. While the form is important, equally important is how we handle this in the database. A single character might not be enough, but even if you encode various values, what do you use? I haven't seen a standard and likely this area of data capture is still evolving.

I suspect that ISO/IEC 5218 needs to be updated, and until it does, I think many of us that work on schema models ought to think about keeping a list. The UK has recommendations, but they don't appear to have much granularity for the different ways people identify. New Zealand is slightly better, but this does appear to be a thorny question from the modeling perspective.

Much of what we capture gender for is some marketing purpose. This allows data analysts to better understand behavior as a person's gender sometimes provides some understanding of other behavior. While adding in new pronouns, titles, and genders can increase complexity, it's also important from the standpoint of having data that is useful.

With that in mind, it makes sense to not use hard coded constraints in tables, and ensure we have a flexible data model that handles the data we are likely to receive, including some sort of not applicable or prefer not to say answer. As data modelers, our goals should be to accurately capture and record data, and that means we need to adapt to a changing world.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

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Gap Analysis Using Algebra

Glen Cooper from SQLServerCentral

Editor: Thanks for this article. I don't see the definition for fnBasic. I see discussion about it, but  not the actual definition. 

Meeting your CCPA needs with Data Classification and Masking

Additional Articles from Redgate

This article will explain how to import the data classification metadata for a SQL Server database into Data Masker, providing a masking plan that you can use to ensure the protection of all this data. By applying the data masking operation as part of an automated database provisioning process, you make it fast, repeatable and auditable.

Analyze SQL Server Results in Excel with Conditional Formatting

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Learn how to format your SQL Server results in Excel using conditional formatting to quickly identify patterns and issues.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SQL Database MI benefits

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As I see a huge number of customers migrating their on-prem databases to the Azure cloud, the main question they ask is about whether they should go with an...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Data Privacy – Playing your part

Martin Catherall from measure twice, cut once.

Tuesday 28th January 2020 was “Data Privacy Day 2020” Some may refer to this as Data Protection Day, but it is really just a day to draw attention to...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


The Triple Update

What happens with this code?
  , OverallPlace INT
  , PlaceInAge   INT);

INSERT INTO dbo.RaceResults
    (RunnerID, OverallPlace, PlaceInAge)
    (1, 2, 3)
  , (2, 2, 3)
  , (3, 2, 3)
  , (4, 2, 3);

UPDATE dbo.RaceResults SET @i=OverallPlace= 1 WHERE RunnerID = 1;
     @i, rr.RunnerID, rr.OverallPlace, rr.PlaceInAge
FROM dbo.RaceResults AS rr;

DROP TABLE dbo.RaceResults;

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

The Original Database

In SQL Server 2017, what value does ORIGINAL_DB_NAME() return for a login?

Answer: The value passed in a connection string with the -d parameter or initial catalog parameter

Explanation: This function returns the name of the database that is passed in with the connection string. If nothing is passed in, a blank is returned. Ref: ORIGINAL_DB_NAME() -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

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SQL Server 2017 - Administration
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SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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Administration - SQL Server 2014
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SQL Server 2019 - Administration
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SQL Server 2008 - General
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Integration Services
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SQL Server 2005 General Discussion
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