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Reviewing Your Past Efforts

It's about the start of a new year for me now. I know, it's late February, and we're almost a sixth of the way through the year, but I've been on sabbatical. In fact, with planning for the break, I've really missed almost two months of work at this point. I deliberately did not make any resolutions or planning at the end of 2019, since 2020 wouldn't really start for my career until about now.

Now is the time to plan, and I will do some writing on my blog for the things I want to tackle, but I also want to think about my plan. The main reason for this is the SQLskills newsletter from Jan 7 (#214), in which Paul Randal wrote an interesting editorial on the start of the New Year. There are a few things in the piece, but one of the items was about resolutions and planning for the new year, but by starting while looking at the previous year.

I wrote about learning goals last year, and then blogged a bit about them throughout the first third of the year. I then pivoted a bit, with an outside commitment that ate up a bunch of my personal time. Despite having a reminder in my calendar, I never got back to the books I'd planned on reading.

2019 Rating : Failure

I'll do more of a review on my blog, and then planning, but the important things I got from Paul's note is that I didn't go a good job of not only reviewing last year, but I also didn't end up reviewing my goals periodically after a few months. Not only did my goal fail, but my review of my goal failed.

There's a lot to be gained from some self-analysis, and maybe even a review of your analysis by a spouse, partner, mentor, or close friend. In my case, I ended up doing more speaking and traveling than I'd expected, didn't even complete my commitment, focused my reading time on fiction and escaping from life, and really ignored a bit of my career goals.

I don't know if I'll do better this year, but just writing this and thinking about the process will help me do something different. Hopefully you are keeping up with your goals, but if not, maybe you need a mid year review, as I'm doing now.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Mean Median Mode using SQL and DAX

Gouri Shankar from SQLServerCentral

This article explains how to calculate the important statistical functions, MEAN, MEDIAN, and MODE, in both T-SQL and DAX.

Introduction to Azure SQL Database Auto-Failover Groups

Additional Articles from Database Journal

Azure SQL Database offers a number of resiliency features that deliver a mix of high availability and disaster recovery capabilities

Enterprise Insights from the 2020 State of Database DevOps report

Additional Articles from Redgate

17% of Enterprise respondents in this year's State of Database DevOps survey reported that DevOps has been adopted across all projects in their organization. This year’s State of Database DevOps report gave us some great insights into the landscape of Database DevOps. Kendra Little walks us through those insights specific to Enterprise organizations.

New: 2020 State of Database DevOps report

Press Release from Redgate

Now in it’s 4th year, the State of Database DevOps report continues to deliver valuable insights. In the report, you will learn multiple tactics to improve the quality of database code deployment, whether it is by changing the type of environment used for development, enhancing your code review practices, or your change management/approval practices.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Being a Woman in the SQL Community

SQLEspresso from SQLEspresso

In celebration of Women’s History Month starting next week, I was asked to write this blog about my experiences as a woman in the SQL Community, and it really...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Using Google Chrome with SSRS

WayneS from A Discussion of SQL Server-Related Topics

In this post, you will learn how to resolve the Kerberos Double-Hop issue and SSRS browser login when using Google Chrome to run SSRS reports.
The post Using Google Chrome...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Returning Info from Stored Procedures

How many ways can I return info from stored procedures?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Identity Guarantees

Which of these is not a guarantee of the Identity property?

Answer: Multiple rows in a transaction will get consecutive values

Explanation: One of the surprising items is that you are not guaranteed to have consecutive values for multiple rows in a transaction. Ref: Identity Property -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
SSMA 8.6 Unable to find functions in extended stored procedures - I have an instance of SQL Server 2017 (Developer) installed with SSMA for Oracle Extension Pack 8.6. Whenever I try to execute one of the three extended stored procedures from the Master db, I see the same error: "Could not find the function xp_ora2ms_versioninfo2 in the library Microsoft SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle Extension […]
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Resultset in a format - I have the following tables: create table #EmployeeSystemsMaster(EmployeeSystemID int, EmployeeSystemName nvarchar(150)) insert into #EmployeeSystemsMaster select 1, 'Core Banking' union select 2, 'Treasury' union select 3, 'Retail Banking' union select 4, 'Corporate Banking' union select 5, 'Anti Money Laundering' union select 6, 'Trade Finance' select * From #EmployeeSystemsMaster create table #NationalityMaster(NationalityID int, NationalityName nvarchar(150)) insert into […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Running generic query for table information - Hi, I want to run the below query to get information about the tables and columns for better understanding. However my fear is since the databases are in Tb's and has many tables will this query cause any intermittent slowness or any blocking since the system is busy when I am running this query. What […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Creation of clustered primary key only utilizes 1 CPU core - Hi all, I am once again facing an interesting issue with multi-threading in SQL Server 2016. But first of all, this is the setup: we are using the Enterprise Edition (SP2) on a 24 core single CPU socket server with 5 PCIe NVME SSDs (2 TB each). Filegroups are distributed on all 5 indpendent SSDs. […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
REPLICATION, Dropping Subscription Taking A Long Time - USE Published_DB; EXEC sp_dropsubscription @publication = N'Published_DB_Publication', @subscriber = N'all', @destination_db = N'Published_DB', @article = N'all'; I have a fairly large DB. It is replicating approx 7000 articles. When I run the script above, it's taking a long time (now 1 Hr+). Any ideas what I need to check here? Adding, I have all REPL […]
Linked server - I have created linked server from instance A to instance B. when i do a test connection it is successful but when i try to do a test connection from outside the server it shows login failed for user NT authority\anonymous logon. Any inputs?   i registered SPN for services in both instance A and […]
SQL 2012 - General
SQL Server data masking - Can you able to mask data in sql server 2012? If yes, would it be easy to mask few tables or the complete database?  
Table self-join for derived columns - Hi, I have a requirement to derive additional columns and populate the values by doing a self-join. I have tried to use self-join and cross apply but not getting the desired results. I have attached the desired result format and also included the DDL and sample data. Could somebody please help in this regard. Thanks. […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
Question upgrading - Hi, I see the post of going from 2012 - 2019 but we were wondering if we should go to 2017 or 2019. Currently, we only have about 20 users and do not do anything with warehousing; of course, both could change down the road. Someone said that they found it to be much less […]
Business Justifications for Upgrading SQL 2012 to SQL 2019 - You'd think it's obvious why we need to upgrade from SQL 2012 to SQL 2019 (4 versions), but I have to justify the upgrade to non-technical executives.  I'm looking for good blog posts/white papers/articles that enumerates reasons why staying on SQL 2012 is not viable, and why upgrading to SQL 2019 is necessary.  Any suggestions?
SQL Server 2019 - Development
CREATE LOGIN FROM Windows (AD account): Login failed for user - Hi, I have made with Server 2019 an VirtualBox test environment on my Workstation. I have : Active Directory Controller SQL Principal SQL Failover Web 01 Web 02 I develop an automate application that do this : Installation : Create Active Directory Windows Account Create Database on Principal with Failover Install Web Application on Web […]
Constraint on multiple columns - Hi, I want to restrict users from adding duplicate rows. Is there a way to put one constraint on multiple columns, or use a trigger to do this, maybe BEFORE insert/ BEFORE update? Thanks S
How to use next record's date as End date of current record? - I have a select statement which its result is something like this: I would like to have an end date column which is the next start date. I would appreciate it if someone could guide me.    
SQL Azure - Administration
Migrating Azure VM from unmanaged disks to managed disks. - I have worked quite a bit on physical and VM's. Trying to get my hand dirty in Azure world. I was given a task related to performance , i noticed all the disks were created as unmanaged and i confirm via various stress tests and comparing different environments that this could be one of the […]
SMO Certificate Export - FailedOperationException - Greetings, Given this Powershell SMO method call... $_cert.Export("$CertificateLocation\$_cert_name.cer", ` "$PrivateKeyLocation\$_cert_name.pvk", ` $_secret) where $_cert is a Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Certificate object and the arguments are plain strings (not secure strings). When I execute the code it returns a FailedOperationError.  I can't figure out why it is failing.  I have tested all the paths in the script to ensure […]


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