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Leveling up Core Skills: A Pattern for Launching an Internal Training Initiative

Today we have a guest editorial from Julia Hayward as Steve is away on his sabbatical.

In a world of constant technical change, it is critical for organizations to help team members advance their core skills. With this in mind, Redgate’s Lead Software Engineers (LSEs) have begun an internal Engineering Academy as one of several initiatives to level up core skills used by engineers in their day-to-day jobs.

The LSEs chose Git as a topic for our first training session. Git has become the dominant tool for version control in recent years and is used by all our development teams. We felt that Git is an integral part of the day-to-day toolset of an engineer here at Redgate, and that having a good understanding of how to use it is vital to using it effectively.

To launch the first course, the team organized it in the following lightweight manner:

  • Put out a call for attendees on Slack
  • Created a brief questionnaire so that attendees could self-evaluate and baseline their skills with Git against five different pieces of criteria
  • Collated useful exercises and resources from existing material relevant to the goals of the workshop
  • Found a volunteer who is quite knowledgeable about Git to lead the session

The training session itself was a two-hour session of intense practice held in a meeting room. We challenged each attendee to commit to using Git on the command line exclusively for the next two weeks following the session. Some attendees even uninstalled their UI tools during the session! We also created a Slack channel for the group to share tips and to ask for help.

Feedback from the attendees on the day was very positive, with all of them saying that they'd learned something new.

Two weeks after the session, we asked attendees to self-evaluate again to see if they felt they had improved. The majority rated themselves at least one point higher, even though the categories were quite broad, and the average rating moved up more than a whole point.

We also asked attendees for their feedback. Everyone still felt enthusiastic about having done the training and would recommend it to others. Some were very positive about their new skills; some found giving up some features of their favorite GUI annoying, at least at first, but no one found serious difficulty.

One very interesting observation was that using the command line tends to push you towards doing smaller pieces of work in each commit; it can only be a positive thing when good practice is reinforced by a relatively frictionless experience!

After this first experience, we plan to continue and grow our Engineering Academy within Redgate. If you are looking for a lightweight pattern with which to launch a similar effort for your own teams, we found this approach gave us a promising start at Redgate.

Julia Hayward

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Redgate SQL Provision
 Featured Contents

Database Normalization in SQL with Examples

Gouri Shankar from SQLServerCentral

Gouri Shankar provides an overview of normalizing a database.

Record responses for the State of Database DevOps report

Additional Articles from Redgate

The fourth annual State of Database DevOps report is now available for download. Kendra Little announces the launch in her latest blog. Check out the first high level findings of the report here.

General Purpose Tier for Azure SQL Database

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Five years ago, there were a limited number of ways to deploy and use the SQL Server engine in the Azure Cloud. Today, there are many different services available.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Be Kind

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

Simply put, we are not always going to agree. Please, take this as someone who was nicknamed “The Scary DBA” for reasons comic and tragic. I’ve screwed up a...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Configure your tools : T-SQL Tuesday #123

Kenneth.Fisher from SQLStudies

Happy T-SQL Tuesday! Thanks for hosting this month Jess Pomfret (blog|twitter) and great topic. Life Hacks. There is one thing ... Continue reading


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Kendra Little):


SELECT and Locking

For a SELECT query running under the default “pessimistic” implementation of the read committed isolation level, locks are held.... 

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Kendra Little)

DBCC Meaning

What does "DBCC", as in (DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS) stand for? (Pick the answer defined in the current Microsoft documentation on DBCC) 

Answer: Database Console Commands

Explanation: I used DBCC commands for years before ever knowing what the acronym meant! According to the Microsoft documentation, DBCC stands for Database Console Commands. I suppose they’ve been around for so long that they used to be run from an administrator using a terminal, aka console.  

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




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