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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Make uninterrupted time for your loved ones

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Would You Still Love Linux If Windows Was Free?

Today we have a guest editorial from Andy Warren as Steve is at SQL Bits. This editorial was originally published on Feb 7, 2017.

I made a note to write about this after a recent conversation about Windows vs Linux. I found myself defending Windows a bit (the person I talked with had not considered server core), and it startled me a little to be doing so. I like Windows, it works fine for what I do, but really I don’t care what hosts SQL Server as long as it is reliable, performs well, and provides whatever OS level support SQL needs to do all it does. For me the OS is “the cloud”, something that should “just work” and that I don’t want to mess with!

Over the course of my career I’ve worked with teams that only used Windows and others that used Windows and Linux (but never Linux only, as until recently SQL Server didn’t run on Linux). It’s always seemed like adoption was Windows by default, then Linux was added based on one or more of these:

  • Cost
  • Coolness
  • Comfort and experience
  • Performance/overhead
  • Application requirements

Let’s walk through that list in reverse. SQL Server requires Windows, so we run Windows, or we move to another platform. Or maybe the application we want to buy uses SQL Server, so we buy it and Windows, or we buy a different application. The right path? It all depends.

Then we get to performance/overhead. OS’es require memory and disk space. For a DBA both of those are noise compared to what we need to run an enterprise database server, but there are times when the ability to squeeze more onto a single hypervisor is important. I didn’t see a great apples to apples comparison when I was writing this, but if you had to guess, would you say that Linux or Windows required more resources? Everyone said Windows, right? Did you know that server core requires a minimum of 512MB of memory to run? Or take a look at Nano, which takes less than 1GB of space for a VM. Is it usable in production at those levels? Depends on the app and the workload of course.

Comfort/experience & the coolness factor are both real decision points. If your Windows admin has a strong Linux background, why not consider Linux so you have more options? Or if no one on the team has strong Linux experience, is it worth the savings to train them or hire someone new? There’s no doubt that Linux has been perceived as the cooler sibling and if you’re a Windows admin there’s a case to be made for being at least comfortable with doing the basics on Linux, and the best way to get there is to do real work with it.

Finally we get to cost. Linux gets adopted a lot because it’s free. I looked on Azure at the time I wrote this and a D15 v2 instance with 20 cores and 140Gib of RAM was $1.49 an hour with Linux. If you switch to Windows, the same configuration costs $2.43 an hour. That’s about an $8200 per year “tax” for running Windows on a server we might use for hosting SQL Server. Not a huge number compared to the SQL license cost, but not nothing either. All things being equal (and clearly that’s not yet the case for SQL Server on Linux) the cheaper one wins.

If you look at all of that and think about the factors involved, it’s interesting to speculate what would happen if Windows free (or free if hosted on Azure). Does Windows start to look more compelling than it did? Or are the glory days of the OS just about over as we move more and more stuff to a cloud? Those are two good questions for the next lunch with the server team!

Andy Warren

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

The Central Management Servers Extension in Azure Data Studio

Daniel Calbimonte from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to use Azure Data Studio to access a Central Management Server.

External Article

Moving to Team-Based Database Development with Flyway

Additional Articles from Redgate

Describing a route from a basic, 'managed' system of database development to use of branching and merging and CI, using Flyway. By taking these steps, you'll reduce development conflicts, lift testing restrictions, and the organization will have much more flexibility on the release of features and bugfixes.

External Article

Use Cases for WHILE and GOTO Loops with T-SQL for Time Series Data

Additional Articles from

In this article we cover situations where using a loop in T-SQL to process data for time series analysis is beneficial to get the desired results.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Power BI Embedded: Stress Testing & Capacity Planning

DataOnWheels from DataOnWheels

When deciding if Power BI is the correct reporting platform to meet your business’s needs, price is a large factor. Power BI pricing models are based around SKU’s and...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Data Page Restrictions

Klaus Aschenbrenner from Klaus Aschenbrenner

Today I’m talking about limitations that you have with data pages, and why there are restrictions that you will love, while you will hate other restrictions. As you learned,...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Azure SQL Database DTU Tiers

What are the Azure SQL Database, single database service tiers if I want to pay under the DTU model?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Purchasing Separate Compute and Storage

Which purchasing model for Azure SQL Database allows you to purchase compute and storage separately?

Answer: vCore

Explanation: The vCore model allows you to purchase and specify the compute separately from storage. The DTU model bundles these together, and elastic pools are not a purchasing model. Ref: vCore Model -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Help with proper indexes - I am new to sql server and hav been researching indexes but I am still not sure on the best practice for indexes for one of my tables.  The table currently has over 12 million rows and has a primary key that is just and auto id field. I have several fields we usually search […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Installed SQL 2019 and trying to uninstall 2016 stuff and am unsuccessful. - I have 2 items left in Add remove programs: SQL 2016 and 2016 setup I have ran through the SQL 2016 uninstall several times but it does not allow me to remove SQL Client Connectivity SDK. I check it and then it goes to the Ready to Remove and Edition is blank and Action is […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
LAST MAX 2 DATES - Hi Expert,   I wanted to find out last max 2 dates from tabl but unable to do so i tried CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Table_1]( [div_id] [nchar](10) NULL, [customerid] [nchar](10) NULL, [div_status] [nchar](10) NULL, [logdate] [date] NULL ) ON [PRIMARY] GO   Insert Data: INSERT INTO [dbo].[Table_1] ([div_id] ,[customerid] ,[div_status] ,[logdate]) VALUES ('495','-1','1','2021-02-14'), ('495','-1' ,'1','2021-02-14'), ('495','-1' ,'1','2021-02-14'), ('502' ,'-1', […]
The step was retried the requested number of times (5) without succeeding. - We have one schedule job which is copying the backup to the offsite server through xcopy. This job successfully run for 4-5 days in a week and failed for 1-2 days due to following error. Executed as user: service_Account. The step was retried the requested number of times (5) without succeeding. The step failed. Sharing […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Instance restart with -m flag, SQLCMD unable to connect - Hi I have a SQL Server 2014 Enterprise Edition instance running on Windows 2012 O/S where I do not have the 'sa' password. I inherited the server after the previous DBA left and I am not sysadmin on the server therefore I am not able to perform DBA tasks such as backup/restore DB, attach DB, […]
SQL 2012 - General
How to get rows that have sourctype 484456 only when group by GivenPartNumber_No - I work on sql server 2012 i need to get rows that have source type 484456 when group by two columns group by GivenPartNumber_Non and vcompanyid so i need to make select query display every group of rows by GivenPartNumber_Non and vcompanyid have source type 484456 only may be this group one row or 2rows […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
THANKS ! - I just wanted to post a general "THANKS" to all the helpful people here who go out of their way to help others.
Using Availability groups with a named instance - Hello, I'm working on migrating from an existing multiple FCIs to Instances with availability groups.  I'm attempting to keep the impact to my customers as small as possible so I'm wondering about connection strings with availability groups. Current Environment, multiple instances some as named instances in existing FCI SQL1 and SQL2\NamedInstance Proposed new environment. Physical […]
Upgraded SQL 2008 to 2016 years ago and never removed 2008 correctly. - Upgraded SQL 2008 to 2016 years ago and never removed 2008 correctly and now on 2019 I am having issues uninstalling 2008. I removed the setup files by accident and now in the add remove programs is SQL 2008 but I can't get it uninstalled correctly. Is there a way to do this? Also, I […]
Cannot add SQL Listener to Always On - Hi all Hope someone can assist with my issue. I have a two node cluster running SQL Server 2019 ENT Edition CU14 and the nodes are on different subnets. Always On has been added and working fine however I can't add the SQL Listener, keep getting the following error: "None of the IP addresses configured […]
SQL Server 2019 - Development
Sub Query with incorrect column name doesn't error - Hi, Is there a reason that the following query doesn't error? select * from sys.objects where parent_object_id not in (select parent_object_id from sys.columns) The column parent_object_id doesn't exist in the sys.columns table, yet the query runs without an error. If it's a "not in" query, then an empty resultset is returned, whereas if it's an […]
Update records used in Group By - I have this query to create a summary of donations SELECT [DonorId], SUM([DonationAmount]) AS TotalDonation FROM [dbo].[Donation] GROUP BY [DonorId], [DonationYear] What I need to do is then create a single receipt for those records.  The receipt creation process can be run at any time (not just at year end) What method should be used […]
SQL Azure - Administration
SQL MI - DB Snapshot Alternative - We are about to migrate our on-prem SQL boxes to Managed Instances and currently use database snapshots for various reasons. They are unsupported in MI and I wondered whether anyone had found a creative alternative? Thanks
Reporting Services
Header Expression based on Parameters values selected - Hi all, I am new to this blog and also new to SSRS and I am hoping this forum can help me. I have a report created with some parameters and based on the parameters, my report shows the end user what they selected. Example: Parameter 1 = Rptg_Level (user can select Customers, Groups, Regions, […]
Analysis Services
Today my SSAS server died and I lost 500 DBs but I still have all DB files - The title sounds like a name to a new anime, and it's my daily life. All of a sudden, today after an update of Symantec Antivirus on the server (no relation, this was just the most recent change event), my poor SSAS server with 500 databases refused to start. The config of the server is: […]


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