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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Find time for self-care. It’s not selfish, it’s essential

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

Live Your Life

Summer is coming to an end. For many of you with kids in school, it's likely already over.  The first Monday in September in the US is Labor Day, and that's often when I've marked the end of summer. Hopefully you had the chance to get a break from life, the pandemic, and work with some vacation this summer.

I've tried to work hard, be successful in my chosen career, and at the same time enjoy my life. That means time for me and my family away from work. It also means meeting responsibilities that I have, which include taking care of my home and animals. In other words, chores. All of this adds up to a lot of time necessary to accomplish my various goals, needs, and desires.

There are plenty of things, both in life and work, that I might put off for a period of time, expecting to find a block of time to handle them later. I think this is a common idea that I see friends, family, and plenty of others doing, optimistically viewing the future as one where more time will appear.

It might, but likely it won't unless your life changes a lot. To me, that means that I need to find time today, make choices, delay some things, but tackle others, both responsibilities and desires, mixing them to create the life that I want. I was reminded of this again while watching this Abel Wang interview. It's one of the last of his life, as Abel finally passed after a battle with cancer this summer.

He chose what was important to him, which is great. He also chose to live his life, not waiting for a distant future time. While most of us might expect we have years to live, you never know if that period of time might be much shorter than you expect. That mysterious future where you can finally visit that place, spend time with someone, accomplish a task, or anything else might not materialize.

I used to take stock of my life every year on my birthday. Was I doing the work I wanted? Are there things I wish I'd done the last year? Am I happy with life if I died today? That last one was a big one, and for years, I've felt I would be happy with how I've spent my time. These days my wife and I are getting older, and we evaluate the things we want to do on a shorter time frame, setting goals, making plans, and trying to ensure that we are really enjoying life every few months.

That doesn't mean we're always playing. We do have some busy work times, but we work to remember that we can't let life get away from us for more than a few weeks before we need to ensure we're balancing out the things we are obligated to do and the things we want to do. Finding balance has been helpful to ensuring that we can cope with stress, while not letting it overrun all aspects of our lives.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

How To Find A Perfect Match

Glen Cooper from SQLServerCentral

This article presents a way that finds a perfect match in any bipartite graph or shows why one cannot exist.

Plotting in Python for Financial Time Series Data for Exponential Moving Averages

Steve Jones - SSC Editor from SQLServerCentral

Learn how to plot a financial time series using SQL Server data and Python to reveal the value of exponential moving averages and make decisions about time series values.

Sharing knowledge in communities of practice

Additional Articles from SimpleTalk

Communities of practice bring people together to share ideas and learn from each other about a common interest. In this article, Robert Sheldon explains and gives some advice on starting them.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Azure Purview Best Practice: Naming your scans

Daniel Janik from Confessions of a Microsoft Addict

If you’ve ever been a DBA and seen the mess that you get with SQL Agent Jobs without a clean naming standard for your job schedules and job names...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Last Non-NULL Date in SQL Server

DataOnWheels from DataOnWheels

The simplest of requests are often the most difficult to execute. For example, a finance team needs to know every time a customer did not invoice for 90 days...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Azure Storage Copies

How many copies of my data are created with Locally redundant storage (LRS) in Azure Storage, the cheapest option?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Database Compression Settings

I have a new SQL Server 2019 database. I want to ensure that all indexes in any database are compressed using SQL Server data compression. What should I do?

Answer: Add the DATA_COMPRESSION option to each index create statement

Explanation: Data compression works at the table and index level and cannot be set for an instance or database. You can compress all indexes if you include the option in all index statements. Ref: Data Compression -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
What other useful DBA reports do you suggest? - What other useful DBA reports do you suggest? Maybe something we would run every month or so to check that our environment is configured/running optimally. We have these so far: see screenshot. I also already have (adding soon)  certain reports on block leaders and Waits report based on sp_whoisactive,  report on 'Worst of the Worst […]
Availability Group Listener - I am working on creating listener however, the subnet is full so I can't get the ip address as server IP range. What other options I have?
SQL Server 2017 - Development
Speeding up Query - Hello, I am new to sql and learning my way around writing views for our company. Any tips and tricks to make this query a little faster or streamlined? SELECT TOP (100) PERCENT ord.orderid, ord.lt_orderid AS LTOrderID, ord.datetimecreated, ord.BookedByDT AS DateTimeBooked, us.firstname + ' ' + us.lastname AS BookedByStaffer, ord.VoidDT AS DateTimeVoided, ord.CancelledByWho, ord.voidreason AS […]
Need help sorting based on 2 different column DateTime - I've this table and data as following, CreatedDate CANNOT NULL. LatestRepliedDate can NULL CREATE TABLE [dbo].[IncidentMasterSimulation]( [Id] [int] NOT NULL, [IncidentDate] [datetime] NOT NULL, [IncidentDateDisplay] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [HowLong] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [IncidentNo] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [ProjectName] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [Categories] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [PriorityLevel] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [IncidentDescription] [nvarchar](100) NOT NULL, [CreatedBy] [nvarchar](100) NOT […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
How to get a SQL/CSV list of SCOM alerts and rules - Hello experts, I've been tasked with tuning SCOM alerts for our database environment. Getting the alerts in emails is a little overwhelming and hard to manage. I don't see a way to export a list from the SCOM console, where I have to click through alerts one by one. Does anyone know how I can […]
Bulk Copy Program (BCP) from the ODBC layer - I am trying to locate some documentation, some where, any where, about ASYNC_NETWORK_IO with BCP inserting rows. the wait appears in the server monitor of a customer, we have attempted to explain the wait is normal while the client is using bcp_sendrow and before the bcp_batch or bcp_end functions are called.   the server has bcp […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Dictionary Lookup - Hi I have hundred million ID, NAME pairs stored in SQL Server as a table that is accessed by C# code, which has a responsibility to lookup NAMEs corresponding to million IDs at a time.    C# code has these million IDs stored in an array, before invoking SQL module. Columns of the SQL table: […]
SQL - SUBSTRING combined with CHARINDEX not returning desired results. - Hello Friends, I'm in need of some help here please. I'm trying to extract a certain part of a string. I can extract the desired part from first example below by using the using. RIGHT(SUBSTRING((ORGPATHTXT),CHARINDEX('/',ORGPATHTXT) - 8, LEN(ORGPATHTXT) - CHARINDEX('/',ORGPATHTXT )- CHARINDEX('/',ORGPATHTXT ) - CHARINDEX('/',REVERSE(ORGPATHTXT))),8) The problem is that if there is a location before […]
Development - SQL Server 2014
how to get quantity from yesterday 6pm till today 6pm - Hi, I am looking to create a case statement that gets different quantities. For example, I would like to see how many orders were created between 6pm yesterday till 6pm today, how much created between 3pm yesterday till 3pm today, and how much was dispatched between 3pm yesterday till 3pm today. I created this case […]
SQL 2012 - General
Database Integrity Issues - To avoid a lot of contention during peak business hours we separated our integrity checks into weekday and a weekend run.  During the week we do a PHYSICAL only and on weekends when activity is lesser, we run a full blown integrity check.  While it appears to be inconsistent, sometimes we get errors for a […]
Rounding problem (?) using DATEDIFF (minutes) - I have a query that is using DATEDIFF to calculate the number of minutes, of course as an integer, but I may need the extra precision of showing this as a decimal (?). Also I'm looking for a way of summing the time based on "EmpID" (using CTE?): SELECT T1.[EmpID], Convert(Datetime,T1.[Time]) AS [Time], MIN(Convert(Datetime,T2.[Time])) AS […]
Data Access in DBMS and RDBMS - Hello All, I want to know which one is better for Data Access point of view between DBMS and RDBMS? Yesterday I found this source and according to it In DBMS, you can access only a single file from a single database but not an idea about DBMS? Can anyone explain me with some examples?
SQL Server Newbies
Performance degradation with a particular stored procedure - Hello, I'm attempting to make sense out of a performance issue I'm seeing with one of our applications.  Basically, there's a screen in the app that displays equipment records, and a search filter that our users can make use of.  Throughout the day, several users are running searches on this equipment screen.  Some of these […]
SQL Azure - Administration
Enable Automatic tuning sur instance Azure - Hello , Is the activation of the Automatic tuning function on an Azure SQL manager instance equivalent to the recompile operation If I activate it SQL will calculate the execution plan for all the ad-hoc queries suddenly will generate more consumption on the CPU side Is it recommended to activate this function on the Azure […] Website Issues
Send private message to another site member - I wish to send a private message to another member of this site...been away for a few years and have forgotten how to do this. All advice is appreciated. Thanks JLS


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