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SQL Server Central
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Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Spend time wishing for other people to be free of suffering

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Challenge of Audio Data

I've worked remote from my co-workers for nearly 20 years. In that time, I've spent a lot of time on the phone, as well as in audio and video calls. Quality has often been an issue, both with seeing others and hearing them. Add in accents, speech patterns, and equipment quality, and I've often found myself frustrated and upset with calls. Over the years things have improved, and I have to say that the modern Zoom/Teams/Slack style of everyone working separately and being in their own environment has made it easier to communicate.

However, it's still not great. I was on a call a few hours before I wrote this, where someone was talking on a laptop microphone, and as they moved their head, the audio quality changed dramatically. They also raised and lowered their voice, depending on their interest in that part of the update, which had me constantly raising and lowering the volume on my side.

There was an article recently that noted employees can struggle with bad audio as they try to work remotely with others. Stress, frustration, embarrassment, and more can affect employees. For a once a week hour-long meeting, this might not be an issue. For daily stand-ups or multiple meetings a day, this is likely going to be a long term problem.

When I'm on a call, I don't know how I sound, unless someone tells me that there is an issue. I sometimes use a headset and mic, but I also take meetings with my PC speakers and external mic. To b fair, I haven't often reviewed my audio sounds on a recording, but I know that there are times I get annoyed by heavy breathing by others, typing on keyboards, or even echos from someone else's laptop speaker.

It's not often, but it does happen regularly. I haven't even mentioned the issues at the beginning of calls of getting people connected to audio on calls, which are frustrating and often waste five or more minutes at the start of the meeting. We've tolerated and dealt with a lot of issues across the last few months of this pandemic, and I'm glad that most organizations, in most situations, have done so.

That doesn't mean that continued issues will be as easy to handle over the long term. We will see stress go up with we can't ensure that audio data has a high quality, as we expect from email, chat, and other written data. I'm going to try and ensure that I listen to some recordings of myself in meetings, and ensure my audio setup is good, not just for me, but others. I hope others do the same.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

How to override Date Filters in Power BI

sayand from SQLServerCentral

Problem A few weeks back, I got a request from a client of mine who had a very special requirement. They wanted to display values for a specific period in the past based on the selected dates in the Power BI report. Let us assume that if we select 30 June 2020, the report has to […]

Create Azure Data Factory inventory using Databricks

Additional Articles from

Learn how to build a catalog of your different Azure Data Factory objects such as pipelines, activities, datasets and more.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Availability Group issues fixed with Alerts

WayneS from A Discussion of SQL Server-Related Topics

Learn how to use the SQL Server Agent Alerting system to capture Availability Group related errors and to respond to them by running jobs.
The post Availability Group issues fixed...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - My New Favorite Demo Dataset: Dunder Mifflin Data

Tim Mitchell from Tim Mitchell

Those of us who write technical articles and deliver technical presentations are always on the lookout for the perfect data set for demonstration and testing. Microsoft has done a...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Query Some Files

I have a SQL Server 2019 database that has two filegroups, PRIMARY and ARCHIVE. I take one file offline with this code:
I had created two tables with this code:
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable](
[myid] [int] NULL,
[mychar] [varchar](200) NULL
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MyTable2](
[myid] [int] NULL,
[mychar] [varchar](200) NULL
) ON [Archive]

I then run this code:
SELECT top 10
 FROM dbo.MyTable2 AS mt
What happens?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

BDC Orchestration

What technology is used to orchestrate the various components of a BDC (Big Data Cluster)?

Answer: Kubernetes

Explanation: A SQL Server big data cluster is a cluster of Linux containers orchestrated by Kubernetes. Ref: What are Big Data Clusters? -  

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
How to get drive space using Queries on SQL Server hosted on Linux - Hi, I need to get the free drive space details on SQL Server using queries, this server is hosted on a Linux Server. Require a query to give drive free space details. Thanks
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
Query optimization - Hello..i am running into an issue where below query is requesting large amount of memory grant. I think the problem is at the left join inner query on table dn_t it has to do a full scan because there is no index. Wondering if there is any better way to write this?   SELECT [P2].[c1] […]
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Availability groups - licencing considerations - Hi all   I'm trying to my facts in a row before I go to managers with this one.   We have one copy of our production data (from the software vendor) on server A (I know, it's the only copy and I've been shouting about that forever). What we want to do is set […]
Folders in C:\Users - are they really needed? - I have some time on my hands (sadly) and am using some of it to clean up my computer. The computer in question runs Windows 7 (no, 'upgrading' to Windows 10 is not an option) and I have used it for many years. Over time, I have installed at least three versions of MS SQL, […]
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
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Administration - SQL Server 2014
rename sa - i want to  rename the sa login with different name , is the jobs will impacted if we rename the sa login ?
Development - SQL Server 2014
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SQL 2012 - General
Why aren't the backups working? - You've heard of "the accidental DBA", right? Well, I'm the accidental TFS admin. I have a bit more knowledge of TFS, than the average developer, ergo when the former TFS admin left, I got stuck with it. But my question is more about SQL Server, than TFS. Our TFS backups haven't worked in over a […]
SQL Server 2008 Performance Tuning
how to find why the stored procedure took time to execute - Hi, This is one of the incident at our clients side and does not happen regularly. A stored procedure(stp) which usually executes in few seconds took 10 mins to execute. i want to analyse why that stp took time to execute or which other factors were the cause of slow execution of the stp. we […]
SQL Azure - Development
Create a User in Azure SQL Database - I need to create a user in Azure SQL Database and map the user to a specific database. does anyone have the syntax to make this happen? The GUI is restricted and you cant do it as you would in SSMS on-prem as you cant view the properties. Also I am after a decent script […]
Azure Data Factory
Does anyone have experience of using as a data src within ADF? - Hi, Does anyone have experience of using as a data source within Azure Data Factory? If you do, any help would be greatly appreciated. Kind Regards, Kieran.    
Analysis Services
Random excessive CPU consumption - Hi all. I'm in a bit of a quandary with one of our Analysis Services servers, and I'm hoping you may have some suggestions on how to solve our issue. Basically we have 7 Cube servers, all with identical system specs. Startup log: (8/6/2020 11:23:20 AM) Message: Service stopped. (Source: \\?\R:\Analysis\Log\msmdsrv.log, Type: 1, Category: 289, […]


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