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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Smile and be friendly, even when you’re social distancing

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Benefits and Detractions of Remote

Years ago I had a developer working with me on SQLServerCentral. This young lady was a very talented developer, one of the best that I worked with at Redgate, and I was saddened that she left. Her partner had an opportunity to work in Silicon Valley and decided to take it. I lobbied for her to work remotely, but at that time, Redgate didn't want any remote developer, preferring a culture of close communication and locality.

Today, I wonder how different things would be. All Redgate offices are closed, everyone works remotely over GitHub, Slack, Zoom, and other tools. We still new versions, though our pace slowed as we adapted to the new way of working. Other companies have adapted, and I still talk with customers that are building software, even without buildings. This way of remote working is effective for many organizations.

Silicon Valley and the entire Bay Area is a unique place, home to some of the most famous tech companies in the world. Many professionals have wanted to move there and experience the culture, though that desire has waned across the last decade as the cost of living has skyrocketed. While Apple built an incredible new headquarters, many employees of theirs and other companies struggled to reconcile the cost, long commutes, and long hours. Many residents have expressed their desire to see less tech firms and employees crowding their spaces and budgets.

That may be changing, with the pandemic. Facebook has announced they will let some employees leave and work in other parts of the country, though at a price. They will reduce their pay. I'm not sure what I think of that, though certainly Silicon Valley pay scales reflect the cost of living in the area. I wouldn't be surprised if other organizations follow suit, though maybe some will just continue to pay their employees well, as Basecamp does.

Some employees likely want to leave the area and eliminate some of the hardships of living in the Bay Area from their lives. This article notes that 2/3 of those surveyed would like to go. Some already have, not informing their bosses. Even changing time zones and keeping a schedule that matches your company is something many people might be willing to do.

Would they still go if their salaries are reduced? Some people would. A permanent work from home, from the home located where one chooses, might be worth a pay cut. I made that offer to a few companies years ago, but all my managers wanted someone on site.

That may change now, with companies being forced to learn how to work remotely, and many of them finding success. Would you be willing to sacrifice some pay for permanent, or even mostly the ability, to work from home?

Steve Jones - SSC Editor


Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents

Lock Scenarios Using sys.dm_tran_locks

Br. Kenneth Igiri from SQLServerCentral

Learn about the impact of locking and blocking in sessions through some demonstrations of different types of actions.

Group By in SQL Sever with CUBE, ROLLUP and GROUPING SETS Examples

Additional Articles from

In this article we look at different examples of how to use GROUP BY with your SQL Server queries and the different results you get with the various options.

Getting Started with Automatic Database Branch Switching

Additional Articles from Redgate

Alexander Diab demonstrates how a team of developers can work on and test features in different branches of a SQL Server database development project, while their local development database automatically remains 'synchronized' with the current branch in version control.

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - SSAS Tabular – Process Add vs Partition Merge

Joyful Craftsmen from Joyful Craftsmen Blog

Time keeps on running and as I promised in my last article I would like to compare the Process ADD vs Partition Merge technique. In the previous blog I...

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - More Azure Blob Storage enhancements

James Serra from James Serra's Blog

I recently blogged about Query Acceleration for ADLS, which also applies to Azure Blob storage. Now there are more new features for blog storage that I will talk about....


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Using Tempdb

Which of these doesn't use tempdb for data storage?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Column Mean in R

I have loaded a dataframe in R with this code:

> sales <- read.csv2(file="d:\\downloads\\sales_data.csv", sep=",")

There are a number of columns in here, one of which is "Profit". I want to get the mean value of this column. What code does this?

Answer: mean(sales$Profit)

Explanation: The mean() function is used, and we pass in the column in dataframe$column format. Ref: mean() -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
SQL 2017 AOAG setup on Standalone servers - I've been trying to setup AlwaysON AG on two standalone default sql instances (SQL 2017 Enterprise Edition - 14.0.1000.169). I've checked, port numbers (1433 and 5022) on both the servers are open and there's no issue with DNS. (Hostname is not more than 15 characters.) Can anyone help me with this error please. Msg 47106, […]
SQL replication many publishers to 1 subscriber - Hello, I am wondering, have 2 questions in regards to transaction replication... probably best to ask my question with using an example, so I have 4 servers, Server A, B, C, D, and the SQL servers A, B, and C, will be publishers, and Server D I would like to be the distributor and Subscriber, […]
SQL Server 2016 - Administration
SP performance tuning, any hints. - How to make the below code faster, does it help by changing updlock to nolock help, or please share if you see anything which can be improved syntax wise, etc? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].spTest(@DateToProcess DateTime, @ForceTotalRecalc bit = 0) AS SET XACT_ABORT ON SET NOCOUNT ON DECLARE EffectiveDate DATE DECLARE @LastDateProcessed DATE DECLARE @ThisDate DATE […]
Who changed the SQL memory - is there a way to know who changed the SQL memory and when
SQL Server 2016 - Development and T-SQL
Sort already comma eparted value - Hi, Please help me sort a comma separated column in the database table .   Create Table #CommaSeparatedString ( ID INT, Title nvarchar(10), StringValue nvarchar(500) ) INSERT INTO #CommaSeparatedString (ID,Title,StringValue) SELECT 1,'Test1','EUR HQ,EME HQ,KSA HQ,NME HQ' UNION ALL SELECT 2,'Test2','LAN HQ,Colombia,Peru' UNION ALL SELECT 3,'Test3','NAO HQ,Trinidad and Tobago,Bermuda,Guyana,Suriname' SELECT * FROM #CommaSeparatedString -- Desired Result […]
Import Weather Web-service directly into SQL Server - Folks, I am looking to try and come up with a way to INSERT the Output from this URL directly into a SQL Server Table. I would like to see if it's possible to do this directly from the SQL server as a StoredProcedure or TSQL.
UTC time to EST time - Hi, The 'TIME_UTC' column is UTC timing. I would like to generate the report for EST timings . But below query gives UTC timings for the last week.I would like to convert it to EST timing. Any suggestions pls. select TIME_UTC from table_name where TIME_UTC BETWEEN cast(GETDATE()-8 as date) AND cast(GETDATE()-1 as date)   Thanks.
SQL Server 2012 - T-SQL
Sql server index - Hi Experts , I have a job which calls 100 of stored procedure. I have identified the tables which were used in the process and rebuild the fragmented index having average_fragmentation_percentage>25. But the performance of the query degraded after index rebuild operation . Can you guys tell me the possible reasons why this happened. Thanks […]
Regex question - A developer asked me to run a query based on the following regex: ^[A-Z]{4}[0-9]{4} Which means that he wanted any row where the column in question did not have 4 alpha characters, followed by 4 numeric characters. I last played with regex about 6 years ago, so hunted around and found nothing suitable for T-SQL. […]
how to check which tsql make increasing the log file size - Hello, We set database log file size to 10GB, however database log file size is increased to 30 GB within one day (weekend day). So we would like to see which user or tsql is making increase log file size to very fast. Is it possible to see which transaction or sql statement is increasing […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
SET DEADLOCK PRIORITY LOW question - Hey all, Session 1 = entity framework, as of not can't change anything about it Session 2 = stored proc, can control it Session 1 and 2 are deadlocking. I want 1 to be the deadlock victim. If I set 2 to have a deadlock priority LOW, will this cause 1 to be the deadlock […]
SQL 2017 AOAG setup on Standalone servers - I've been trying to setup AlwaysON AG on two standalone default sql instances (SQL 2017 Enterprise Edition - 14.0.1000.169). I've checked, port numbers (1433 and 5022) on both the servers are open and there's no issue with DNS. (Hostname is not more than 15 characters.) Can anyone help me with this error please. Msg 47106, […]
Attach and Detach Method vs SQL Manage object method - Hi there, if you want to detach a database you would right click on the DB->Tasks->Detach What are the motivations behind doing this? I suspect if you want to make edits to an existing database and don't want to alter the production environment. What's the difference between attaching (right click on databases -> attach) and […]
Analysis Services
Translate Dimension Values (multidimensional) - Hello, is there a method to translate the values of a dimension? Example: dimension called diabetic with an IS_DIABETIC column and two values YES and NO I would like to do a translation in French of the values 'OUI' and 'NON' instead of YES / NO THANKS
COVID-19 Pandemic
Daily Coping 8 Jun 2020 - Today’s tip is to re-frame a worry and try to find a positive way to respond.


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