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SQL Server Central
Featured Contents
Question of the Day
The Voice of the DBA

Daily Coping Tip

Notice what you are feeling without any judgment

I also have a thread at SQLServerCentral dealing with coping mechanisms and resources. Feel free to participate.

For many of you out there working in a new way, I'm including a thought of the day on how to cope in this challenging time from The Action for Happiness Coping Calendar. My items will be on my blog, feel free to share yours.

The Communication Channels at Work

Recently a friend started a new job that didn't have Slack used as a communication vehicle. The new employer was considering Teams, but most of the communication among employees was done through email or a live meeting.

At Redgate, we use Slack extensively. I also use Teams for some work with Microsoft, and in general, I find I prefer Slack. That might be because I don't spend enough time in Teams, but regardless, I find myself preferring email for discussions with MS employees over Teams. That's my preference, but really, what I value is the instantaneous, yet async, nature of using messaging tools over email.

I think one of the reasons I like tools like Slack is the separation of topics into various threads based on some subject. We have more channels at Redgate than people, but this is because there are different needs. For example, there are a few different "ask" channels. One is for advocates (Grant and I), one for tech questions, one for licensing, one for each country, and one populated by queries coming in from customers. We have a public channel for each product, as well as one or more private team channels for their daily work. We have automated channels updated by releases and deployments, and we create quick channels when there is a sales discussion or internal issue to keep our conversations focused on an issue.

Perhaps focus is the real reason that I find these messaging tools handy. If everyone is online, we can have a real-time discussion. If people are not available, we can leave a message and hope they see it later. The one downside I've learned is that I can't assume someone has read a message if they don't reply or leave a reaction. If I do need someone, I message them in some other way to ask them to look at something in Slack.

I also extensively use messaging options on Linked In, Twitter, Facebook, and other platforms as well. While I do find email nice for many things, there are a lot of short exchanges that work well in another format. Email tends to work better for me when there is a need for more than a couple of replies and we need to keep track of the discussion. A fast-flowing stream of messages in Slack or Teams can be hard to sort through after a few days.

In some sense, I miss the old days of walking to someone's desk or calling a short meeting and having a discussion. I still take those opportunities when they present themselves, but most of my communication takes place electronically, and messaging dominates.

Do you feel the same way? Does your company or team use messaging tools? Are they handy? How do you decide where to post things, and is there a good separation of topics and subjects for you? Let me know today.

Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Join the debate, and respond to today's editorial on the forums

 Featured Contents
SQLServerCentral Article

PostgreSQL Triggers Part 2

Shivayan Mukherjee from SQLServerCentral

Article Overview In this article, we will learn how to drop, alter, enable, and disable a PostgreSQL trigger. In the 1st part of this series, we got an overall view of database triggers, PostgreSQL-specific triggers, types of PostgreSQL triggers, and how to create a trigger with basic syntax and examples. If you haven't read it […]

External Article

Optimize Large SQL Server Insert, Update and Delete Processes by Using Batches

Additional Articles from

In this tip we look at the impact of running SQL Server processes in smaller batches instead of one large operation.

External Article

Query processing architecture guide

Additional Articles from Microsoft MSDN

he SQL Server Database Engine processes queries on various data storage architectures such as local tables, partitioned tables, and tables distributed across multiple servers. The following sections cover how SQL Server processes queries and optimizes query reuse through execution plan caching.

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Look Into Chocolatey

Grant Fritchey from The Scary DBA

Just a suggestion, but I’d say you should look into Chocolatey. Let me explain why. Sabbatical For those who don’t know I was recently on a six-week sabbatical from...

Blog Post

From the SQL Server Central Blogs - Using Snowflake – Hands On

BLOB EATER from All About SQL

Now let’s start the process of creating a snowflake account in the Azure Cloud. You can sign up for a free trial from here – I am going...


 Question of the Day

Today's question (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor):


Removing a Column

I added a new column to a table with this code:
ALTER TABLE dbo.Summit2022 ADD QuoteByURL VARCHAR(200)
While I think this is a good idea, it needs to be tested by others and reviewed. Because this might be an issue, I also want an undo script that can be run to remove this change if it's a problem. What should I put in the undo script?

Think you know the answer? Click here, and find out if you are right.



 Yesterday's Question of the Day (by Steve Jones - SSC Editor)

Another Conversion Question

What is the result of this code?

select 4444.0 * N'1111.0'

Answer: 4937284.00

Explanation: This works and returns the actual sum. The datatype conversion requires that the character fit into the numeric. The numeric in this case is a numeric(5,1), which holds the 1111.0 value, so this works. Ref: Cast and Convert -

Discuss this question and answer on the forums




Database Pros Who Need Your Help

Here's a few of the new posts today on the forums. To see more, visit the forums.

SQL Server 2017 - Administration
Large table, clustered columnstore index and NO perf. improvements. - Hello colleagues, we have SQL Server 2017 standard (14.0.3238.1) with 136GB vRAM and 20 vCPU on Windows Server 2019 standard. We have a table, [ID_vard] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [id_p] [int] NOT NULL, [id] [int] NOT NULL, [uid] [int] NOT NULL, [gor] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [apt] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [fed_ok] [varchar](255) NOT NULL, [sum] [real] […]
Availability group with Automatic Tuning/Query Store - I am about to test Automatic Tuning on a availability group.  I have not tested this yet but I am certain I will need to enable this on each replica database. Since it is expected each database will get a different set of read calls, then query store records should be different. Does anyone have […]
Waits on temp db - Hello, I would like some input and ideas on my issue. I have two virtual servers. Prod and Test. A couple of weeks ago, out of the blue without any deployment of code, my production server started to get long wait time while processing procedure on large tables, something that will take 20 minutes the […]
Administration - SQL Server 2014
Strange failed login isssue - Hello, From past few days, users are receiving failed login issue from the application. Although, user has updated the password, but after two days, he is till receiving the same error. This is not limited to only one user. Multiples users are facing the same problem. Here is the error. Microsoft (ODBC driver 11 for […]
SQL 2012 - General
MS SQL Server 2012 question regarding SSIS - OK so I have a customer with a hosted website with eCommerce options. Essentially if you a good CC and the shipping address matches the address on the card, they will take your order. This order information is stored in a MySQL database that they log into via a website, where they proceed to physically […]
SQL Server 2019 - Administration
new login unable to sign-on to SSMS - I created a new SQL login.  Then i created a new user on database A and add this user to db_datareader role. When i tried to signin via SSMS with this new login, i get the following: Cannot connect to XXSERVERNAMEXX. =================================== The SELECT permission was denied on the object 'dm_os_host_info', database 'mssqlsystemresource', schema 'sys'. […]
SQL ATP for Queries in Activity Monitor constantly suspended - Greetings. Our Organization has a VM in Azure running SQL 2019 (Not Azure SQL). We have been trying to pin down performance issues and one item I'd like to clarify is an entry in the Activity Monitor regarding SQL ATP for Queries which is suspended and has a wait state of XE_Live_Target_TVF with 0 memory […]
List all permissions assigned to user defined SERVER roles - Kindly help me with a T-SQL for finding all permissions assigned to user defined SERVER roles. Thanks
Query Store Complete plan - Hi , is it possible to retrieve the entire plan for an object from querystore rather than the plan "snippet" that it views as troublesome ?   many thanks
SQL Server 2019 - Development
OT: Azure/Transact SQL Tutorials, not w3schools - I have four or five years of experience writing various kinds SQL.  My colleague has very rudimentary SQL skills, but he obviously wants to acquire more.  He would do better with a self-paced interactive tutorial, exercises, or an introductory project than a class or book.  He would mostly be reporting, so emphasis on database design […]
IMPLICIT TRANSACTION and Recursive Stored Procedure - I think I'm losing my mind! I have a stored procedure which needs to update a number of tables and ensure that the INSERT/UPDATE trigger fires for each record being inserted/amended.   I want super tight control over this so I am setting IMPLICIT TRANSACTIONS SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON Before the first inster/update and SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF […]
IMPLICIT TRANSACTION and Recursive Stored Procedure - I think I'm losing my mind! I have a stored procedure which needs to update a number of tables and ensure that the INSERT/UPDATE trigger fires for each record being inserted/amended.   I want super tight control over this so I am setting IMPLICIT TRANSACTIONS SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS ON Before the first inster/update and SET IMPLICIT_TRANSACTIONS OFF […]
Convert Excel formulas to SQL language automatically - Is it possible convert Excel formula to SQL? I mean like this site for convert VB.NET to C#. I have to write lots of complicated excel function in format of SQL function like this: =VLOOKUP(D4,Table25,MATCH(ِDATA!AB$3,Table25[#Headers],0))*IF(OR(E4="W",E4="KW"),(2*((G4*VLOOKUP(D4,Table25,3,0))*IF(D4="COF",SUM(H4,I4),MAX(H4,I4))*VLOOKUP(D4,Table25,2,0))+2*(F4*IF(D4="COF",SUM(H4,I4),MAX(H4,I4))*VLOOKUP(D4,Table25,2,0))),0) and it is very hard and time consuming. Also this question asked in this place.
SQL Azure - Administration
TDE issue in SQL MI - Hi, I'm trying to disable TDE in SQL Managed Instance(Service Managed). After executing Alter statement for the DB (set encryption off), when I check sys.dm_database_encryption_keys for status, getting below output. DB Name            encryption_state_desc                            percent_complete     encryption_scan_state_desc   Encryption_State […]
General Cloud Computing Questions
Google Cloud SQL pricing question - I'm trying to migrate a Django site to Google Cloud. Django uses a SQL database, so i'm trying to setup a simple SQL database. I don't think my site will be accesed at night, so I don't think I will be using the database at that time. I see that the first generation of GCP […]


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