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Database Weekly
The Complete Weekly Roundup of SQL Server News
Hand-picked content to sharpen your professional edge

What is Possible?

There’s the old saying “Whether you think you can or you think you can’t -- you’re right” from Henry Ford. I’ve thought about this more recently while reading the book The Rise of Superman Decoding the Science of Ultimate Human Performance which talks about how athletes have performed so called impossible feats over the past few decades.

One critical thing these individuals have in common is to forget that what they want to do is impossible or to never know it in the first place. (There's more to the book, but that's for another day.) My favorite example involves skateboarder Tony Hawk and a child who was born the year Tony was the first person to do the 900 – or two and half revolutions. The 900 was considered an impossible feat, and Tony worked on it for ten years, but since then, a handful of others did it as well. The most remarkable was Tom Schaar, the baby born a few months after Tony’s 900. When Tom successfully did the 900 at age 12, he had lived his entire life knowing that it was possible. Within a year, he became the first person to do a 1080.

It’s not that I’m interested in skateboarding, but I love this story and many of the others about climbing, surfing, and more. In each of these sports, the impossible feat one day becomes the norm the next. Obviously, these folks had to work very hard, but they also believed they could do it.

In my own life, I love to do stairclimbing events. Back in 2007, I worked in the 42-story building where a stair climb event was announced. I had been running quite a bit back then, but I thought climbing 42 flights of stairs, if possible at all, would take an hour. One day, it was raining, so two of my co-workers and I decided to attempt the stairs instead of running outside. We couldn’t believe it! It took us just 17 minutes, and that was with taking a few breaks along the way. I soon found that it took me 15 minutes if I didn’t try too hard and could get up there in 11 minutes if I pushed myself. My time on race day was 10:10, and that was actually slow for my age group. Since then, I’ve climbed the Space Needle in Seattle, participated in The Bisbee 1000 Great Stair Climb in Arizona, and several local events. When I talk about stairclimbing, most people think it’s impossible to climb 40 flights of stairs, but they could do it too, if they just tried.

Not many people will accomplish something as spectacular as Tony Hawk or Tom Schaar, but there are often things that people want to do but don’t believe they can. Maybe that is writing a book, presenting at a conference, or learning skills towards a new career path. Believing you can do it is a big part of the battle.

Kathi Kellenberger

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The Weekly News
All the headlines and interesting SQL Server information that we've collected over the past week, and sometimes even a few repeats if we think they fit.
Vendors/3rd Party Products

Monitoring Amazon RDS SQL Servers with SQL Monitor v11

SQL Monitor v11 introduces native support for SQL Server instances hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) Relational Database Service (RDS) platform. In this post we'll explore the metrics you need to keep an eye on with Amazon RDS SQL Server monitoring, how a monitoring tool will help you manage the process of migrating databases to the Amazon cloud, as well as measures its success, and how SQL Monitor allows you to monitor all your SQL Server instances, wherever they are hosted, through a single pane of glass.

Managing Cross-Database Object References (EI016, EI026, EI027)

Phil Factor explains cross database and cross-server references, how to find them in your code, and when it's better to avoid hard-coding these references and use synonyms instead.

Creating a SQL Code Snippet in SQL Prompt and SSMS

Phil Factor's "getting started" guide for turning all your trusted and most frequently used queries into SQL code snippets.


SQL Server Indexes Management Using Index Manager for SQL Server

Total: 2 Average: 5SQL Server Index Overview When talking about SQL Server performance tuning and queries enhancement, the first thing to consider is the SQL Server Index. It serves...

The real challenges of database monitoring

I’ve worked in IT for 30 years, a large part of which has involved managing data and databases. I’m now a SQL Server Enterprise Architect and I manage the...

How do I test if a linked server works using T-SQL?

I get that linked servers are almost as despised as the dreaded cursor or (lord save us) NOLOCK, but they ... Continue reading The post How do I test if...

Exploring Errors to Reveal Unauthorized Information

Database administrators can never stop thinking about security. In this article, Fabiano Amorim shows how data can be revealed through error messages when views are used to secure rows.

DBA in training: Security

Securing data is not always easy to do, but it should be the top responsibility for database administrators. From protecting the physical servers to preventing copies of backups files from getting into the wrong hands, there is a lot to consider. In this article, Pamela Mooney covers what DBAs need to think about when securing their organisation’s data.

Azure Databricks, Spark and Snowflake

Adaptive Query Execution in Databricks

MaryAnn Xue and Allison Wang explain how Adaptive Query Execution works with Databricks: One of the most important cost-based decisions made in the Spark optimizer…Continue readingAdaptive Query Execution in...

Backup and Recovery

SQL Server Backup Types

One of the most important responsibilities for a DBA is to ensure that a database can be restored in case of corruption, a dropped table, or another disaster. In...

Computing in the Cloud (Azure, Google, AWS)

Azure Site to Site VPN Blocking Some Traffic

I ran across an interesting a couple of weeks ago ...

Conferences, Classes, Events, and Webinars

How Database DevOps Enables the Evolving Insurance Landscape

A changing world demands we change with it. In an era of constant global innovation and emerging new risks, the insurance industry must embrace the opportunities presented. Join Redgate's Chris Unwin and Coeo's James Boother, live as they discuss how a Database DevOps approach can help overcome these key challenges.

Bridging the divide between Data Management and DevOps

The speed, flexibility and collaboration of DevOps can be difficult to achieve against the rigid schemas, manual processes, and silos in the world of data management. Join this webinar with Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Grant Fritchey to discover the key strategies you can implement to bridge the divide between data management and DevOps in your organization.


PIVOT in PowerShell

Words: 1151 Time to read: ~ 6 minutes Table of Contents Apologies Exploring our Data SQL Pivoting PowerShell Grouping our Data Manual Pivot Dynamic Pivot Why this is Closures...

Data Mining / Data Analysis

Retail | Leverage Text Analytics to Improve Customer Experience

Consumers leave behind a massive wake of data as they interact with your brand. They review and rate your products on eCommerce platforms, they interact with the chat bot...

DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

10 DevOps strategies for working with legacy databases

The database is often left behind as organisations...

Reordering Deployments in Database DevOps

We recently received an interesting question in our Redgate forums from Peter Daniels about altering the order of deployments in database DevOps. The question includes the following scenario: Developer...

Checking the pulse of Kubernetes

In this article, Michael Sorens describes the many ways that you can monitor Kubernetes.

ETL/SSIS/Azure Data Factory/Biml

SSIS Catalog (SSISDB) Cleanup – Revisited

I wrote about cleaning up the SSIS Catalog a while...

Azure-SSIS Catalog Database Connection Failed

I was provisioning a new Azure Data Factory (ADF) ...

HA/DR/Always On/Clustering

SQL Server Availability Group Automatic Seeding

In SQL Server 2016 Microsoft introduced Automatic Seeding for Availability Groups (AG). The Automatic Seeding process streams the database...

Steps for Installing AlwaysOn Availability Groups – SQL 2019

With SQL Server 2012 Microsoft introduced the Alwa...


DAX and Blank

Meagan Longoria shows us how Blank works: Before you read the below tweet, see how many of these you can guess correctly: Blank + 5…Continue readingDAX and Blank

Performance Tuning SQL Server

Detect Excessive Spinlock Contention on SQL Server

As we prepared to face unprecedented demand this year, we began to think about whether bigger is better. Worried about CPU limits,...

Eager Index Spools Are Judgmental

You’re Short I ran across something similar in a previous post: Index Spools When You Have An Index. But here we are again, with the optimizer treating us like fools for...

Query Store: QDS Toolbox

I wanted to announce the first open source project officially released by ChannelAdvisor: the QDS Toolbox. This is an effort which Pablo Lozano and Efraim Sharon pushed hard internally...



This blog post is part of my “Automating Power BI deployments” series,...

Analyze days from two months on one line chart in Power BI

Have you struggled to compare data from two differ...

KPIs in Tabular models for Power BI and Excel

A Tabular model can define a measure as a Key Performance Indicator (KPI), thus providing a visual indicator for status and trend...

Why I’m Excited About Dynamic M Parameters In Power BI

My favourite feature in the October 2020 release of Power BI is undoubtedly dynamic M parameters. However, before I explain why, I’m going to put my hands up and...

Professional Development

What do they want to hear?

I was helping my 16yo write his first college essay the other day. He’s always struggled a bit with writing ... Continue reading The post What do they want to...

How to Learn SQL Server in One Year

You’ve been using Microsoft SQL Server for a few years, and it’s becoming increasingly important to your job. You can write a query, but… You feel like something’s missing....


SQL Server replication requires the actual server name to …

The more and more I work with replication the more...

Security News and Issues

I've Joined the 1Password Board of Advisers

Make pwned passwords a thi...


Sequence Project

Introduction The Sequence Project operator computes values for the “ranking functions”:  functions where the results depend on other rows in the result set, such as ROW_NUMBER, RANK, DENSE_RANK, and...

A Fun Way To Return Zero Rows To SSMS

Demos And Demos! Sending rows out to SSMS is annoying. It takes a long time when there are a lot of them, and sometimes you just wanna show a query...

Virtualization and Containers/Kubernetes

Best Practice Recommendations For Windows Hosting SQL Server On VMware

Did you know it’s very important to ensure that your VMware environment is properly set when hosting SQL Server instances...

Migrating SQL Server container images to the Github Container Registry

A couple of months ago Docker announced that they would be implementing a 6 month retention policy for unused images in the Docker Hub. This was due to kick...

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