set nocount on; -- Clear results from previous tests (if any) update dbo.Registrations set SessionNo = NULL; truncate table dbo.Sessions; drop table if exists #regs; drop table if exists #bridge; -- Force empty cache checkpoint; DBCC FREEPROCCACHE WITH NO_INFOMSGS; DBCC DROPCLEANBUFFERS WITH NO_INFOMSGS; go --The time starts from here declare @dtstart datetime = getdate(), @milliseconds int; with C as ( select row_number() over (partition by year, quarter order by NumCandidates) Rn, Year, Quarter, SubjCode, NumCandidates from Registrations) select Rn, Year, Quarter, SubjCode, NumCandidates into #regs from C order by Year, Quarter, Rn; --select * from #regs order by Year, Quarter, Rn with C1 as ( --As anchor member of the recursive cte, it considers records having Rn = 1 select Rn, Year, Quarter, SubjCode, NumCandidates, NumCandidates CustomSum from #regs where Rn = 1 union all --You add the new value of NumCandidates to the sum of the previous record --If the running sum remains less than the maximum capacity of the bin or it reaches exactly the maximum capacity of the bin -- then there is nothing to do --If the running sum overtakes the maximum capacity of the bin, the new value will be part of a new bin and so -- the new value is added to the multiple of 100 that has been overtaken select Regs.Rn, Regs.Year, Regs.Quarter, Regs.SubjCode, Regs.NumCandidates, case when (ca.NewSumValue / 100 = C1.CustomSum / 100) or (ca.NewSumValue % 100 = 0) then ca.NewSumValue else (ca.NewSumValue / 100 * 100) + Regs.NumCandidates end from #regs Regs inner join C1 on Regs.Rn = C1.Rn + 1 and Regs.Year = C1.Year and Regs.Quarter = C1.Quarter --You use the apply operator in order to have a more readable "select clause" cross apply (select C1.CustomSum + Regs.NumCandidates as NewSumValue) as ca ) --You subtract 1 from CustomSum because the exact multiple of 100, must belong to the current 'bin' select Rn, Year, Quarter, SubjCode, NumCandidates, CustomSum, (CustomSum - 1) / 100 as binNumber into #bridge from C1 option (maxrecursion 0); --select * from #bridge --Set the results insert into Sessions select Year, Quarter, binNumber, 100 - SUM(NumCandidates) from #bridge group by Year, Quarter, binNumber update r set SessionNo = b.binNumber from Registrations r inner join #bridge b on r.Year = b.Year and r.Quarter = b.Quarter and r.SubjCode = b.SubjCode drop table #regs; drop table #bridge; set @milliseconds = DATEDIFF(MILLISECOND, @dtstart, GETDATE()) raiserror ('Execution time (ms): %i', 10, 1, @milliseconds) with nowait; go -- Show results, for efficiency comparison WITH PerYearQuarter AS (SELECT Year, Quarter, COUNT(*) AS NumSessions, SUM(SpaceLeft) AS SeatsEmpty FROM dbo.Sessions GROUP BY Year, Quarter) SELECT COALESCE (CAST(Quarter AS varchar(3)), 'ALL') AS Quarter, SUM(NumSessions) AS NumSessions, SUM(NumSessions * 100.0 - SeatsEmpty) / SUM(NumSessions) AS AvgSessionSize, AVG(SeatsEmpty * 1.0) AS AvgEmptySeats FROM PerYearQuarter GROUP BY Quarter WITH ROLLUP ORDER BY GROUPING(Quarter), Quarter; go