============================================================================================== Setup instructions. ============================================================================================== 1.unzip the archive 2.create a folder to hold sql scripts to be executed e.g. C:\TestSQLScripts; if it is a network share - it has to be accessible by your AD account.!!This has to be verified and confirmed!! 3.sql folder: execute provided sql scripts in in your database. -- 01_Tables_and_View.sql --> creates metadata schema and 5 tables in that schema -- 02_Stored_Procs.sql --> creates 5 stored procs in metadata schema -- 03_Run_from_server_stored_proc.sql before executing this script, please set parameters to correct values @p_Scripts_Folder_Path ='the folder holding sql scripts to be executed' @p_DB_Connection_String =Data Source=YOUR_SERVER;Initial Catalog=YOUR_DATABASE;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;' 4.ssis folder: modify ssis project parameters: DB_Connection_String = YOUR_SERVER;Initial Catalog=YOUR_DATABASE;Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;' PROCESS_ID -id from metadata.Process table ScriptsFolderPath = C:\TestSQLScripts =============================================================================================== =============================================================================================== How to execute from the server ======================================== 1. create SSIS folder Run_SQL_Scripts ; either via UI or script below --------------- use master go Declare @folder_id bigint EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[create_folder] @folder_name=N'Run_SQL_Scripts', @folder_id=@folder_id OUTPUT Select @folder_id EXEC [SSISDB].[catalog].[set_folder_description] @folder_name=N'Run_SQL_Scripts', @folder_description=N'My test folder' GO ------------------- 2. deploy Run_SQL_Scripts SSIS project into that folder. 3. open [metadata].[Run_SQL] , verify parameters set to valid values, execute sp. 4. to verify progress: use your_database go select * from [metadata].[VW_PACKAGE_ERROR_LOG] order by ID desc