true Data Source=localhost;Initial Catalog=master SQL a1a81891-6701-47df-9b33-1b1e0584546c 1in 1in true 8.5in true 0.125inBlockingLocks0.625in128.5in
Holding_ID 16 true =Fields!Holding_ID.Value Status 15 true =Fields!Status.Value Lock_Type 14 true =Fields!Lock_Type.Value Holding_User 13 true =Fields!Holding_User.Value Waiting_User 12 true =Fields!Waiting_User.Value Waiting_ID 11 true =Fields!Waiting_ID.Value Database 10 true =Fields!Database.Value Object_ID 9 true =Fields!Object_ID.Value Holding_Host 8 true =Fields!Holding_Host.Value Waiting_Host 7 true =Fields!Waiting_Host.Value Holding_Program 6 true =Fields!Holding_Program.Value Waiting_Program 5 true =Fields!Waiting_Program.Value Holding_Command 4 true =Fields!Holding_Command.Value Waiting_Command 3 true =Fields!Waiting_Command.Value CPU_Time 2 true =Fields!CPU_Time.Value I_O 1 true =Fields!I_O.Value Mem_Usage true =Fields!Mem_Usage.Value 0.25in
textbox3 33 true Holding ID textbox1 32 true Status textbox2 31 true Lock Type textbox4 30 true Holding User textbox7 29 true Waiting User textbox11 28 true Waiting ID textbox12 27 true Database textbox13 26 true Object ID textbox16 25 true Holding Host textbox17 24 true Waiting Host textbox18 23 true Holding Program textbox19 22 true Waiting Program textbox21 21 true Holding Command textbox23 20 true Waiting Command textbox24 19 true CPU Time textbox25 18 true I/O textbox26 17 true Mem Usage 0.25in
0.75in 0.75in 1in 1.5in 1.5in 0.75in 1.5in 0.875in 1.875in 1.875in 4.5in 4.5in 2.25in 2.5in 0.75in 0.75in 0.875in 0.5in
0.125in 0.125in textbox22 19in true 0.5in This report displays all blocking locks connected to the server at the time of the report (auto-refresh interval every 90 seconds).
2.625in 0.125in textbox14 1 4in true BLOCKING LOCKS 5.5in 3in true 0.25in ="Report Time: " & Globals!ExecutionTime 0.375in true true 78f4fac4-5468-432c-adf6-5d8342f55ce4 1in true select b.spid 'Holding ID', rtrim(b.status) 'Status', 'Lock Type' = case a.rsc_type when 1 then NULL when 2 then 'DATABASE' when 3 then 'FILE' when 4 then 'INDEX' when 5 then 'TABLE' when 6 then 'PAGE' when 7 then 'KEY' when 8 then 'EXTENT' when 9 then 'RID' when 10 then 'APPLICATION' else NULL end, SUSER_SNAME(b.sid) 'Holding User', SUSER_SNAME(w.sid) 'Waiting User', w.spid 'Waiting ID', 'Database'= CASE WHEN a.rsc_dbid=0 THEN '[NULL]' ELSE DB_NAME(a.rsc_dbid) END, a.rsc_objid 'Object ID', rtrim(b.hostname) 'Holding Host', rtrim(w.hostname) 'Waiting Host', rtrim(b.program_name) 'Holding Program', rtrim(w.program_name) 'Waiting Program', b.cmd 'Holding Command', w.cmd 'Waiting Command', b.cpu 'CPU Time', b.physical_io 'I/O', b.memusage 'Mem Usage' from master.dbo.syslockinfo a join master.dbo.sysprocesses b on a.req_spid = b.spid join master.dbo.sysprocesses w on a.req_spid = w.blocked and b.spid=w.blocked where b.spid <> @@spid ORDER BY 1,5,6,3 DataSource System.Int16 Holding ID System.String Status System.String Lock Type System.String Holding User System.String Waiting User System.Int16 Waiting ID System.String Database System.Int32 Object ID System.String Holding Host System.String Waiting Host System.String Holding Program System.String Waiting Program System.String Holding Command System.String Waiting Command System.Int32 CPU Time System.Int64 I/O System.Int32 Mem Usage Tommy Bollhofer 95.38892in 90 0in This report displays all processes connected to the server at the time of the report. en-US 1in true true 1in