xp_cmdshell is now locked out ...

  • As xp_cmdshell is generally not available (unless one enables it, which some companies frown upon), a possible replacement for the code that checks for file existence is using xp_fileexist. Therefore the lines in between "temp proc to check backup file existence" become:

    -- START create temp proc to check backup file existence

    CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.#prFileExists

    @path varchar(300) ,

    @p2 int OUTPUT


    IF object_id('tempdb..#cmdshell') IS NOT NULL

    DROP TABLE #cmdshell

    CREATE TABLE #cmdshell ([File Exists] int, [File is a Directory] int, [Parent Directory Exists] int)

    INSERT INTO #cmdshell exec master..xp_fileexist @path

    SELECT @p2 =[File Exists] from #cmdshell



    -- END create temp proc to check backup file existence

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