• Dear All,

    I have one view in oracle which gives no result, and it is correct!!!


    SELECT DOCID, CUS.tracode,LEE.LEENAME,SDT.dotcode,SLD.docnumber,SLD.docenimerosisdate
          CUS,       LEE,       SDT
    WHERE CUS.traid=SLD.traid
    AND   LEE.leeid=CUS.leeid
    AND   SLD.dotid=SDT.dotid AND   SDT.dotcode in ('ΕΤΔ','ΗΕΤΙΙ','ΕΤΙΙ', 'ΕΠΚ', 'ΗΕΠΚ')

    AND   SLD.docenimerosisdate >='02/02/2018'
    AND TRACODE IN ('09751','14698','05074','05044','05182','15656','05097')
    AND SLD.pmtidpayment NOT IN ( 133,119)


    when I run this from Oracle it is ok.

    when I run this from SQL Server 2008 ( win2k3 server ) MSDAORA result is OK

    when I run this from SQL Server 2008 ( win2k8 server ) Oralce Ole DB result is NOT OK.

    I realize that the problem is the date format . But I can not change the date format  in oracle because it wont run from Oracle tool

    Is there any idea how to solve the problem

    Thanks in advancefor your help

  • Try specifying the date in ISO format:
    AND SLD.docenimerosisdate >='20180202'

  • I tried yours and
    when I run this from SQL Server 2008 ( win2k3 server ) MSDAORA

    result is
    Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "SENDB".

    when I run this from SQL Server 2008 ( win2k8 server ) Oralce Ole DB result is OK.!!!!!

  • ggramm - Wednesday, July 25, 2018 4:56 AM

    I tried yours and
    when I run this from SQL Server 2008 ( win2k3 server ) MSDAORA

    result is
    Msg 7330, Level 16, State 2, Line 1 Cannot fetch a row from OLE DB provider "MSDAORA" for linked server "SENDB".

    when I run this from SQL Server 2008 ( win2k8 server ) Oralce Ole DB result is OK.!!!!!

    Check the following article to see what the expected format is and the related connection properties. Refer to the Date Formats section -
    Features of OraOLEDB


  • or you could use the oracle to_date function

    AND SLD.docenimerosisdate >='02/02/2018'
    AND SLD.docenimerosisdate >=TO_DATE('02/02/2018','DD/MM/YYYY')

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