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Embedding Notebooks on a Website

Eduardo Pivaral shows how to embed the results of a Jupyter notebook created in Azure Data Studio on a website:

Notebooks are a functionality available in Azure Data Studio, that allows you to create and share documents that may contain text, code, images, and query results. These documents are helpful to be able to share database insights and create runbooks that you can share easily.

Are you new to notebooks? don’t know what are the uses for it? want to know how to create your first notebook? then you can get started in ADS notebooks checking my article for here.

Once you have created your first notebooks and share them among your team, maybe you want to share it on your website or blog for public access.
even when you can share the file for download, you can also embed it on the HTML code.

Be sure to read the comments too. Rendering notebooks is…an imperfect operation.