
Ed Leighton-Dick is a SQL Server performance and architecture expert and Founder/Principal Consultant of Kingfisher Technologies, a consultancy focused on SQL Server performance, architecture, and security. He is a frequent volunteer with PASS, including roles as regional mentor, chapter leader of I-380 PASS SQL Server User Group, and organizer of SQL Saturday Iowa City. He can often be found teaching sessions at local, regional, and national events, including user groups, SQL Saturday events, and Iowa Code Camp. Ed can be reached through his blog, edleightondick.com, and on Twitter at @eleightondick.

Blog Post

Defending your data

Which of these is more secure?

shilmar / Pixabay
Nicolas Chadeville / 500pxIt’s a trick question – the correct answer is “neither”.
Both castles and vaults...


423 reads


Visualising SQL Server in Kubernetes


The other day I came across an interesting repo on github, KubeDiagrams. What this...

Picking a Starting Table in Test Data Manager


I wrote about getting the Redgate Test Data Manager set up in 10 minutes...

SQL Server Migration Using a Distributed Availability Group


SQL Server migrations are a headache, ask anyone who’s been through the pain of...

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sql server not responding

By aman

SQL server became slow before I ran exec sp_updatestats

Counting Bits II

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Counting Bits II

Unreliable Narrators

By Steve Jones - SSC Editor

Comments posted to this topic are about the item Unreliable Narrators

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Question of the Day

Counting Bits II

What is the result of this query in SQL Server 2022+?

select bit_count('7')

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