SQL Server MSDB Database Tutorial Outline


In this tutorial we will cover common questions related to the SQL Server msdb database. This is one of the standard system databases that are part of every SQL Server installation. This tutorial will give you a better idea of what the msdb database is used for, how to configure and maintain it and how to know what data and objects are stored in the msdb database.

The following sections will be covered in the tutorial:

  • SQL Server MSDB Database Overview
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Location
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Size and Growth
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Maintenance
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Tables
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Objects
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Permissions
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Backup
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Recovery Model
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Restore
  • SQL Server MSDB Database Disaster Recovery Plan

Let's get started.

Comments For This Article

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - 12:40:46 PM - Eric Blinn Back To Top (87969)
Thank you, Bob! I appreciate the positive feedback!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2020 - 11:46:17 AM - Bob Back To Top (87967)
Great article Eric. I haven't looked at msdb in months and this provided a good check list of things to review. Its a great reference. Nicely done!

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