Query Exercise: Find the Best Time for Maintenance

Query Exercises

If we’ve gotta take the database down for maintenance – perhaps a version upgrade, perhaps upgrading our own code, maybe scaling up the hardware – when’s the best time to do it?

For this week’s query exercise, the business has asked us to identify 3 1-hour periods with the least user activity, in this format:

  • Mondays, 1:00-1:59
  • Saturdays, 23:00-23:59
  • Sundays, 2:00-2:59

Pop open the Stack Overflow database, and for the sake of simplicity for this exercise:

  • We’re just going to look at the users table. We’ll judge load by times when the fewest number of users are created, judging by the users.creationdate column.
  • We’re not dealing with time zones.
  • We’re only looking for one-hour time ranges that start with 00 and end with 59, like 1:00-1:59. We’re using a little shorthand there and not typing out the seconds, but the point is that we don’t want you saying “the best time is 2:15:05 to 3:14:04.” That’s delightfully ambitious – but let’s keep it simple here. Not everyone has as much free time as you, bud.

Pick a 28-day window so that you’re looking at several weeks of trending activity, and come up with your one-hour preferences. (I expect folks to come up with widely different answers depending on which 28-day window they pick, and which copy of the database they’re using. That’s okay! The goal is to write the query, and then check your logic against the gotchas that I discuss next week.)

The performance of your query isn’t a concern here – this isn’t a query we’ll be running on a regular basis. We just need to know the quietest times in the database.

You can post your answers in this blog post’s comments, and discuss each others’ ideas. We’ll revisit your answers in this post. Have fun!

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46 Comments. Leave new

  • Remko van Hierden
    January 18, 2024 10:59 pm

    /*I had a similar question a while ago and am curious if my solution was a good one.
    The stackoverflow database i used is the 10GB 2010 version. */
    /* First i look to see if there are edge cases in the data
    Because of much higher numbers in september 2008 we avoid that month */
    SELECT CAST(u.CreationDate AS date), COUNT(*)
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    GROUP BY CAST(u.CreationDate AS date)

    /* I see no further data issues apart from maybe deleted users */
    SELECT u.CreationDate, COUNT(*)
    FROM dbo.Users AS u
    GROUP BY u.CreationDate

    SELECT u.CreationDate FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE CreationDate IS NULL
    SELECT u.CreationDate FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE CreationDate = wh.HourStart
    AND CAST(u.CreationDate AS time) = ‘2010-11-01’
    AND u.CreationDate < '2010-11-29'
    GROUP BY ResultText
    ), Ranking AS(
    , UsersCreated
    , DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY UsersCreated) AS DenseRank /* In the case there are ties */
    FROM UsersCreated
    , UsersCreated
    , DenseRank
    FROM Ranking
    WHERE DenseRank <= 3

    /* This excersise actually made me realize the query i delivered earlier has the potential for errors since i did not account for NULL results and ties. Apart from the (potential) errors i am making and not realizing */

    • Remko van Hierden
      January 18, 2024 11:01 pm

      My query got messed up while posting. I chopped it up in multiple posts.

      /*I had a similar question a while ago and am curious if my solution was a good one.
      The stackoverflow database i used is the 10GB 2010 version. */
      /* First i look to see if there are edge cases in the data
      Because of much higher numbers in september 2008 we avoid that month */
      SELECT CAST(u.CreationDate AS date), COUNT(*)
      FROM dbo.Users AS u
      GROUP BY CAST(u.CreationDate AS date)

      /* I see no further data issues apart from maybe deleted users */
      SELECT u.CreationDate, COUNT(*)
      FROM dbo.Users AS u
      GROUP BY u.CreationDate

      SELECT u.CreationDate FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE CreationDate IS NULL
      SELECT u.CreationDate FROM dbo.Users AS u WHERE CreationDate < '2008-01-01'
      SELECT MIN(u.CreationDate), MAX(u.CreationDate) FROM dbo.Users AS u

      • Remko van Hierden
        January 18, 2024 11:02 pm

        /* To make the grouping easier i create a temp table to join the data on */
        CREATE TABLE #Hours(
        HourStart time NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY
        , HourEnd time NOT NULL
        INSERT INTO #Hours(HourStart, HourEnd)
        VALUES (’00:00:00.000′, ’01:00:00.000′)
        , (’01:00:00.000′, ’02:00:00.000′)
        , (’02:00:00.000′, ’03:00:00.000′)
        , (’03:00:00.000′, ’04:00:00.000′)
        , (’04:00:00.000′, ’05:00:00.000′)
        , (’05:00:00.000′, ’06:00:00.000′)
        , (’06:00:00.000′, ’07:00:00.000′)
        , (’07:00:00.000′, ’08:00:00.000′)
        , (’08:00:00.000′, ’09:00:00.000′)
        , (’09:00:00.000′, ’10:00:00.000′)
        , (’10:00:00.000′, ’11:00:00.000′)
        , (’11:00:00.000′, ’12:00:00.000′)
        , (’12:00:00.000′, ’13:00:00.000′)
        , (’13:00:00.000′, ’14:00:00.000′)
        , (’14:00:00.000′, ’15:00:00.000′)
        , (’15:00:00.000′, ’16:00:00.000′)
        , (’16:00:00.000′, ’17:00:00.000′)
        , (’17:00:00.000′, ’18:00:00.000′)
        , (’18:00:00.000′, ’19:00:00.000′)
        , (’19:00:00.000′, ’20:00:00.000′)
        , (’20:00:00.000′, ’21:00:00.000′)
        , (’21:00:00.000′, ’22:00:00.000′)
        , (’22:00:00.000′, ’23:00:00.000′)
        , (’23:00:00.000′, ’23:59:59.9999999′)

        DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #WeekDays
        CREATE TABLE #WeekDays(
        WeekDayName varchar(10) PRIMARY KEY
        INSERT INTO #WeekDays(WeekDayName)
        , (‘Tuesday’)
        , (‘Wednesday’)
        , (‘Thursday’)
        , (‘Friday’)
        , (‘Saturday’)
        , (‘Sunday’)

  • Remko van Hierden
    January 18, 2024 11:02 pm

    CREATE TABLE #WeekDayHours(
    WeekDayName varchar(10) NOT NULL
    , HourStart time NOT NULL
    , HourEnd time NOT NULL
    , ResultText varchar(100) NOT NULL
    , PRIMARY KEY (WeekDayName, HourStart)
    INSERT INTO #WeekDayHours
    , HourStart
    , HourEnd
    /* We create the resulting text here since we cant do it in the final table. We are doing a FULL OUTER JOIN there in case of 0 records created */
    /* The result string will have leading zero’s but i hope the business wont notice so i dont have to write out the substrings (LTRIM wont work to get rid of the leading 0 since i installed SQL server 2019 on my own PC)*/
    , CONCAT(WeekDayName , ‘s, ‘, LEFT(CAST(HourStart AS varchar(16)), 5), ‘-‘, LEFT(CAST(HourEnd AS varchar(16)), 5)) AS ResultText
    FROM #WeekDays
    CROSS JOIN #Hours

    /* I join the users table using the created column on there respective time windows and day of the week
    Then i aggregate to the day of the week and the time windows.
    First i used an ORDER BY and TOP(3) but i noticed i had a tie on my third result. So i switched to using DENSE_RANK and a WHERE clause to also show the tie.

    • Remko van Hierden
      January 18, 2024 11:03 pm

      ;WITH UsersCreated AS(
      , COUNT(*) AS UsersCreated
      FROM dbo.Users AS u
      FULL OUTER JOIN #WeekDayHours AS wh ON DATENAME(WEEKDAY, u.CreationDate) = wh.WeekDayName /* FULL OUTER JOIN in case there are NULL values */
      AND CAST(u.CreationDate AS time) >= wh.HourStart
      AND CAST(u.CreationDate AS time) = ‘2010-11-01’
      AND u.CreationDate < '2010-11-29'
      GROUP BY ResultText
      ), Ranking AS(
      , UsersCreated
      , DENSE_RANK() OVER(ORDER BY UsersCreated) AS DenseRank /* In the case there are ties */
      FROM UsersCreated
      , UsersCreated
      , DenseRank
      FROM Ranking
      WHERE DenseRank <= 3
      /* This excersise actually made me realize the query i delivered earlier has the potential for errors since i did not account for NULL results and ties. Apart from the (potential) errors i am making and not realizing */

      • Remko, just some friendly advice: before you answer the next one, you may want to set a 24-hour timer. Write your first version, test it, then sleep on it before posting. That’s 5 answers you’ve posted in the span of a few hours, hahah. The query’s in good shape now though!

  • /*
    Utilized an older StackOverflow restore dated 2020-10-27 according to the zips
    Used a 28-day range starting 2018-06-01
    I checked not only the avg # of new users for each weekday/hour pair in the 28-day window, but also did a LEAD check on the next hour to see if our maintenance window ran OT due to a contingency

    Best windows appear to be

    Sunday, 00:00 – 00:59 (with the least amount of delta in users created the next hour)
    Sunday, 01:00 – 01:59 (but with a large amount of delta in case the window runs OT)
    Saturday, 00:00 – 00:59 (with slightly larger delta than the first one)


    DECLARE @Start datetime2(0)=’2018-06-01′
    CREATE TABLE #HourRanges
    (HourRangeStart datetime2(0),
    HourRangeEnd datetime2(0),
    AggregateLabel varchar(25)
    ;WITH Permutations(HourRangeStart,HourRangeEnd,HourNumber) AS
    (SELECT TOP 24 HourNumber=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT ‘1’ A))-1 FROM sys.objects) Hours
    (SELECT TOP 28 DayNumber=ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY (SELECT ‘1’ A))-1 FROM sys.objects) Days
    INSERT INTO #HourRanges(HourRangeStart,HourRangeEnd,AggregateLabel)
    HourRangeStart,HourRangeEnd,FORMAT(HourRangeStart,’dddd, HH:mm’) + ‘ – ‘ + FORMAT(HourRangeEnd,’HH:mm’)

    ;WITH FullRange(EarliestStart,LatestEnd) AS
    (SELECT MIN(HourRangeStart),MAX(HourRangeEnd) FROM #HourRanges)
    SELECT TOP 3 AggregateLabel,AVG(Tally) AvgTally,AVG(NextTally) AvgTally_NextHour,AVG(NextTally-Tally) AvgTally_Delta FROM (
    SELECT AggregateLabel,HourRangeStart,HourRangeEnd,Tally,
    LEAD(Tally,1) OVER (ORDER BY HourRangeStart,HourRangeEnd) NextTally
    FROM (

    , SUM(CAST(1 as float)) OVER (PARTITION BY HourRangeStart,HourRangeEnd) Tally
    [StackOverflow].[dbo].[Users] U
    #HourRanges H
    U.CreationDate>=H.HourRangeStart AND U.CreationDate=F.EarliestStart AND U.CreationDate<=F.LatestEnd
    ) Base
    ) Base2
    GROUP BY AggregateLabel
    ORDER BY AvgTally,AvgTally_Delta

    DROP TABLE #HourRanges

  • Sergio Torrinha
    January 19, 2024 8:23 am

    Hi everyone!

    Before sharing the query, some context:
    – I am using Brent training classes Stackoverflow DB: specialized copy as of 2018/06.

    – Because business/exercise question relates to a recent period, I am using a 28 day time window that matches to this period, as close as possible according to available data. Specifically, I am querying the most recent creation date of an user that is available and then subtracting 28 days to it, which should give us what we want – I mean, there is no point to infer user creation activity on older dates, as the data distribution is quite different (tested).

    My query is as follows:

    — =================================================================
    — Author: Sergio Torrinha

    — Creation Date: 19-01-2024
    — Description: This query is intended to answer Brent Ozar exercice available here: https://www.brentozar.com/archive/2024/01/query-exercise-find-the-best-time-for-maintenance/

    — =================================================================
    USE StackOverflow;

    — fetching date of most recent user created
    @MostRecentUserDate AS DATE = ( SELECT MAX( CreationDate ) FROM dbo.Users )

    WITH UsersCreated AS (
    — CTE that returns the number of users created per hour for each day of the week, in most recent 28 days
    DATENAME( WEEKDAY, CreationDate ) WeekDayName
    ,DATEPART(HOUR, CreationDate) HourNbr
    ,COUNT(1) TotalUsersCreated
    FROM dbo.Users
    — filtering Users table, to fetch users created in most recent 28 days of records
    — this will allow us to focus on most recent user creation activity to comply with exercice requests
    CreationDate >= DATEADD(DAY, – 28, @MostRecentUserDate )
    GROUP BY DATENAME( WEEKDAY, CreationDate ), DATEPART(HOUR, CreationDate)
    UserCreationActivityRanking AS (
    — CTE that returns the ranking of less user creation activity on a weekday and hourly level
    — the first 3 records, will indicate the days and hour numbers with less user creation activity
    ,DENSE_RANK() OVER( ORDER BY TotalUsersCreated ) LessActiveDay
    FROM (
    — the nbr 1 ranking will derive the less active hour within each weekday
    ,DENSE_RANK() OVER( PARTITION BY WeekDayName ORDER BY TotalUsersCreated ) LessActiveHourWithinDay
    FROM UsersCreated
    ) g
    WHERE LessActiveHourWithinDay = 1

    –this will nicely format the hour intervals to comply with exercice/business requirement
    ,CAST( HourNbr AS VARCHAR(2) ) + ‘:00-‘ + CAST( HourNbr AS VARCHAR(8) ) + ‘:59’ HourInterval
    FROM UserCreationActivityRanking
    — filtering only top 3 less active day/hours
    LessActiveDay < 4

    Looking forward to see what's wrong with it. =]
    Thank you

  • /*
    We need to find at least three 1 hour time slots over a period of 28 days with the least activity to decide which slots we can use for maintenance.
    This is a classic “Gaps and Islands” question, so we need to set up a range containing all the possible hours in this 28 day window.

    24 * 28 = 672 distinct hours, so setting up a range of 1000 unique values is enough.

    Our range will start at: 2013-11-01

    Based on the period 2013-11-01 – 2013-11-28
    The best windows are in order:
    Sunday, 1:00-1:59
    Saterday, 5:00-5:59
    Sunday, 0:00-0:59

    /* Populate DateRange with values */
    DECLARE @StartDateTime datetime = N’2013-11-01 00:00:00′;
    DECLARE @EndDateTime datetime = DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDateTime);

    /* Thanks Omar on the SQL discord server for this beauty */
    WITH Ten AS
    [Ten] = v.[Ten] /* Range 0-9 */
    ,[Weigth] = COUNT(v.[Ten]) OVER () /* 10 */
    VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)
    ) AS v ([Ten])
    ), Hundred AS
    [Hundred] = Ten.[Ten] + (Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Ten]) /* Range 0-99 */
    ,[Weigth] = Ten.[Weigth] * Ten.[Weigth] /* 10 * 10 = 100 */
    FROM Ten AS Ten
    CROSS APPLY Ten AS Hundred
    ), Thousand as
    [Thousand] = Ten.[Ten] + (Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Hundred]) /* Range 0-999 */
    ,[Weigth] = Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Weigth] /* 10 * 100 = 1,000 */
    FROM Ten AS Ten
    CROSS APPLY Hundred AS Hundred
    ), Dates AS
    [Date] = DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)
    ,[Window] = CASE DATEPART(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime))
    WHEN 1 THEN N’Sunday’
    WHEN 2 THEN N’Monday’
    WHEN 3 THEN N’Tuesday’
    WHEN 4 THEN N’Wednesday’
    WHEN 5 THEN N’Thursday’
    WHEN 6 THEN N’Friday’
    WHEN 7 THEN N’Saterday’
    + N’, ‘
    + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N’:00-‘ +
    + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N’:59′
    FROM Thousand
    WHERE DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime) < @EndDateTime
    FROM dbo.[Users] AS u
    ON DATEADD(HOUR, DATEPART(HOUR, u.[CreationDate]), CAST(CAST(u.[CreationDate] AS date) AS datetime)) = d.[Date] /* Strip the minutes, seconds, etc. from the CreationDate leaving only the date and the hour which we can match against our date range CTE */
    GROUP BY d.[Window]

    • The Dates CTE can be further simplified with with a DATENAME instead of the CASE:
      Dates AS
      [Date] = DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)
      ,[Window] = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) + N’, ‘
      + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N’:00-‘ +
      + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N’:59′
      FROM Thousand
      WHERE DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime) < @EndDateTime

    • Messed up the LEFT JOIN and the Count (like Thomas Franz), it should have been the Date CTE on the Left and dbo.Users on the right, and the COUNT needs to be some field in the users table:

      We need to find at least three 1 hour time slots over a period of 28 days with the least activity to decide which slots we can use for maintenance.
      This is a classic “Gaps and Islands” question, so we need to set up a range containing all the possible hours in this 28 day window.

      24 * 28 = 672 distinct hours, so setting up a range of 1000 unique values is enough.

      Our range will start at: 2013-11-01

      Based on the period 2013-11-01 – 2013-11-28
      The best windows are in order:
      Sunday, 1:00-1:59
      Saterday, 5:00-5:59
      Sunday, 0:00-0:59

      /* Populate DateRange with values */
      DECLARE @StartDateTime datetime = N’2013-11-01 00:00:00′;
      DECLARE @EndDateTime datetime = DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDateTime);

      /* Thanks Omar on the SQL discord server for this beauty */
      WITH Ten AS
      SELECT [Ten] = v.[Ten] /* Range 0-9 */, [Weigth] = COUNT(v.[Ten]) OVER () /* 10 */
      FROM (VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) AS v ([Ten])
      ), Hundred AS
      SELECT [Hundred] = Ten.[Ten] + (Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Ten]) /* Range 0-99 */, [Weigth] = Ten.[Weigth] * Ten.[Weigth] /* 10 * 10 = 100 */
      FROM Ten AS Ten CROSS APPLY Ten AS Hundred
      ), Thousand as
      SELECT [Thousand] = Ten.[Ten] + (Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Hundred]) /* Range 0-999 */, [Weigth] = Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Weigth] /* 10 * 100 = 1,000 */
      FROM Ten AS Ten CROSS APPLY Hundred AS Hundred
      ), Dates AS
      SELECT [Date] = DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)
      ,[Window] = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) + N’, ‘
      + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N’:00-‘ +
      + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N’:59′
      FROM Thousand
      WHERE DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime) < @EndDateTime
      SELECT TOP 3 d.[Window]
      FROM Dates AS d
      LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.[Users] AS u
      ON d.[Date] = DATEADD(HOUR, DATEPART(HOUR, u.[CreationDate]), CAST(CAST(u.[CreationDate] AS date) AS datetime)) /* Strip the minutes, seconds, etc. from the CreationDate leaving only the date and the hour which we can match against our date range CTE */
      GROUP BY d.[Window]
      ORDER BY COUNT(u.[Id]) ASC;

      • Got to “love” the SQL Execution plan on this one though:

        SQL Server couldn’t even get the guess for the users table remotely right XD (123285650% Actual 2465713 of Estimate 2) thanks to the DATEADD(HOUR, DATEPART(HOUR, u.[CreationDate]), CAST(CAST(u.[CreationDate] AS date) AS datetime)) in the join

        So I went in and optimize the query a little, by storing the User Activity in a Temp table we get an exec plan that is a little nicer:
        (Even Clippy is “suggesting” things now)

        In terms of execution time it didn’t matter, I just have some spare time will waiting for my ETL test job to finish.

        We need to find at least three 1 hour time slots over a period of 28 days with the least activity to decide which slots we can use for maintenance.
        This is a classic “Gaps and Islands” question, so we need to set up a range containing all the possible hours in this 28 day window.

        24 * 28 = 672 distinct hours, so setting up a range of 1000 unique values is enough.

        Our range will start at: 2013-11-01

        Based on the period 2013-11-01 – 2013-11-28
        The best windows are in order:
        Sunday, 1:00-1:59
        Saterday, 5:00-5:59
        Sunday, 0:00-0:59

        /* Populate DateRange with values */
        DECLARE @StartDateTime datetime = N’2013-11-01 00:00:00′;
        DECLARE @EndDateTime datetime = DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDateTime);

        IF OBJECT_ID(N’tempdb..#UserActivity’) IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #UserActivity;

        CREATE TABLE #UserActivity
        [ActivityDate] datetime

        INSERT INTO #UserActivity ([ActivityDate])
        SELECT [ActivityDate] = DATEADD(HOUR, DATEPART(HOUR, [CreationDate]), CAST(CAST([CreationDate] AS date) AS datetime)) /* Strip the minutes, seconds, etc. from the CreationDate leaving only the date and the hour which we can match against our date range CTE */
        FROM dbo.[Users]
        WHERE [CreationDate] >= @StartDateTime AND [CreationDate] < @EndDateTime;

        /* Thanks Omar on the SQL discord server for this beauty */
        WITH Ten AS
        SELECT [Ten] = v.[Ten] /* Range 0-9 */, [Weigth] = COUNT(v.[Ten]) OVER () /* 10 */
        FROM(VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9)) AS v ([Ten])
        ), Hundred AS
        SELECT [Hundred] = Ten.[Ten] + (Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Ten]) /* Range 0-99 */, [Weigth] = Ten.[Weigth] * Ten.[Weigth] /* 10 * 10 = 100 */
        FROM Ten AS Ten CROSS APPLY Ten AS Hundred
        ), Thousand as
        SELECT [Thousand] = Ten.[Ten] + (Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Hundred]) /* Range 0-999 */, [Weigth] = Ten.[Weigth] * Hundred.[Weigth] /* 10 * 100 = 1,000 */
        FROM Ten AS Ten CROSS APPLY Hundred AS Hundred
        ), Dates AS
        SELECT [Date] = DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)
        ,[Window] = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) + N', '
        + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N':00-' +
        + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime)) AS nvarchar(2)) + N':59'
        FROM Thousand
        WHERE DATEADD(HOUR, [Thousand], @StartDateTime) < @EndDateTime
        SELECT TOP 3 d.[Window]
        FROM Dates AS d
        LEFT OUTER JOIN #UserActivity AS u ON d.[Date] = u.[ActivityDate]
        GROUP BY d.[Window]
        ORDER BY COUNT(u.[ActivityDate]) ASC;

        IF OBJECT_ID(N'tempdb..#UserActivity') IS NOT NULL
        DROP TABLE #UserActivity;

        • I made a very complicated query before, there were some steps in the query that were totally not needed and I went and optimized it even further:
          Eliminated the temp table completed as well as all CTEs. Although the temp table can possibly knock down the 15 megabyte memory grant even further… but 15 Mb isn’t *that* bad 😀

          We need to find at least three 1 hour time slots over a period of 28 days with the least activity to decide which slots we can use for maintenance.
          This is a classic ” Gaps and Islands” question, so we need to set up a range containing all the possible hours in the per day window.

          Our range will start at: 2013-11-01

          Based on the period 2013-11-01 – 2013-11-28
          The best windows are in order:
          Sunday, 1:00-1:59
          Saterday, 5:00-5:59
          Sunday, 0:00-0:59

          SELECT TOP 3 v.[DayName] + N’, ‘ + HoursInTheDay.[HourWindow] + N’00-‘ + HoursInTheDay.[HourWindow] + N’59’
          FROM (VALUES
          (N’Monday’), (N’Tuesday’), (N’Wednesday’), (N’Thursday’), (N’Friday’), (N’Saturday’), (N’Sunday’)
          ) AS v ([DayName])
          CROSS APPLY (
          SELECT v.[HourWindow]
          FROM (VALUES
          ( N’0:’), ( N’1:’), ( N’2:’), ( N’3:’), ( N’4:’), ( N’5:’), ( N’6:’), ( N’7:’),
          ( N’8:’), ( N’9:’), (N’10:’), (N’11:’), (N’12:’), (N’13:’), (N’14:’), (N’15:’),
          (N’16:’), (N’17:’), (N’18:’), (N’19:’), (N’20:’), (N’21:’), (N’22:’), (N’23:’)
          ) AS v ([HourWindow])
          ) AS HoursInTheDay
          OUTER APPLY (
          SELECT [Activity] = 1
          FROM dbo.[Users] AS u
          WHERE u.[CreationDate] >= N’2013-11-01 00:00:00.000′
          AND u.[CreationDate] < DATEADD(DAY, 28, N'2013-11-01 00:00:00.000')
          AND v.[DayName] + N', ' + HoursInTheDay.[HourWindow] + N'00-' + HoursInTheDay.[HourWindow] + N'59' = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, u.[CreationDate]) + N', '
          + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, u.[CreationDate]) AS nvarchar(2)) + N':00-'
          + CAST(DATEPART(HOUR, u.[CreationDate]) AS nvarchar(2)) + N':59'
          ) AS u
          GROUP BY v.[DayName] + N', ' + HoursInTheDay.[HourWindow] + N'00-' + HoursInTheDay.[HourWindow] + N'59'
          ORDER BY COUNT(u.[Activity]) ASC;

  • Short (compared to all the other scripts) and simple and fast (< 1 sec on the StackOverFlow2013):

    DECLARE @period_start DATETIME = '20120403' — CreationDate is a datetime, so we should use the same datatype here

    SELECT t.weekday_name, t.start_hour, COUNT(*) AS created_users
    FROM (VALUES ('Monday', 1)
    , ('Saturday', 23)
    , ('Sunday', 2)
    ) AS t (weekday_name, start_hour)
    INNER JOIN dbo.Users AS u
    ON u.CreationDate BETWEEN @period_start AND DATEADD(DAY, 29, @period_start) — this would give us 0:00:00 of the 29th day too, but since no of the start_hours in t is = 0, this is no problem
    AND DATENAME(WEEKDAY, u.CreationDate) = t.weekday_name
    AND DATEPART(HOUR, u.CreationDate) = t.start_hour
    GROUP BY t.weekday_name, t.start_hour
    ORDER BY created_users

    • Used 29 instead of 28 days by mistake, but this should be no problem to change 🙂

    • small correction: to be accurate, I should have had used a LEFT JOIN instead of INNER JOIN and COUNT(u.CreationDate) instead of COUNT(*), since there could be an hour without any new user in one of the three time frames (e.g. Monday, 2008-08-04 01:00 – 01:59:59).

      • Yep, this is a classic “Gaps and Islands” question so a LEFT JOIN is required.
        Shouldn’t this be a list of all weekdays and all hours per day?
        “FROM (VALUES (‘Monday’, 1)
        , (‘Saturday’, 23)
        , (‘Sunday’, 2)
        ) AS t (weekday_name, start_hour)”

        • Martin – bingo, yeah, Thomas is missing a whole lot of days/hours in here.

          • True, I misunderstood the text in the goal and thought, that Business told me that only this 3 time frames would be allowed. And in this case – why should I bother to check all other 165 hours, where exists already a No-Go-Sign from business?

            PS: there would be much fewer spam if you would allow us to edit our orginal posts 🙂

          • You’re absolutely right about editing comments! It didn’t even occur to me. I was already on the hunt for something that would let y’all have syntax highlighting in the comments, but you’ve prompted me to go poke around in there again and see what I can do to raise the game here, heh.

  • […] Query Exercise: Find the Best Time for Maintenance (Brent Ozar) […]

  • Hi folks!
    Database: StackOverflow2013 (50GB)
    Not sure if I didn’t take something into account in my query but here it is.
    Best window appear to be (with ties):
    Sunday, 4:00-4:59
    Thursday, 6:00-6:59
    Monday, 6:00-6:59
    Friday, 5:00-5:59
    Friday, 2:00-2:59

    DECLARE @StartDateTime datetime = N’2008-08-01 00:00:0.000′;
    DECLARE @EndDateTime datetime = DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDateTime);

    DATEPART(HH, CreationDate) AS ‘Hour’,
    DATENAME(DW, CreationDate) AS ‘DayName’
    FROM dbo.Users
    WHERE CreationDate BETWEEN @StartDateTime AND @EndDateTime
    SELECT TOP 3 WITH TIES DayName, Hour, COUNT(CreationDate) AS ‘CreatedUsersCount’,
    DayName + ‘, ‘ + CAST(Hour AS VARCHAR) + ‘:00-‘ + CAST(Hour AS VARCHAR) + ‘:59’ AS ‘Formated’
    GROUP BY DayName, Hour
    ORDER BY COUNT(CreationDate);

    • You’re missing something. If within the 28 days you are considering on every Monday between 2:00-2:59 no accounts have been created (although unlikely) you’ll missing that combination from your results while that would be the best window as there is no activity then.

      • Bingo!

        • My dog ate that part 😀 So that was the tricky thing inside..
          Corrected, hope it’s fine now.

          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #Dates;
          CREATE TABLE #Dates ( [Date] VARCHAR(10), [hour] INT )

          DECLARE @startDate datetime = ‘2008-08-01 00:00:0.000’
          DECLARE @endDate datetime = DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDate)

          WHILE @startDate < @endDate
          INSERT INTO #Dates ([Date], [hour]) VALUES (CAST(@startDate AS date),DATEPART(HH,@startDate));
          SET @startDate = DATEADD(HOUR, 1, @startDate);

          — SOLUTION
          ;WITH CTE AS (
          ,CASE WHEN u.CreationDate IS NULL THEN 0 ELSE 1 END AS 'Existance'
          FROM #Dates d
          LEFT JOIN dbo.Users u
          ON d.Date = CAST(u.CreationDate AS date) AND d.hour = DATEPART(HH, u.creationdate)

          SELECT TOP 3 WITH TIES DATENAME(DW, Date) +', ' + CAST(Hour AS VARCHAR) + ':00-' + CAST(Hour AS VARCHAR) + ':59' AS 'Formated'
          FROM CTE
          GROUP BY DATENAME(DW, Date), hour
          ORDER BY SUM(Existance);

          DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #Dates;

  • Select top 3 DATEPART(DAY,CreationDate)d,DATEPART(HOUR,CreationDate)h,count(*)c
    from UsersCreated
    where CreationDate >=’12/1/2023′ and CreationDate <'12/28/2023'
    group by DATEPART(DAY,CreationDate),DATEPART(HOUR,CreationDate )
    order by 3

    • While your query is nice and short, you’re missing something.
      If within the 28 days you are considering on every Monday between 2:00-2:59 no accounts have been created (although unlikely) you’ll missing that combination from your results while that would be the best window as there is no activity then.

      • fair point it would have to be all mondays during that time. In a low utilization db could add some code to catch the zeros.

    • few errors above guess that is what i get for going quick lol
      same idea this should be a very simple query noting this isn’t something that will be run very often.
      Weekday here rather than day takes Day, then added some formatting for the time

      Select top 3 datename(weekday,GETDATE())d,cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar) +’:00-‘+cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar)+’:59’h,count(*)c
      from UsersCreated
      where CreationDate >=’12/1/2023? and CreationDate <'12/29/2023'
      group by datename(weekday,GETDATE()),cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar) +':00-'+cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar)+':59'
      order by 3

    • few errors above guess that is what i get for going quick lol
      same idea this should be a very simple query noting this isn’t something that will be run very often.
      Weekday here rather than day takes Day, then added some formatting for the time

      Select top 3 datename(weekday,GETDATE())d,cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar) +’:00-‘+cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar)+’:59’h,count(*)c
      from UsersCreated
      where CreationDate >=’12/1/2023? and CreationDate <'12/29/2023'
      group by datename(weekday,GETDATE()),cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar) +':00-'+cast(DATEPART(HOUR,getdate())as varchar)+':59'
      order by 3

  • USE StackOverflow2013

    ;WITH dates AS (
    SELECT DATEADD ( DAY, ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY weeks.n ) – 1, ‘2010-02-01’ ) AS date
    FROM ( VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4) ) weeks (n)
    CROSS JOIN ( VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) ) days (n)
    , hourly_windows AS (
    SELECT DATEADD ( HOUR, hours.n + am_pm_offset.i , d.date ) AS start_datetime
    , DATEADD ( HOUR, hours.n + am_pm_offset.i + 1, d.date ) AS end_datetime
    FROM dates d
    CROSS JOIN ( VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)) hours ( n )
    CROSS JOIN ( VALUES (0), (12)) am_pm_offset(i)
    SELECT TOP ( 3 ) FORMAT ( hw.start_datetime, ‘D’ , ‘en-US’ ) AS date_fmt
    , FORMAT ( hw.start_datetime, ‘HH:mm’, ‘en-US’ ) + ‘-‘
    + FORMAT ( DATEADD ( MINUTE, -1, hw.end_datetime ), ‘HH:mm’, ‘en-US’ ) AS time_range_24hr_fmt
    , ( SELECT COUNT ( 1 / 0 )
    FROM dbo.Users u
    WHERE u.CreationDate >= hw.start_datetime
    AND u.CreationDate < hw.end_datetime /* Can't use BETWEEN */
    ) AS activity
    FROM hourly_windows hw
    GROUP BY hw.start_datetime
    , hw.end_datetime
    ORDER BY activity ASC
    , hw.start_datetime ASC;

  • Just realized that the GROUP BY clause in the main query is no longer needed as I moved the aggregation into a subquery.

  • Third time’s the charm! Sorry, left out the most important requirement. Here’s the updated query:

    USE StackOverflow2013;

    ;WITH params AS (
    SELECT ‘2010-09-01’ AS four_weeks_starting_on
    , dates AS (
    SELECT DATEADD ( DAY, ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( ORDER BY weeks.n ) – 1, p.four_weeks_starting_on ) AS date
    FROM ( VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4) ) weeks (n)
    CROSS JOIN ( VALUES (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7) ) days (n)
    CROSS JOIN params p
    , hourly_windows AS (
    SELECT DATEADD ( HOUR, hours.n + am_pm_offset.i , d.date ) AS start_datetime
    , DATEADD ( HOUR, hours.n + am_pm_offset.i + 1, d.date ) AS end_datetime
    FROM dates d
    CROSS JOIN ( VALUES (0), (1), (2), (3), (4), (5), (6), (7), (8), (9), (10), (11)) hours ( n )
    CROSS JOIN ( VALUES (0), (12)) am_pm_offset(i)
    , hourly_activity AS (
    SELECT hw.start_datetime
    , hw.end_datetime
    , ( SELECT COUNT ( 1 / 0 )
    FROM dbo.Users u
    WHERE u.CreationDate >= hw.start_datetime
    AND u.CreationDate < hw.end_datetime /* Can't use BETWEEN */
    ) AS activity
    FROM hourly_windows hw
    SELECT TOP ( 3 ) p.four_weeks_starting_on
    , FORMAT ( ha.start_datetime, 'dddd', 'en-US' ) AS day_of_week
    , FORMAT ( ha.start_datetime, 'HH:mm', 'en-US' ) + '-'
    + FORMAT ( DATEADD ( MINUTE, -1, ha.end_datetime ), 'HH:mm', 'en-US' ) AS time_range_24hr_fmt
    , MAX ( ha.activity ) AS max_activity
    FROM hourly_activity ha
    CROSS JOIN params p
    GROUP BY p.four_weeks_starting_on
    , DATEPART ( WEEKDAY, ha.start_datetime )
    , FORMAT ( ha.start_datetime, 'dddd', 'en-US' )
    , FORMAT ( ha.start_datetime, 'HH:mm', 'en-US' ) + '-'
    + FORMAT ( DATEADD ( MINUTE, -1, ha.end_datetime ), 'HH:mm', 'en-US' )
    ORDER BY max_activity ASC
    , day_of_week
    , time_range_24hr_fmt;
    four_weeks_starting_on day_of_week time_range_24hr_fmt max_activity
    2010-09-01 Sunday 07:00-07:59 9
    2010-09-01 Saturday 23:00-23:59 10
    2010-09-01 Saturday 07:00-07:59 11

  • I’m sure Brent or others will point out something I missed, but this seems to perform reasonably well, should account for “missing” hours, and creates an output that exactly matches Brent’s example.

    /* using StackOverflow 2013 DB */
    /* check range of values, pick slice used in final query within range */
    SELECT MIN(CreationDate) AS MinDT, MAX(CreationDate) AS MaxDT FROM Users;

    create a lookup table that has the display text
    result output should look like: “Mondays, 1:00-1:59”
    don’t use DATENAME because Brent wants English/US day names (though we could use SET LANGUAGE)
    IF we did use DATENAME, be sure to append “, ” to match Brent’s desired output text
    CREATE TABLE #dt(Wkdy tinyint, Hr tinyint, DayHourText varchar(30) );
    DECLARE @wd tinyint = 1, @hr tinyint = 0
    WHILE @wd <= 7
    WHILE @hr = ‘2013-04-01 00:00’ AND u.CreationDate < '2013-04-29 00:00' /* April Fool's day to clock tick BEFORE 29th day after */
    GROUP BY d.DayHourText
    ORDER BY UserCreations ASC;
    /* 94% of work is Clustered Index Scan on Users table; it does use push-down predicate on CreationDate range */

    DROP TABLE #dt;

    • Well, that post got chopped. Let’s try this in a couple steps. Part 1 of 2 (hopefully).
      /* using StackOverflow 2013 DB */
      /* check range of values, pick slice used in final query within range */
      SELECT MIN(CreationDate) AS MinDT, MAX(CreationDate) AS MaxDT FROM Users;

      /* create a lookup table that has the display text
      result output should look like: “Mondays, 1:00-1:59”
      don’t use DATENAME because Brent wants English/US day names (though we could use SET LANGUAGE)
      IF we did use DATENAME, be sure to append “, ” to match Brent’s desired output text
      CREATE TABLE #dt(Wkdy tinyint, Hr tinyint, DayHourText varchar(30) );
      DECLARE @wd tinyint = 1, @hr tinyint = 0
      WHILE @wd <= 7
      WHILE @hr <= 23
      INSERT INTO #dt(Wkdy, Hr, DayHourText)
      VALUES(@wd, @hr,
      WHEN @wd = 1 THEN 'Sundays, '
      WHEN @wd = 2 THEN 'Mondays, '
      WHEN @wd = 3 THEN 'Tuesdays, '
      WHEN @wd = 4 THEN 'Wednesdays, '
      WHEN @wd = 5 THEN 'Thursdays, '
      WHEN @wd = 6 THEN 'Fridays, '
      WHEN @wd = 7 THEN 'Saturdays, '
      END + CONVERT(varchar(30), @hr) + ':00-' + CONVERT(varchar(30), @hr) + ':59'
      SET @hr = @hr + 1;
      SET @hr = 0;
      SET @wd = @wd + 1;

    • And part 2 of 2.
      /* SELECT @@DATEFIRST */
      SET DATEFIRST 7; /* I don’t care if Payroll thinks the week starts on Fridays */
      Get first 3; if there are ties, one’s as good as the other
      Not dealing with time zones (e.g., if CreationDate is UTC rather than local, result will be UTC hours
      DO NOT make an index on CreationDate for one-time query
      Users.CreationDate is datetime so no string interpretation issues in DATEPART
      Users.Id is PK – COUNT that; COUNT(*) returns 1 instead of 0 for OJ non-matched values
      SELECT TOP 3 d.DayHourText, COUNT(u.Id) AS UserCreations
      FROM #dt AS d LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Users u
      ON d.Wkdy = DATEPART(weekday,u.CreationDate) AND d.Hr = DATEPART(hour,u.CreationDate)
      AND u.CreationDate >= ‘2013-04-01 00:00’ AND u.CreationDate < '2013-04-29 00:00' /* April Fool's day to clock tick BEFORE 29th day after */
      GROUP BY d.DayHourText
      ORDER BY UserCreations ASC;

  • Carlos Benito
    January 19, 2024 8:43 pm

    ( SWeekDay TINYINT
    , SHour TINYINT )

    — Populate Slot Table
    INSERT @Slots
    SELECT w.value, h.value
    ON 1 = 1

    WeekDay = CASE s.SWeekDay
    WHEN 1 THEN ‘Sunday’
    WHEN 2 THEN ‘Monday’
    WHEN 3 THEN ‘Tuesday’
    WHEN 4 THEN ‘Wednesday’
    WHEN 5 THEN ‘Thrusday’
    WHEN 6 THEN ‘Friday’
    WHEN 7 THEN ‘Saturday’
    , Hour = CONCAT(S.SHour, ‘:00 – ‘, s.SHour, ‘:59′)
    , Activity = COUNT(*)
    FROM @Slots
    JOIN ( SELECT wd = DATEPART(dw, CreationDate)
    , h = DATEPART(hh, CreationDate)
    FROM dbo.Users
    WHERE CreationDate BETWEEN N’2013-11-01 00:00:00.000′ AND DATEADD(DAY, 28, N’2013-11-01 00:00:00.000’)
    ) u
    ON u.wd = s.SWeekDay
    AND u.h = s.SHour
    GROUP BY s.SWeekDay
    , s.SHour
    , s.SWeekDay
    , s.SHour

    • OK, cool. Now, if anyone in the world runs this, will it return the same result? (Hint: is 1 always Sunday?)

      • Any where in the world and language:

        SET LANGUAGE German
        DECLARE @StartDate DATE = ‘2013-11-01’

        SELECT TOP 3
        DayOfTheWeek = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, MIN(u.CreationDate))
        , Hour = CONCAT(S.SHour, ‘:00 – ‘, s.SHour, ‘:59’)
        , Activity = COUNT(*)
        FROM ( SELECT SWeekDay = w.value, SHour = h.value
        FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1, 7) w
        JOIN GENERATE_SERIES(0, 23) h
        ON 1 = 1
        ) s
        JOIN ( SELECT wd = DATEPART(dw, CreationDate)
        , h = DATEPART(hh, CreationDate)
        , CreationDate
        FROM dbo.Users
        WHERE CreationDate BETWEEN @StartDate AND DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDate)
        ) u
        ON u.wd = s.SWeekDay
        AND u.h = s.SHour
        GROUP BY s.SWeekDay
        , s.SHour
        ORDER BY COUNT(*)
        , s.SWeekDay
        , s.SHour

        • Nicely done! Great work.

          • Working when there is no activity on any hour.

          • Carlos Benito
            January 22, 2024 3:01 pm

            SET LANGUAGE German
            DECLARE @StartDate DATETIME = ‘Nov 01, 2013’

            SELECT TOP 3
            DayOfTheWeek = MIN(s.Sdate)
            , Hour = CONCAT(S.SHour, ‘:00 – ‘, s.SHour, ‘:59’)
            , Activity = COUNT(CreationDate)
            FROM ( SELECT SWeekDay = DATEPART(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(DAY, w.value – 1, ‘1900-01-01’)) — 1900-01-01 is Monday
            , Sdate = DATENAME(WEEKDAY, DATEADD(DAY, w.value – 1, ‘1900-01-01’) )
            , SHour = h.value
            FROM GENERATE_SERIES(1, 7) w
            JOIN GENERATE_SERIES(0, 23) h
            ON 1 = 1
            ) s
            JOIN ( SELECT wd = DATEPART(dw, CreationDate)
            , h = DATEPART(hh, CreationDate)
            , CreationDate
            FROM dbo.Users
            WHERE CreationDate >= @StartDate AND CreationDate < DATEADD(DAY, 28, @StartDate)
            –AND NOT (DATEPART(dw, CreationDate) = 5 and DATEPART(hh, CreationDate) = 5) — To Test Day/Hour without Activity
            ) u
            ON u.wd = s.SWeekDay
            AND u.h = s.SHour
            GROUP BY s.SWeekDay
            , s.SHour
            ORDER BY COUNT(*)
            , s.SWeekDay
            , s.SHour

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