SQLServerCentral Article

PASS 2008 Summit Sessions


You can now see the sessions and authors that will be presented at the 2008 PASS Community Summit in November 2008. The Summit is a great conference for SQL Server professionals that focuses on topics and tracks that apply to DBAs and database developers. The sessions are:

Keynotes - Ted Kummert, Tom Casey, and David DeWitt

Spotlight Sessions - Recognized experts like Paul Randal, Itzak Ben-Gan and Kalen Delaney have a number of very popular sesions for you to choose from in various tracks.

Program Sessions - Most of these are presented by DBAs and developers just like you that work in the real world.

You can register today for the Summit, and if you do so before June 30, the cost is only $1395, as opposed to the on-site rate of $2195. It's also $1595 before Aug 30. Let your boss know those discounts cover a good portion of the travel expenses, so get registered today.

If you use SSC6 as the discount code when you register, SQLServerCentral.com gets credit for the referral and you get $100 off. This is the same discount you'll get from user groups and many other sources, so we hope you'll choose us.

As an added incentive, on Tuesday night SQLServerCentral.com hosts a party after the opening reception. You'll get an invite if you used the SSC6 code and get to come enjoy our hosted casino party and win some great prizes. It's a great time and I'm sure you'll have fun.

So remember,


is the code to use!

If you have already registered, SQLServerCentral.com will sell tickets to the party for $30 apiece. you can bring cash or send US$30 to sjones at sqlservercentral.com using Paypal and you'll be added to the list of guests and set for our party. I'll also send a confirmation once I receive payment.


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