Learn Python Complex Built-in Data Types including List, Tuple, Range, Dictionary and Set

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In the previous tutorial of the Python programming series, we examined the built-in and commonly used Python data types, such as integer, float, string, Boolean, binary and datetime. There is more to the built-in data types – we have not discussed the "complex" ones, which are the basic data structures of Python.


In this Python tutorial we present the complex built-in data types in Python. They play a core role in any script, program, data science or data analysis scenario as they allow you to model and store different types of data in different ways. The data types are grouped by their inherent type: sequence, mapping and set. This tutorial will explain each data type by its category and mention applications and common operations. Let's go.


The sequence data structures are 3: list, tuple, and range.


The Python list is a ubiquitous data structure which is used to store an indexed, ordered, and non-unique sequence of elements. As such a structure it largely resembles arrays in other programming languages. To instantiate a list, you need to encompass zero, one or more values with square brackets, e.g.:

instantiate python list

Lists can vary in length, are mutable and can contain heterogeneous elements (i.e. of different data types).


Use the list to store any type of data in a convenient, accessible, and trackable way. For particularly large lists, the numpy array data type may be more efficient and faster. The maximum size of a list on a 64bit computer system is 9223372036854775807, which is 2**63 – 1.

Common operations

Operation Description Example Syntax
[] New empty list instantiate python list
my_list = [1,2,3] New list with three elements instantiate python list 2
my_list = [1,2,[3,4]] New list with a nested list nested list
my_list[i] Index. First element is always at index 0. list index
my_list[i][j] Index of index index of index
my_list[i:j] Slice of list list slice
len(my_list) List length length of a list
my_list1 + my_list2 List concatenation List concatenation
My_list * 2 List repeat List repeat
for x in my_list: print(x) List iteration List iteration
x in my_list Membership test list membership test
my_list.append(5) Add an element append to list
my_list.extend([6,7,8]) Extend a list with elements from another iterable extend a list
my_list.insert(index, element) Insert a new element insert new element in a list
my_list.index(element) Find the position (index) of an element. Returns error if element not found. find the index of an element
my_list.count(element) Counts the occurrences of an element Count the occurrences of an element
my_list.sort() Sorts the list in-place sort the list in-place
my_list.reverse() Reverses the list Reverse  the list
del my_list[k] Deletes the element at index k delete the element at index k
del my_list[i:j] Deletes the elements between indices i (inclusive) and j (non-inclusive) delete the elements between indices i (inclusive) and j (non-inclusive)
my_list.pop() Removes and returns the last element of a list Remove and return the last element of a list
my_list.remove(element) Removes the first occurrence of the element Remove the first occurrence of the element
my_list[i:j] = [] Slice assignment Slice assignment
my_list[i] = 1 Index assignment Index assignment


A tuple is another sequence data type used to store an indexed, ordered, and non-unique sequence of elements. It is instantiated by encompassing zero, one or two or more values with parenthesis:

instantiate tuple

The tuple is an immutable type of sequence, like the string type and unlike the list data type. This means that individual elements of the tuple cannot be changed, but the values inside them can. So, a tuple can contain as an element a list:

nested list in a tuple

Tuples can also contain heterogeneous elements.


Use the tuple in scenarios when you want your sequence to stay the same. The members of the tuple can neither be changed or removed. To give you a reference, in Python libraries dealing with database integration result sets are usually returned as tuples.

Common operations

Tuples implement all the common sequence operation, which are listed here. Here's a quick overview:

Operation Description Example Syntax
() New empty tuple new tuple
my_tuple = (1,) One-item tuple One-item tuple
my_tuple = (1,2,3) Three-item tuple, can also be declared without brackets Three-item tuple, can also be declared without brackets
my_tuple = tuple('MSSQL') Creates a tuple out of an iterable Create a tuple out of an iterable
my_tuple[i] Index tuple index
my_tuple[i][j] Index of index tuple index of index
my_tuple[i:j] Slice of tuple. If last index is not supplied, everything up to the end of the tuple is returned. slice of tuple. If the last index is not supplied, everything up to the end of the tuple is returned.
len(my_tuple) Tuple length tuple length
my_tuple1 + my_tuple2 Concatenation tuple concatenation
my_tuple * 3 Tuple repeat tuple repeat
x in my_tuple Membership check membership check
For x in my_tuple: print(x) Iteration tuple iteration


The range() function is an iterator which we use to generate items on demand. Generally, there are three ways to make the range function work for you:

One argument: will return a list of integers non-inclusive of the argument's value:

new range with one argument

Two arguments: the first argument becomes a lower bound, while the second an upper bound:

new range with two arguments

Three arguments: in addition to the upper and lower bounds, the third argument serves as a step

new range with three arguments


As you can see from the screenshots above, to display the actual generated values, I need to wrap my range in a list. The range is an iterable object and we can go over each of its elements (e.g. in a for loop) but we can't access all elements at once. Therefore, wrapping the range in a list or a tuple allows us to peek inside it. So, use the range function to define a finite sequence which you can use in a for loop:

iterate over a range

A typical use for the range function is when you want to manipulate a list:

range function to go over list elements

The above code creates an iterator with the range function over the length of the given list. We can then access every element by its index and perform the operation needed.

Common methods

The range function does not implement specific methods of its own.



A dictionary is a mapping data type - an unordered and mutable collection of key-value pairs. Dictionaries can contain heterogeneous data types too.


A dictionary is handy when you want to map a key (which must be immutable) to a value (which can change). A simple example for that is storing phone number data:

instantiate new dictionary

The key is a name, which is of type string, i.e., immutable. The value is an integer, accessed by the corresponding key. The example can be expanded by nesting a dictionary for each name – this way we can store more data for a single person:

nested dictionary

The nested dictionary contains the keys phone, address, and years of experience. With the first key we can access the nested dictionary:

access nested dictionary

Putting keys one after the other (called chaining) we access the value from the nested dictionary:

access a value from the nested dictionary

There is no limit to how many nested dictionaries we can have but it should be kept manageable according to the program or script's purpose.

Common methods

Operation Description Example Syntax
{} New empty dictionary new dictionary
my_dict = {'country':'USA', 'population':329500000} Two-item dictionary new two-item dictionary
my_nested_dict = {1:{'name':'USA', 'population':329500000}} Nested dictionary new nested dictionary
my_dict = dict(country='USA', code=1) Creates a dictionary with the dict keyword create a dictionary with the dict keyword
my_dict = dict(zip(keys, values)) Zipped pair wrapped with dict Zipped pair wrapped with dict
my_dict = dict.fromkeys(['key1','key2']) New dictionary from a list of keys New dictionary from a list of keys
'my_key' in my_dict Membership test Membership test
my_dict.keys() Keys list keys
my_dict.values() Values list values
my_dict.items() Keys and values list keys and values
my_dict.copy() Copies the dictionary copy the dictionary
my_dict.get(key, default) Gets the specified key as an argument or returns a default value get the specified key as an argument or return a default value
my_dict.update(another_dict) Updates the original dictionary Update the original dictionary
my_dict.pop(key) Removes the key and returns the value remove the key and return the value
len(my_dict) Returns the length in number of keys return the length of a dictionary in number of keys
my_dict[key] = value Changes the value of a key change the value of a key


Under this category there is also just one data type, the set.


This type is an unordered collection of unique elements. The set supports a variety of operations that relate to mathematical set theory which find an application in database-related work.


You can use a set to create a collection of unique elements and to guarantee element uniqueness during the collection's lifetime in memory. Elements can be added to the set freely only if they are immutable: lists and dictionaries cannot be members of a set, but tuples and strings can. The inherent and most practical way to take advantage of a set is to create a unique collection out of a non-unique collection, for example cast a list to a set thereby obtaining only its unique elements:

convert a list to a set

Common methods

Operation Description Example Syntax
set() New empty set instantiate new empty set
set([1,2,3]) New empty set with the set function instantiate new set
a.add(x) Add element x to the set a Add element x to the set a
a.clear() Reset the set a to an empty state, discarding all its elements Reset the set a to an empty state, discarding all its elements
a.remove(x) Remove element x from the set a. Returns an error if element not present Remove element x from the set a. Returns an error if element not present
a.pop() Removes an arbitrary element from the set a, raising KeyError if the set is empty Remove an arbitrary element from the set a, raising KeyError if the set is empty
a.union(b) All the unique elements in a and b All the unique elements in a and b
a.intersection(b) All the elements in both a and b All the elements in both a and b
a.update(b) Set the contents of a to be the union of the elements in a and b Set the contents of a to be the union of the elements in a and b
a.intersection_update(b) Sets the contents of a to be the intersection of the elements in a and b Sets the contents of a to be the intersection of the elements in a and b
a.difference(b) Returns the elements in a that are not in b return the elements in a that are not in b
a.difference_update(b) Sets a to the elements in a that are not in b Sets a to the elements in a that are not in b
a.symmetric_difference(b) All the elements in either a or b but not both python complex built in data types
a.symmetric_difference_update(b) Set a to contain the elements in either a or b but not both python complex built in data types
a.issubset(b) True if the elements of a are all contained in b return true if the elements of a are all contained in b
a.issuperset(b) Returns True if the elements of b are all contained in a Return True if the elements of b are all contained in a
a.isdisjoint(b) Returns True if a and b have no elements in common Return True if a and b have no elements in common

We should also mention the frozensetsubtype here. As we said a set can contain only immutable datatypes. What if you wanted to nest a set inside another set? The set is mutable so that would not be possible:

frozenset subtype

You get an "unhashable type" error which means the same: you are trying to add a mutable element to a collection that can contain only immutable ones. For that purpose, you have the frozenset:

frozenset subtype

This command succeeds as the frozenset is an immutable type.

Congrats if you made it to the end of this tutorial! You now have a complete overview of the complex built-in data types in Python. Stay tuned for the next tips that will take you deeper into the snake's pit.


This tip uses information from:

  • "Learning Python" 4th edition, by Mark Lutz, published by O'Reilly 2009, chapters 5, 8, 9, 13.
  • "Python for Data Analysis" 2nd edition by Wes McKinney, published by O'Reilly 2018, chapter 3.
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About the author
MSSQLTips author Hristo Hristov Hristo Hristov is a Data Scientist and Power Platform engineer with more than 12 years of experience. Between 2009 and 2016 he was a web engineering consultant working on projects for local and international clients. Since 2017, he has been working for Atlas Copco Airpower in Flanders, Belgium where he has tackled successfully multiple end-to-end digital transformation challenges. His focus is delivering advanced solutions in the analytics domain with predominantly Azure cloud technologies and Python. Hristo's real passion is predictive analytics and statistical analysis. He holds a masters degree in Data Science and multiple Microsoft certifications covering SQL Server, Power BI, Azure Data Factory and related technologies.

This author pledges the content of this article is based on professional experience and not AI generated.

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Article Last Updated: 2022-02-03

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